"Take it, what time is it?" "The future is coming on, it's coming on, it's coming on, it's coming on, it's coming on, it's coming on, it's coming on, it's coming on, it's coming on." And here we are coming on from three different locations around the planet right now, myself at our home studio in Boulder Creek, that's Al Londell, AKA Doctor Future, and Bobby Wilder, our science correspondent in San Francisco. Hey, Bob, welcome to the show. "I'm glad to be here." "Yeah, good to have you." And Mrs. Future, AKA Sun, Mary, and Macnamy, Londell, all the way live from Marystown, Ireland. "Nope, not quite Bettystown, Ireland." "Marystown, Mary Betty." Sorry. "Home of Betty's burgers?" "I'm Bettystown burgers." "Bettystown, yeah." "Anyway, yeah, halfway across the world I spent the Equinox and soon I'll be home." "Yeah." "Don't they have some kind of megalithic structure there where the Equinox shows there's a point of light going through rocks at a certain time a day and you can see the Equinox visually through the sun?" Well, you can only guess and speculate and in fact there is one of the great megalithic structures here is called noith, K-N-O-W-T-H, noith. And it is a neighbor of New Grange. They're visually within sight of each other, although it's a bit of a hike, a few kilometers to get from one to the other. And in noith, the chamber that goes under the famous mound, which is just huge, I think it's the biggest one that they've discovered in the world, is positioned so that it is oriented towards east and west and there's an eastern entrance and there's a western entrance. And so you would think that on the spring and fall equinoxes when the sun rise is equinoxed, purple, and sunset is equal that at noon on that day it would cast a shadow. Right, right, yeah, big shadow. East and west, right? Yeah. And weather permitting, of course. They were looking to say that such a phenomenon could occur, but this year it was cloudy. And so all they saw was two or three days ahead of time, there is a miner, there's a tall stone that's at the entrance, the west and the east both have their own. And the shadow, something like a sundial, would be cast towards the entrance. But this year it didn't happen. You were there though, that's the important thing. That's right, that's right. I was here for the spirit of the thing itself, this ancient holiday. And you know, it's very interesting to think about the fact that just 5,000 years ago, people very much like ourselves except without our culture and without our media, without our technology. But with our basic intelligence lived here as cavemen and women. Cave people, they were in Ireland. Yeah, they created dwellings under the ground. For ceremonial burial structures underground and lived in these very earthy villages. It's very humbling to be here and be crushed to these old artifacts. Yeah, well your history right before your very eyes. Yeah. Unlike us where we depend on what Google just told us. Right. For them it was a big deal to carve spirals in a stone basically to tell the grandkids how mysterious it was that time circled around the planet and the cycles of the season came around every year in spring and summer and fall and winter. If you could talk through time back to these ancestors of yours, what would you tell them? What would I tell the ancestors of that? Yeah, anything. A thousand years ago? Yeah. Well, I think I'd tell them to just stay tuned. Everything keeps getting better. Yeah, just say get the faith. You'll get through those cold winters. You'll figure out food. Life is a blessing. Life is a mystery and we keep getting better at solving our problems and then we find new problems we haven't solved yet. Yeah, it's an infinite universe. There's no end to it. Keep going. If you want to do others, make friends. That's right. Make friends, have a good attitude, try and be helpful. More power in groups. Yeah, well, we do tend to go for groups. But embrace the nation's state. Embrace the nation's state. We're just getting a little belligerent and start harming each other. Yeah. So be aware of the power of groups unless they're peaceful. Yeah. How they organize democracy comes along later on. You tell them about that maybe as you watch how they solve their tribal issues. Yeah. Emotional literacy passed on to the Cape Man. It'd be interesting. [laughter] Certain about can be done because they're figuring out how to emotionally teach children. So the ancestors to 10,000 years ago got to be at least on the level of our kids in terms of their understanding. Right? And you know, I think that they were very adept and smart in ways that we can't even fully appreciate anymore. And we don't really know. That's true. We just speculate about our origins. But I'm thinking that a lot of folks have wondered whether or not that we ended up fighting the Neanderthals or we interbred with them. It seems to be the latter case and the scientific evidence suggests that. Well, that's what some of the gene charts say. They've got a percentage of Neanderthal and a percentage of humans. And it also appears that the similar fate for humans with aliens. And you know, we have a report later on in the show where we talk about what an eclipse from Danny Sheehan's presentation on this topic. She'll be very interested. I'm looking forward to that. Yeah. The latest that he's discovered about the human alien connection and some of the secrets that have been held from us and others that need to be revealed and how we're going to do that. So that's very interesting. I have a 13 minute clip from his amazing presentation last Saturday night at a Santa Cruz event that he was sponsoring. It was truly an intergalactic gathering. And that's what they called it. Intergalactic. Yeah, intergalactic. Welcome back to Santa Cruz. Yeah. Nice. Well, it's kind of funny because, you know, Gabby had called one of our threads to the intergalactic emissaries like six months ago, at least. Oh, it's been very popular. Yes, it's a real pop and meeting space. Not a brand new term, but it does suggest things like they're already here. More on that later. Anything else to report from Ireland that do you think we should know about? Well, it's not really typical for this show, but I did find myself being inspired by the unusually sunny weather today and the blue, blue skies that seem like they're so rare anymore. Mostly the skies seem like they're all checkerboard with chemical trails and things like that. And I wonder if you want to hear me read a little bit. This is sort of unrehearsed, but I did feel a little inspired and I think it gives you a flavor of where I am in Betty's town. Yeah, got a moment for it. Yeah. I will stop me if it seems like it's taking too long. Okay, just a big good orator. And you remember this is, you know, brings a feeling into it because a moment of pause and the little look back that I was doing as I was journaling about my trip before going forward with more of the memories. First, if he at this very lovely, pleasant present moment from a sunny day at the beach in Betty's town, as usual, the weather report was 100% off saying that equinox two days ago would look sunny and that today would be rain. In fact, it was just the opposite. I think the clouds and the secret fondness that they have for me is just like the ocean always opened for a little ironic humor, a nod and a wink at my magical child who is always loved and is always seen by those great angels of nature, those clouds. You are loved comes the message in so many scripts and luckily I still speak in that original language, that nature. These vast blue skies are empty of the cobwebs of chemical sprays polluting more familiar spots. No, chemtrails? No. As I look up and just like I remember, there are big puffy bright white light gray floating creatures wafting in their own clear blue ocean of space above the horizon. One playful cloud morphs from a dog to a dragon while others look on like stately parents watching with a more calm and wafting patience. They are thick enough to cast shadows which could be mistaken for possible rain. A tiny airplane jetting by resembles a kite adrift for a moment until it disappears completely along with its tailing ribbons. So there you go. Oh, thank you. A little moment from staring at the blue blue sky. Yeah. Wow. Very nice. Well, you know, mine's made of one of your original poems. Oh, it does. Yeah, the puffy. Oh, oh, yes. About dissolving into cumulus nimbus. Yeah, the incubus succubus? No, no, that's not it. I think it's called optimus. Oh, that's it. Optumus, optimus. Right. Right. Sorry. Give us a couple of lines of that just to tune our audiences to how far you've come in your study of clouds. Well, okay. Let's see. Optumus, deptumus. This is my original and go to poem because I wrote it when I was probably a teenager. And I just love the way it comes across. I do too. I think it's great. All right. Well, optimus, deptumus. A gust of wind that I sucked in lifted me once, cloudward bound. And as I stood on Dremish Puffin, looking feetward, what I found was slightly coolish, lightly molten height. I couldn't put footprints in sponge like I felt currents flowing rustle wet, my fuzzy skin dissolving into cumulus nimbus, changeling gray and cloudy clean, earthling armor into ether. Fitting skin for silver lining. Optumus, up to mist. Oh, thank you. Thank you. It's beautiful. That fits right in. It's a nice bookend. You can tell I've been a cloud lover for a long time. Oh, yes. Some people read tea leaves. You read clouds. Oh, I just listened. They speak. Yeah. Yeah. There's that. Thank you. And you're jumping on the plane tomorrow. It's tomorrow afternoon where I pick you up. So I hear Bob goes well, goes well. There's a hurricane in Florida. Many things are afoot, but that's the plan. Eleven hours in the plane, right? Yeah, something like that. Yeah, I'll see. It's direct. Yeah. It's a direct to San Francisco. SFO, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, very good. If you feel like adding anything more to the show as we go on, we're going to start covering a bunch of topics here. Okay. You're welcome to or you can. I will. I'll just joke book handy if I see anything pertinent to all of me. Yeah. If there's anything that's really relevant to our show that you think you have to say you're our co-host. So by all means, bring in the jokes or stories. Okay. Yeah. All right. If I find anything pertinent. Yeah. Oh, one thing I thought was interesting was how the beaches there have some similarity to like Apto speech in terms of being wide and long and deep and the water is probably equally as cold as it is here on the Pacific. But the beaches there seem to be even bigger and they disappear at high tide because the sea level, they're so low from sea level that the beaches go away at high time, more so than here. Yeah. Yeah. The difference between high tide and low tide is several hundred yards, unlike Aptos where it's maybe 100 yards. It's at least four or five times the distance. Yeah. Almost in terms of how much it changes. Wow. Yeah. It's really, really striking and really beautiful. Did I mention that here in Bettystown, they're famous for doing an annual horse race on the beach? Real horses? Real horses. Yeah. It's a very famous Bettystown horse race. And a real race. September. Mm hmm. Yeah. I can imagine that on Aptos beach. That would be fun. Well, I guess the horses are good at handling that kind of terrain. Like sand seems to be a lot of people. Oh yeah. I mean, it's five kilometers of just straight, flat sand. So it's more solid than the sand here. I guess when it's low tide. There's a lot of shells in the sand here. There's a lot of scallop shells. Really? And different kinds, but mostly scallops, yeah. Unbroken ones? Many. Yeah, there are many unbroken ones. Well, that's great. Wow. Horse race on the beach. I like that. All right. So Bobby, let's go over to you for a moment. Thank you, Mrs. Future. We'll see you tomorrow. And we'll hear from you later today as you find a good Irish joke for us. I would like to hear one. So far I haven't found any that fit. Yeah. Okay. So I'm thinking of going to a commercial break for a moment. They'll come back and we'll talk about some of this week's stories. Time to eat. Chef Ben here from the back nine grilling bar with the easiest place to get to in Santa Cruz County right off the Pasadena Poexit inviting you to join us Monday through the Thursday for nightly specials like Meatloaf Monday or Taco Tuesday made in house Court on Blue Wednesday, burger and a beer special Thursday nights and happy hour all week long with your favorite libations and great appetizers. The back nine is the restaurant for every occasion. Looking forward to seeing you at the nine. Dear friends, would fit livestock, chain lead, vinyl, iron fence, cypress coast fence, cypress coast fence. I'm Kevin Donovan, the owner of cypress coast fence, Monterey Bay areas premier fence company. And I'm Katie Donovan, Kevin sister. I'm one of the project coordinators. I'll help you choose the best fence for your needs and I'll be with you for every step of the project. 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Well Bobby, I've got some links from you that I put into the lineup today including a little bit on brainlight therapy secrets. Yes. It was one of the main ones. It was an interview with a Dr. Beck, an American scientist living in Australia. Yes. It's like you were taken by his work. Now you've been a fan of light therapy for some time. Biophotonics? Yeah, photo biomodulation. It's the new term. Yes, it used to be low level lasers therapy, low level light therapy, infrared therapy. All that now is called photo modulation right now. So where does it stand as a treatment modality at this point? Well Dr. Beck, he started out as a chiropractor, he studied in college of physical biology. And then later he got his PhD. It was either at Harvard or someplace, more in neurology. It was dabbling with immunology and different things. But then he got into, he started using TDCs, Transcranial Direct Current. Back then it was the Wild West. Transcranial Current. Yes. He started a report on a radio lab called NineVolt Nirvana. That's correct. That's correct. Yeah, there's like five years ago, something like that. Yeah. And he was explaining, he was doing that back then at that time too, and this Dr. Beck. And he realized that, well, in order to get statistical evidence of what's happening, they would use these montages. They were exact placements in the head where you put the current, either positive or negative. And there were something like 30 spots. And you had this helmet that you could put them in these exact positions. Yeah. And the one that I was, I'd used and Mihai had used was this DARPA position, which was off the frontal lobe, off to the left. And if you supplied NineVolt to it, it had a certain kind of effect. It just kind of caused you to focus really well. And if you looked at, let's say a YouTube video or a music video, it was like you were in the movie. More immersive. Yeah, it's interesting. It must have been like the early days of figuring out pharmacology when different substances did different effects on the mind or body. And they were figuring it out through trial and error. Right. And it seems like there was a big trial and error period with biophotonic treatments. Now, is it a point where light is being combined with electricity? Is it a combination of electricity and light that is? Well, what happened was he was doing the electrical stimulus, the NineVolt DC. And then he goes to these gatherings of different researchers and some came from Harvard and they said they introduced them to lasers. Okay. So I think I believe it's the Thor laser company actually came to him afterwards. But then he, you know, he was thinking, oh, you know, lasers. I know this DC stuff, but you know, these lasers, can you take a laser and can it go through the skull? And it turns out if you have laser as opposed to LED, it actually penetrates further just because it's a coherent light. So instead of a couple centimeters through the skull, it can go like 4.5. Oh, that's pretty significant. You're going to go deep brain stimulation. And if they wanted to, if it's strong enough laser and it's the right long wavelength, the right frequency, it can actually go through the body completely, not that much, but it can. And the sweet spot seems to be what happens is hemoglobin and oxygenized hemoglobin will absorb visible light. And it gets down to about 660 nanometers. And that's the wavelength. Does that give them more energy? Hemoglobin, is it charged it up in some way by absorbing more light? I mean, what does it do to the hemoglobin? We'll get to that. But what we're trying to do is give energy to the mitochondria. I say so. It gives it energy to the mitochondria. Yes. Directly to the mitochondria. So the problem is hemoglobin will absorb the energy of the light frequencies that you see with your eyes. And then as you get to the infrared, as you get to the deep red, then it goes through the skin, it goes through your clothing. Like when you stand in front of a fire, you can feel it go through your clothes, right? The heat. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So you just kind of imagine that there's this infrared that's not heat, but it is going through your body. Kind of traits without a conscious feeling associated with it. Yeah. And then as the wavelength gets longer, it's a lower frequency. As wavelength gets longer at about 1060, then what happens is the water molecules start absorbing this energy. And as you get to those longer wavelengths and the longer frequency, you're getting close to microwave frequency, 2.4 gigahertz. Okay? So that's why those frequencies get absorbed and the water starts shaking and it absorbs that energy. And so it doesn't go through your body. That's how microwaves work, right? Yes. So when you stand in front of a microwave, it's going to hit the water in your body and start shaking it. And it won't penetrate that much further because it's going to hit the water molecules and it's going to stop it. Just jiggle the molecules. So there's a sweet spot in there between like 660 and 1060 nanometers that this energy can go right through your body, but the most important thing is it can add, because cytochrome C, which is part of the ATP cycle, the Krebs cycle, the Krebs cycle, it will actually absorb these frequencies between 660 and 1060. And so you can actually activate the ATP and you can increase ATP by 40% and if it's directed. So Dr. Beck, what he was realizing is, okay, what we can do, what he figured out and it's a new field, what they do first is they take this four laser and they find different spots of the brain and they light it up so that the mitochondria has energy. The mitochondria is generating energy for those neurons and those cells around there and then they're just waiting to do something. And then he takes the PDCS and he directs the energy of the electrons to move in one direction or another and he can change the state of people's feelings, the amount of serotonin, different neurological effects that can happen. So the reason why he was interviewed by Alex Fergus, Alex Fergus, he's been known to test all the infrared panels, I always go to him to find out what's the best panel to buy myself. Yeah, that's just saying he's really into infrared and the panel. But he's not a researcher or scientist, he's just an average person with a lot of panels, okay? Yeah. But his son has epilepsy. So he was told to go see this Dr. Ferguson and then he's like blown away that this guy has taken photobiomodulation to a completely different level. So that can actually direct to different parts of the brain and it's healed his son and caused his son, who's only four years old, not to go, he would get like 45 seizures a month, okay? And he's down to like only a couple seizures a month. He doesn't have to take medication because previously when children have epilepsy, they're all doped up and they're not there because they're trying to calm down the epilepsy, right? Yeah. And so the pharmacology isn't the best approach at this point or by itself, it's not. Dr. Beck has discovered a way without using drugs and actually pinpointing the exact point in the brain. Oh, the other thing I left out was he was also into EEGs, electroencephalograms. And back in the day, yeah, you have these EEGs hooked up to your brain and you see all these waves going. But back then they said, well, we can detect when you have an epileptic seizure because all of a sudden these waves are just like really excited. But can you predict one about to happen? They couldn't. Not that. Yeah. And then they came along with this transfer waveform and they could analyze the wave because it would just look like a bunch of noise to most people 20, 30 years ago, right? And now with the advent of computers and this transfer wave diagnosis, you can actually figure out a lot more about these electro synapses that are firing off. Yeah. And it happens, it's a chemical electrochemical reaction between the synapses. And the synapses don't touch each other, but in between it's the chemical electrons of ions and electrons that are moving between those two synapse points. And that's what you're detecting with EEG. And so with those three tools, they fine tuned it to do different things. And the main point he was saying during the middle of the video was that you have to be very careful with a TDCs or any of these devices. They're active, they're biologically active, much like a pharmaceutical, right? That's right. Yeah. Because he says there are casualties out there. Like he has treated people that were schizophrenic from doing TDCs. It was a woman that just bought one of these online and just started doing this and then she became schizophrenic. And so he has to treat there to bring her back because with using lasers on top of the TDCs, because the TDCs is kind of like broad approach to the half of the brain. It will shift a lot of ions from one half of the brain to the other while his technique is very specific points in the brain using lasers in combination with EEG and the thing. So he's warning people, don't experiment out there because you can do your psychological life. You couldn't hurt yourself. Yes. You should know what's going on with this. And that's part of the issue though also because it is readily available technology that anyone could have unlike pharmaceuticals which are regulated. Yeah, yeah. I bought my TDCs device and it was only like, it was less than $200, you know. And yeah, it had an effect but once it made me feel so sad that I just put it away. I just put it away because it put in this dark place that I just didn't want to be in anymore. Yeah. You describe it to the frequencies you were playing with. It was the dark montage that I was using. It was the one that was in Science Friday. That report. It was the exact same thing and I don't know. It was really strange for me. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, that's fair enough. So it's interesting that there is people out now that are specializing in this. The Dr. Beck is one of them. By the way, I took that link you sent us and I posted it on our drfutureshow.com/linkspage Oh, great. So that people can read about this. Yeah. As fascinating because it is a whole new frontier in treatment for various maladies and perhaps even in longevity and improving normality. Yeah. So this whole area where they're taking all these different devices and different things that change photoblyme modulation and they're putting it all together and they're getting it's down to where they can focus in on specific problems with the brain without using drugs can heal different parts of the brain. So it's quite exciting times right now. Yeah. Yeah. Very good. I expect there'll be breakthroughs on this. So we'll keep up on the latest there. One of the other stories I noticed and I think you said it to me was about how to make the skin invisible. There was a major breakthrough on how to make skin invisible. Oh, no, I have it. Okay. Well, let's talk about it. Yeah. Researchers have developed a new way to see organs within a body by making the overlying tissues transparent to visible light. They say that the counterintuitive process, a topical application of food safe dye was reversible in tests with animal subjects and may ultimately apply to a wide range of medical diagnostics from locating injuries to monitoring digestive disorders and identifying cancers as it Stanford University. So that's interesting. They're talking about FD and C yellow five. And so I don't know back in the 70s yellow dye number five was considered carcinogenic. That's interesting that it would make your skin somewhat transparent. It would make veins more visible for drawing blood, for example, to make laser based tattoo removal more straightforward. They're thinking that you might also find it early detection of diseases like cancer as well. And they say that in order to get it to work, researchers had to develop a way to predict how light interacts with dyed biological tissues by using light scattering and refraction with a light changes speed and bands as it travels from one material to another. And they say light scattering is why we can't see through the body. Fats fluids within cells proteins all have refractive indexes that dictates how much an incoming light wave will bend. It sounds like it's using some method to make it's like polarized lenses. And so normally you get diffraction happening because all the crystals are not aligned. But then if you introduce this dye, it would align so that the light can go through. It's like looking through Venetian blinds when they're closed. There's a lot of diffusion happening. But when you open them up, you could actually the polarized light can go in a certain pattern right through it. No, but in another pattern and in another direction, the light cannot go through. Yeah, that's right. It's opposite. Yeah. So I suspect that's what's happening here with the yellow dye. Yeah, it could be. It looks like this could be a real mainstream thing pretty fast if it actually works as they're saying. They realize that if they wanted to make biological material fully transparent, they had to find a way to match the different refractive indexes of the various tissues in the body so that light could travel through unimpeded. And that the dyes are the most effective at absorbing light. But they're also highly effective at directing light uniformly through a wide range of refractive indices. That's a new approach towards making skin invisible based on how light interacts with dyed biological tissues. There's all these ultrasonic detectors like when I had problems with, I thought I might have some occlusion in my heart or something. It would take these ultrasound. And fortunately, I have clean vessels and arteries, but you can use sound to clean air. Yeah, well, we use ultrasound to clean electronic devices and metal. You can take the tarnish off of things with a little ultrasound. Just last week on Amazon, I found these contacts that use ultrasonic. Yeah, ultrasonic, yeah. Yeah, it sounds like the sonic air toothbrush. It's about that frequency is 48 kiloscicles. And what it does, I have these contacts. They're dailies, but after a couple of days, my eye feels really tired and it's not breathing well. Yeah. But all I do is I put it in this little, it was a $35 ultrasonic container for contact lenses. And you put it in there for about 15 minutes. And it was like the contacts were completely cleaned. And it's like I put in a brand new pair of contacts and it was, it's changed my life because I've been wearing contacts for 40 years. You know? Wow, this is amazing. Well, I work with regular glasses too. I mean, can you put my regular glasses? Yes. And they have a bigger one. I bought a bigger one where you can take your glasses and drop it in water and you can put a little bit of soap, but you don't have to. Yeah. And you just sit it in there for a few minutes and you pull out your glasses and all the oils and your fingerprints, it's all gone. It's like a brand new pair. Yeah. Brand new pair. That's what I want. Yes. I knew pair from Zenny here. Yeah. Well, absolutely. It's great for jewelry apparently. You know, people, they take their diamond rings and gold rings. All jewelry becomes new again. Yeah. It cleans it better than any solvent and it's in the diamond sparkle when they pull out of this ultrasonic cleaner. That's interesting. Yeah. It brings to mind whether ultrasonics could clean things in our bodies like plaque in the arteries. I guess the danger is that if you cause stuff to release, it might cause a heart attack. So you have to be careful about those things, but it seems to me that ultrasonics might work for arteries if they're working for it. Well, definitely to detect clots. You know, they just take. Yeah. That's safe. What they do is they just take this gel and they put it on your chest and then they go up and down the arteries up to the brain and just looking for any clots that could be there. They do. They can see them. And fortunately, yeah, I didn't have any cholesterol clocks. So you know, it reminds me of a good old fashioned colonoscopy. You know, they go along, they see if it's a clean and if there's a paw up, they clip it. And so in the future, you'd have an ultrasonic detector that would be looking at, okay, well, there's a blockage there and they know exactly what frequency to use to clear it. Things like that. And then move on, go through your system to see if anything else is discovered. And if so, do the right procedure for clearing that. Because ultrasonics could be much more useful than their current usage. Yeah. That's very interesting. I think on the skin, you know, what's interesting is I think if they fine tune these infrared frequencies and realize how they could be used kind of like as an X-ray machine, because they found that they put these detectors and you stand in broad sunlight and you put these detectors, these infrared detectors on the other side of the person. It's not a large amount, but a lot there is more than they expected. A lot of these frequencies from 660 to 1060 go through the body and can be detected on the other side of the body on a sunny day. Wow. Another element to this kind of treatment, these new treatments that are coming in. Another piece you sent to me was an article on how the new frontier is traveling to an interesting resource where you get these kind of treatments, where you get the latest in stem cell therapy or vitamin injections or IV stations that are oriented towards longevity. That sort of thing. So you're on a cruise and you instead of just flopping in the lounge chair with your martini and your side of fries, you belly up to an IV station for a stem cell treatment and maybe some electromagnetic treatment of your epilepsy. You know if you have that. Well, yeah. It's health tourism. Yeah. Health tourism, right. And if you don't have particular disease, then you're going for longevity and improved health. Like Peter Diemonthus, you know, he has his platinum longevity trip. Okay. $70,000. Okay. $70,000. It's a whole bunch of different things that they use. A lot of times they're IV drips that put certain nutrients and NAD+ components so that your mitochondria finishes the Krebs cycle more completely. And so it kind of rejuvenates you that way. A lot of them use infrared that we've been talking about. There's a hyperbaric is another big one. So these hyperbarics, especially for people for stroke. You know, what happens is if you introduce hyperbaric and you can get to the right pressure and it's usually about two to two and a half atmospheres. So if you're a scuba diver, you know that the bands must be avoided at all costs. Well, that's why in Monterey, there are these hyperbaric tanks as opposed to other parts of the coast because there's a lot of scuba divers on Monterey. Right. So the divers are, the navies out there. And so if you're diving too deep for too long of a time and then you, in an emergency, you run out of air or something, you have to pop up to the surface. What happens is you get these nitrogen bubbles in your bloodstream and it can kill you. So what you have to do is immediately go to these hyperbaric tanks and they would pressurize you and bring you down into the deep ocean and then slowly bring you up so that the nitrogen bubbles don't bubble up to get the bends. But what they found recently is people that have injuries like you could have burns or scars to prevent scarring. You can have bones that are broken, whatever. If you do a consistent hyperbaric treatment, you heal much faster. And then they found that it's also helpful for strokes, like people that have strokes and parts of their brain have been damaged by lack of oxygen. If you have a treatment, let's say, as far as these wellness centers that what they're using it for, is they realize that the parts of the ATP cycle, the first phases of the ATP cycle require oxygen. And a lot of your mitochondria, there might be thousands in every one nerve cell, you know, in other cells, but they're not that many, but there could be thousands. And then these mitochondria were ancient bacteria from billions of years ago, and they just found all they're designed to do is they generate energy for your body. And it's quite a lot of energy. Yeah, it was a great biological deal that happened 2 billion years ago or so, right? When mitochondria became part of our biology. And it turns out that you can actually rejuvenate some of these mitochondria that are just sitting there dormant or they're kind of dying off if you just pressurize them with oxygen. Really? Just give them a little more oxygen under pressure? Yes. They reanimate. And part of that ATP cycle requires cytochrome C, which is active to light. And that's why they're saying billions of years ago, these bacterium needed infrared light to actually finish to generate this energy. Wow. So stimulating senescent cells, but make some young again. That's right. So there's several methods to do that. And that's what I'm looking at is you can actually put more oxygen into the mitochondria and then revive these things. And then you can actually cause neurogenesis and have the parts of the brain died off from a stroke. You can regenerate them by this hyperbaric chamber. And then the other interesting thing is, I think in the future, it turns out that mitochondria, if they're enveloped in like an exome, lipo fluid and encapsulated, kind of like mRNA vaccines, they encapsulate this with a lipo cover envelope, the genetic material. But now they can just take the whole mitochondria. And what's interesting is your mitochondria came from your mother and your grandmother and your great grandmother. Right. You might have conjureal DNA is how you can track the lineage. And that, for instance, mitochondria from the north of Europe is different than say, sub-Saharan desert mitochondria. And so you can detect genetically which lineage you have. And different mitochondria are more effective than others. Some people like Italians, they have the MTHFR gene mutation. And so they don't have as much energy. And it's part of this methylation for the mitochondria. And it's all genetic. It's from the mitochondria, genetically how they got that. Adaptive to various locations on the planet for their needs. And what's going to happen is you're going to see these people, these wellness centers, they're charging $100,000 for treatments. You can grow mitochondria, your mitochondria out in a petri dish. And then you can actually have this IV drip. And this mitochondria will magically go to the cells that are lacking mitochondria. They know where they are needed. Where they're needed. And all of a sudden you can revive yourself and reverse aging with this. So you remove some of your mitochondria, you replicate them? Yes. And then you get them back into your system again so you have more energy. So these biovats, you know, these... Yeah, it's like a beer, you're making beer. You have these bio-reactors. Bio-reactors, I think. Yeah, bio-reactors, exactly. And so everybody's going to have a certain type... Some of these mitochondria are very common in certain types of people. So this is going to brew up a vat of these things and do an IV drip and charge you $20,000 for it. Yeah. Yeah. It's a new frontier of luxury travel. Yeah. And you can see that happening and I think it's already happening, right? I mean, we already have medical travel to Thailand and to Mexico. And I guess what's going on is that some of these new techniques will be applied there before they are officially sanctioned by the government. Yeah, that's a lot to think about. Then next half hour, I'm going to give you a little download on what happened with Danny Sheehan and the New Paradigm Institute, the Romero Institute, and the plans to expose the alien question and to integrate what is true about aliens with our belief system, our understanding of reality as an everyday thing. Normalize aliens, I guess would be a simpler way of saying that. So Danny has a plan. I'm going to play a little excerpt that I got from his talk Saturday night at the intergalactic gathering here in Santa Cruz of all places, of course, right? So that's what's coming up. So looking forward to that. We're standing off for now for the news. Thank you, Bobby. We'll see you on the other side. Yes. Okay. Bye for now. Bye. Do you ever think what you see? Motionless. We nothing is real wasting my time in the way. Welcome back to the show. We're here with Alondelle, a.k.a. Dr. Future and Bobby Wilder in San Francisco and Mrs. Future's packing in Ireland, listening in the background. And for this segment, I'd like to play to you folks a little clip of the intergalactic gathering last weekend. Yes, it's called intergalactic gathering put on by the New Paradigm Institute, headed up by Danny Sheehan and his son and wife and whole team of volunteers to get the truth about the alien question out there. And I'm alien. I'm not talking about other country aliens. I'm talking about other planet aliens and other dimensional aliens, that sort of thing. Yes, it's become more of a mainstream thing. And when this information that Danny is talking about gets released and believed on a larger scale, it will change everything. It will change how we think about life, the universe and everything in it. Fortunately, Bobby has also been tracking alien question stuff as well. He's not just a typical scientist mind, but he attracts the pseudoscience and the edges of the fringes of reality as well. So look forward to your feedback on what Danny has to say here, Bobby. Yes, of course. Yeah. So I'm going to play you a little segment. I might stop it every so often. There's 13 minutes total. I just play a little bit of it and then we'll talk about it. If we have something to say, Bobby, just let me know. Yeah. And it pause the story. Okay, this is Danny. I guess most of you folks are familiar with him, but he has been a lawyer that has played on the international front for many years from Iran, Contra and the Pentagon Papers to the Christic Institute, the Karen Silkwood case, bringing all these issues to light for us to think about. He's investigating the alien question. What he and Sarah, particularly are known for are bringing action steps towards more awareness of these topics. And fortunately, the whole UFO UAP thing has been in the public domain more and more so these days and even more after what Danny's talking about becomes more common knowledge. With that, he's going to reveal some of the things he's discovered that are quite interesting, I think, and is quite sure of it. You decide. Yeah, check this out. What we discovered, if what's been going on, is that there are five of these species, that there's what they call the short rays, the tall rays, and the sun kind of call them all white. There are the reptilians and there's an insectoid species that they call the lances people because they look like praying nazises. They're almost seven feet tall, extraordinarily skinny, and will always appear to be in charge. The mantis people, whenever they appear with other species, always seem to be the ones giving directions to them. And then there's this other one. It's a very problematic one about allegedly from the play of these species that looks personally identical to us. That's very problematic. That's very problematic because the knitting you've broached that particular subject, you start getting into this whole discussion about are we related to them? Are they assuming the future? Are we at the same genetic source in the knitting? You know, you get it, it won't be permeable, et cetera. Bottom line is, however, to these other four species that are absolutely not human, that's for sure. Okay? What's happening is that these species are engaged, are engaged in adopting human beings. And a number of the women would have been abducted. There's egg cells in bondarily removed, and their 24-month-old egg cells are genetically placed together with 20-pound chromosomes of the DNA from the extra-terrestrial species. And they're put together into a 48-kroned-zone zygote, which is implanted in the uterus of the woman. And then after the adult's unique brain, suddenly discovers her tongue being trained even though some of them have been who they have already is. They all look young, they're totally back to it, because they eat what they've happened. And then the bottom line is, after the first trimester, they carry the child to end of the first trimester, and all of a sudden they're abducted again. And they come back from the second abduction, and they're not right then anymore. And there's all kinds of medical records moving that this is happening. And it's now become evident that there is, in fact, a conscious program going on, pursuing to with at least all of these species are engaged in a collective cooperative process, by means of which there are hybrid children being generated. All right? This is true, okay? And it's true. And the reality is, as this element inside the United States government knows that this is true. And they're lying, they're lying to Oscar, lying to Congress. And we have effectively now persuaded major members of the United States Senate that this is happening. We have put together some wording with the war, who have come and testified under oath. We have to take that of the collective community, who have provided evidence that we are in possession of non-violent origin, as per terrestrial space craft, and that there is a conscious, a back engineering program going on trying to back engineer these to develop weapons without the knowledge of Congress, not any oversight of Congress, and then complete the bias of Congress and back. So we've got a situation that is very similar is what happened in Iraq, contrary to where you have the Congress being lied to by a deep covert operation inside an executive agency, I think that they can get away with this. We ended up being all by Louis Elzondo. Put a pause there for a second. Does any of that sound familiar to you, Bobby? Yes. You have to know Danny's background. He was taught as a Jesuit. And so he had access to the Vatican archives. And back 20, 30 years ago, he had access to these. And he could see things that no normal person could see in the Vatican archives. Yes, I think he also worked with the National Archives in the secret documents that he was given access to because he was working with the Carter administration. That's right, because Carter claimed he had-- He was interested in UFOs. A aliens. Right. Well, he had seen UFOs in Georgia before he was president. And he asked that the CIA about this as soon as he became president, and it turned out that was George Bush Sr., who was head of the CIA at that time when Carter was president. And he gets into that a little bit on his whole talk here, too. And Bush refused to give him any information about what they knew. The CIA. That's what happened to that story. Yeah. There's also Laura Eisenhower's reports. The granddaughter, great granddaughter, maybe, president Eisenhower, who was privy to a lot of it. Yeah. She's psychic. She's very psychic. But you should listen to when she's presenting. She is so knowledgeable about all this extraterrestrial information and how it relates to us. It's the best presentation I've ever heard of anybody doing it. Oh, really? Good. Yeah. You should really see and listen to her. If we could get her on the show, that would be amazing. Laura, yeah. Yeah. I hung out with her late one night at a new living expo. Yes. Yeah, we won't for a while. That's when Celestine Starr was around one of our-- Yeah. --friends of hers. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it does seem like this whole UFO thing is coming to a head here. And it's interesting it's happening in Ground Zero here in Santa Cruz and Bay Area. And Washington, it seems like Stephen Greer is another player in this disclosure in the world. Yeah. Yeah. And probably others that will be coming out. But I think one of the main interests of Danny is to see the security state not be in charge of the alien question, but more like let the academics have a crack at it. Let us get into linguists and anthropology and communications with them rather than simply in exchange of technology, which is what our military is mostly interested in. They're mostly interested in the alien tech and how that can be utilized for our defenses and offenses. Well, the academics would be more interested in the cultures that these beings represent. But it would require-- for it to get into the academic world, it would require it to be open source, more information, but rather than behind the security state national boundaries. How does that happen? Well, I guess we'll get to watch that. Makes me wonder, who do you think in terms of the president's show opportunities here? Kamala or Trump would be better at disclosure. It seems as though all these presidents that run before they say they claim, yes, we're going to disclose. And then when they get in office, they don't. They don't. That's what always happens. So it happened to Carter in the very beginning. But he was just not allowed to talk about it afterwards. Yeah, it's supposed to be beyond the president. Well, let's get a few more minutes of Danny here. Here's the next piece. Was the head of the project the inside to kind of go-- That's Louise Alizandra. Now he's talking about Louise Alizandra. This is the more later chapter in the whole UFO stories. There was a secret group within the government that were funded to investigate the UFO UAP technology. And Louise Alizandra contacted Danny to represent him as his lawyer in getting this information out there. And that's-- As a whistleblower. As a whistleblower. So that's what he's talking about here. Who is the head of the project the inside to Pentagon? Who had decided that he's having enough of this, that we need to reveal this to the people. We've convinced the number of the senators. You've gotten the LIS-A Senate to pass a 64-page law to send up a nine-person panel to order all six of the United States military services, all 18 of the United States intelligence agencies, all 32 of the United States Department of the agencies, ordered them to compile every single piece of information they've got about the UFO phenomenon. And if they've ever had a possession of, says January 1 of the NQM 45, to collect it all together and to make it available to the National Archives, see the classified sections, by October 20 of next month. I'm ready to go with the things. [APPLAUSE] We spent on the coming time. We got them to order them to cut it over immediately. I'm not told in 20 years. And we're over to the House side to get a move. The House amended the language. The saying that they had to gather it all together and haven't prepared in a digitized format where it can be searched and have an index, which is searchable, and to have it prepared to be turned over to the National Archives by October 20 of 2024, and then turn it over as soon as possible. As lawyers, you read language like that and you know, "Crapping language, right away." That's just crabby sideways. What we've done is our institute, the requirements institute, has instituted a new paradigm project. A new paradigm institute, which you'll find out about, you can go to our site. A new paradigm institute got over you. And you click on it, it's a little bit of a little bit of a logarithm. And it'll give you all these, I hope you can work technical, kind of slow. [LAUGHTER] The bottom line is, it'll start feeling all kinds of motivation that we put together now about this. Because we are not going to depend upon Congress should be the ones who are going to reveal all of this. [APPLAUSE] And they think the government is going to not only get before a threat to facture, to let Sarah talk about it from it, but to analyze this, we are in the process of forcing disclosure to force it upon the United States government that doesn't want to do this. And we have allies inside the United States National Security State infrastructure because they're really worried. They're really worried. Because that hasn't been serious, is a heart attack. Yeah, it's pretty fun, honey. Let me tell you, the New One State clock that has been prepared by the bulletin of atomic scientists has just been reset because of the stop in the Ukraine. It's been set now to 90 seconds before midnight. And a 24-hour clock is known all the way up to 90 seconds before midnight. This is the shortest fuse on the atomic clock that's existed in its entire history since 1947 when they created this Tuesday clock. All right? So the United States government has been responsible for moving into place major U.S. missiles, nuclear missiles along the West Moon military of the Soviet Union or Russia. And Russia, in the responsiveness, is now proving it has ordered the training of his field commander on deployment and utilization of tactical nuclear weapons in order for them to retain control over the Western sections of the Ukraine that they have accomplished so far. And what's important of course, Crimea, which is their access to the only one morning in all of Russia, where their submarine come and down. Okay? So they aren't going to give this up. And they're willing to attack the balloon, their weapons, or protect us. And so the problem is that the United States is being cloned in patriotism and support of liberty. And let's all help Ukraine because they want to have freedom, sovereignty. They don't like anybody wants to have from the tyranny of Russia. This is a whole major propaganda campaign that's going on right now, which is trying to rationalize what's going on here on the part of the United States and the NATO countries. And they're putting Putin into a corner. And Putin has gotten nuclear weapons. All right? So what's happening is there's a major anxiety building inside the Pentagon. And we are approaching a plank of potential no return. And what they're preserved about in our judgment is that UFO faces our considering intervention. It says they have displayed the capacity to set off all of our nuclear weapons. And we have with us here tonight, actually, the captain who was 10 in the time was in the US men and men missile silo off to Montana back in 1967. When the UFO came over, he shut off 10 separately wired United States missiles there. Okay, the bottom line is that we know from the direct first and the mid-asos that the UFO people have the potential capacity to set off our nuclear weapons. And they now have demonstrated they have the capacity to shut off our entire nuclear aircraft carrier that they have risen out from beneath the sea. And they shut off and entire the United States nuclear aircraft carrier balancing by completely shut off all of their electricity, shut off all of their propulsion, their power momentum, all of their electronic systems that leave them dead in the water. Okay? No, the sound of the bottom line is this is causing the anxiety on the part of the people in the Pentagon. And just they knew that as a threat to our national security, which you don't understand from their limited care of perspective. The bottom line is what's happening now is that there is a major project that's underway in Washington, D.C., to set up a procedure, a set of protocols that what they call UFO control disclosure. They have a 64-page bill I told you about to set in this past. They're called the undead of biodereal phenomenon, the good edified of that most criminal. They call them UABs because they don't want to admit after 77 years of lying that UFOs are real. So they'll say, okay, UAB is real. And the fact that it was called is something else. Five hundred years. Okay. The bottom line is that there is a process now of trying to set up in that act called a UAP control disclosure campaign planar. Pursuant was the president of the United States will step by step release infinade about the USO over a seven year period. And this authorized the president will withhold some of the information. What this really is trying to do is set up for the very first time a specific congressional authorization allowing them to continue an in-appent seabury. Whoa. Yeah. Control release. It's an interesting concept. By releasing a little bit of information, you think they've given you all the information. Even though they've been lying to Congress for some of these seven years and pretending they don't have any information. So we need to understand that it's a chess game that's going on right now. So it's absolutely essential that what we have is the public support, press the public supports who press or hold disclosure of the information that they have and not personal information, not limited, modified hangout. The only advantage inside the intelligence community is the best way to keep a secret is to pretend that you've revealed it. They're talking about revealing to partial people's information like how about acknowledging which 80% of all the people in the country are already believed that UAP owes are real. And let's acknowledge that there's an extraterrestrial civilization. Then see if that's going to satisfy the people. Okay, our job is to make sure that you're not satisfied. You're not satisfied with that kind of a hassle. Okay, we're going to move the man to know the information. To know the information. All right, we've organized this major project, the Romero Institute. The Romero Institute, as many of you know, is the progeny of the Christic Institute that we saw up in Washington, they say it back in 1980. And we've now set up the Romero Institute that is housing this. And we're trying to invite you in how to participate in this whole program that you can be part of the citizens for disclosure. Citizens for disclosure, I have a major movement that's going to go on. We're going to have a citizens for disclosure group that every single one of the boardroom will be 35 congressional districts. We're going to have one here in this congressional district. A lot of the young people that participate in this, we want people to volunteer to work with us to help us in this major project. This has the greatest potential for raising the consciousness of people to realize that we have to get past this kind of funneling queer war. We have to disarm the nuclear warheads of all nuclear weapons in the world together in a collective effort. That's what we have to do. And this is to stop the foundation of the state of Washington, and it's going to be a moment to accept that it's going to be one of the leading entities in the country. It is going to be our community. There you go. That's the little excerpt that I brought to you folks for today. Yeah. Pretty interesting, huh? This happened a year ago that both the Senate and the Congress and the President signed off on this Disclosure Act and all these armed services and CIA, all those departments, they have to disclose what they know within a year, which will come up on October 18th. This next month. So this next month, there's going to be this dump of information. And Danny Sheen is having his little get together two days later on the 20th, a day after your birthday. Yeah, our big party. So we're right in the middle of this. Yeah, you're in the middle of that. Oh, man. Well, we'll have to have revelations at the party. Yes, you will call it the party revelations. Maybe we can get an alien to visit us and then reveal himself there, right? That would be fun. Listen, I got to go to a commercial break and we'll be right back for a final half hour of stimulating content. Stand by. You need a clean, pleasant space to conduct business, but you don't want the burden of a long, expensive lease. Your solution is satellite co-working and digital media studio on SoCal Avenue. Satellite offers private offices, meeting and conference rooms, even co-working by the hour, day, week or month. Schedule a tour at satellitecoworking.com. Mention Santa Cruz Voice for 20% off your first reservation. When you need help escaping from an abusive relationship, call on the angel. Hello. I am attorney Angel Hess and I am ready to help you. Whether you or a loved one needs legal protection from an abusive spouse, cohabitant or neighbor, I will help you. I have over seven years experience working as a lawyer, protecting others from abusive relationships. Stop the abuse now. 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I find it hard to tell you cause I find it hard to tell you cause I find it hard to tell. Yeah. Okay. Well, we would be remiss if we did not bring up the AI question when we're talking about aliens. There's been some big AI news of late as well that we should cover. Sam Altman, for example, a founder of OpenAI. It's been evaluated now $150 billion. $150 billion in OpenAI. You know what's also interesting is that it costs just to support chat GPT online every day with all the answers that it gives to people. It's costing OpenAI about a million dollars a day to keep it going. Electricity. And housing the servers. Right. Right. Energy resources, carbon emissions, water usage, all that stuff. The cost of progress. So it's incredibly resource intensive technology. Keyrating an even greater thirst for electricity than ever before. So I guess we should put the AI's on that problem, right? To be able to solve the energy problem that they're creating. So Altman, a new post where he presented an incredibly positive update on the state of AI where he hyped its world changing potential to the max. Naturally, people online have taken him apart and are doing a little fact checking on it. And I thought I'd share a little bit of that with you. And now one of the big things he mentioned was that AI will help solve the hard problems. Well the critics find that believable hard problems like in medical science or something that helps us code better or helping kids cheat on their homework. That's a hard problem. I know, I know, right? All these hard problems. The creation of weird and maybe partially stolen art. We'll see what happens there. But hard problems are going to be solved. They're going to start getting the AI to focus on that. Another thing that he claimed is that we'll soon be able to work with AI to help accomplish more than what we could without AI. Well the experts find that a little hypey that yes, you were using a new tool that will help us accomplish more but will it actually increase efficiency to the point that businesses are willing to shell out for it? I think they're starting to do that already personally. Even Apple, every big company is taking a big chunk of their excess dollars and throwing it at anything AI just to have something behind their product containing something AI. Yeah, yeah, exactly. What we need now is that with the disclosure happening and we need to have some kind of hybrid between our AI and the alien AI. AI is perfect for translation. That's true. So we should be able to talk to these reptilians. Because it's a large language model transformers. That's what AI is perfect at. Whether they're pointing it at dolphins or whales and trying to figure out can we communicate with them in English and translate that into whale language? Yeah, are we even in the same ballpark as to determine what we think about even? That's the thing I wonder about praying mantis in sectoid alien. It sounds like they're in charge to at least of the grays and stuff so we should really talk to them. They've probably been around longer than we have. Praying mantis. Yeah. We have those in our neighborhood. Is that a west coast thing praying mantis? These people that claim to be abducted, they do see these praying mantis type creatures. Yeah, they're very tall and with kind of a triangular head. Right. And gigantic praying mantis. Yeah. I wonder what kind of connection they have with our praying mantis is. I wonder if there's any resonant field that the interesting thing about insects is that they don't have an ego and they probably form biological networks where they have a collective intelligence of some sort that they access. A hive mind. A hive mind, yeah. Yeah, well that's what they are, right? And so they would probably connect on a hive mind awareness level that perhaps our AIs can help us attune to become aware of what that is. And maybe through talking to our praying mantis networks we can talk to the alien ones. If you only cared about your species and you went to another planet, it's just like. Is she centric behavior? He would be kind of like, how ghost? Well, Arthur C. Clarke put it this way. If we went to another planet and we found beings that were less intelligent than we were, we would probably eat it. Yeah, you think we come down to that? We're not eating dolphins. You know, we're not eating. Well, I guess some people are. Yes, some people eat whales and dolphins and yes, it does exist. Yeah, that's true. Well, that's possible, but we are evolving and we are developing new ways of thinking about food that are taking us beyond having to kill animals to get meat, for example, you know, with the stem cell food that we're now capable of growing or printing, bioprinting technologies, you know, where you want to stake in the near future, you'll just print a stake. Why would you kill an animal? It'll seem almost absurd. Well, then that's the problem with AI also. You know, the people that are hesitant with AI is feeling that, you know, if you were an alien species and you wanted a way to take over a planet and get rid of the animals or beings that are on that planet and then take it over for yourself, you would invent something exactly like AI. To do it. To do it for you. That's kind of related to the Terminator model of AI, isn't it? But they don't even have to create robots. All they have to do is just figure out our biology and introduce something like a virus or whatever that could just get rid of us. Yeah. Well, the thing is, I think we think that way because we're very territorial as a species. And, you know, maybe other creatures on this planet are too because they're all fighting for territory within a limited biosphere. But from what we're learning about the universe, there seems to be trillions of planets. So it's not like there's a shortage of real estate, you know? And they don't need to take our planet. I mean, if they have the capacity to travel interstellar early, then why would they spend their time trying to take over our planet when there are a trillion other options that probably are more available? They didn't have to steal it from anybody. You know, you can look at it from a different point of view, from a psychic point of view. Some people get possessed or they channel these beings. And sometimes there's these aliens or beings out there that are vacationing in other people's bodies here on this planet because we have this body that breathes and eats and can function on this planet. But sometimes people get possessed by these other beings and temporarily take over their body and they're not the most pleasant people. And sometimes... Yeah, you get to be careful on these things. So I have this feeling that other planets out there have a different mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide and nitrogen. And we, our bodies have adapted over millions of years to deal with this planet here on Earth. Yeah, this is our home. This is what we're designed for. And if there were aliens, they would find a way to adapt. But you find that they don't live that long. Like all these stories about these captured alien beings. They only live for a few years here on Earth. And they eat strange things like ice cream only or something. No wonder why they only live a few years. They don't process food like we do. Yeah, from what I can say, I extrapolate from what I can see with this. We have reptilians, we have insectoids, we have monkey, evolutionary ones, I guess mammalian aliens. Which seems to suggest that in the universe, there might be sentient versions of all these creatures that there are sentient insectoids, sentient reptilians, sentient mammal creatures that all have a larger society that they're part of that they might consider us to be part of if we reach a certain level of awareness or a certain level of enlightenment, if you know, I think that's a likely scenario. But humanity from what I can see needs to get past our species centric behavior and our desire to fight with ourselves so much when we could be more of a holistic functional species up to the standards of the galactic federation, something like that. You know, I guess I was influenced a lot in terms of my upbringing by science fiction as well with Star Trek being a big part of it. That those worlds perhaps already exist on and that we're just looking into it. There was some a bit of prescience there in Gene Roddenberry's insights. There was a new approach for zapping asteroids out of our path. You know, that's what caused the dinosaurs to be extinct. We've looked at various ways of moving the asteroids either with some sort of an impactor device that hits them or atomic bombs, you know, to blow them up or explosives to move them. While there is a new approach where a proof of concept where scientists demonstrated how X-rays can be a way to zap asteroids out of Earth's path. It's a proof of concept idea that shows how high pulses, high-julted pulses of X-ray radiation can deflect space rocks. They create an explosive plume around the space rock and it's enough to begin to move it and significantly move it. They found in their studies that an X-ray pulse heated up the surface of an asteroid enough to alter its speed by about 70 meters per second. Yeah, not too bad, huh? It's kind of like the Death Star thing. Yeah, that's an idea. The Death Star, yeah. Let's use the Death Star to move asteroids out of our way. I think the Death Star would blow them up. Now, this is more like an electromagnetic pool queue where just he taps it a little bit. There's a lot of reports now, Japan, United States, and even England, they've developed these lasers that can not only knock out satellites, but they can knock out planes, drones in the air and very quickly. Yeah, much faster than rockets intercepting them. Yes, and they use kilowatts of energy, but not as much as you'd think. They're very effective and they're very precise and they just burn up parts of the plane or drone and kind of melts them as they're flying and knocks them out of the air. Yeah, maybe they're smart enough to identify which part to hit with the beam. Right. And now China, all these countries are putting it in space. So you would think they would, because the atmosphere does absorb the energy of the laser, just the atmosphere itself. So if you're outside the atmosphere, these lasers go indefinitely once you shoot them in a direction and they don't disperse very much. They're pretty tight being as you go for it. So I would think that would probably be just as effective as this X-ray if you got it in space. Well, I say this kind of instant response is really important because there's no coordinated international effort to deal with deflection of asteroids right now. There are many different agencies around the world that would need to be contacted. They don't have any one plan. There's not even one technology that has been implemented yet to do this. So it's still the early days. But ideally, we should have something like that. Yeah. And bigger models, I think, could be put on the moon and protect us. That's right. That could be a defense of an X-ray bubble. Yes. That could protect our planet and moon. For this test, they were using a machine that was the largest pulsed power device in the world today, able to discharge 22 megajoules of stored energy in a single electric current pulse. Wow. Yeah. They're investigating how it affects different materials. Different types of asteroids would be affected in different ways. And different X-ray pulses, because the chemical composition of the asteroid does affect the vapor plume that's formed that is key to its motion. NASA did a tabletop game recently where they demonstrated how poorly equipped we are to quickly implement any space missions along these lines. It would take years in advance planning on the trajectory of this asteroid. Oh, totally. And they say 14 years even wouldn't be enough. We're not that prepared. Yeah. It's terrible. Well, this is going to be more like the Iron Dome over Israel, you know, where it's going to be more responsive to what might actually happen. Right. Here is a fine example where we should talk to the aliens and get their tech for doing that. How do they do it? Maybe they'll give that to us. If it's open source, we could do things like that. Right now, it's mostly military uses for alien tech that our government is interested in. But if we could do it for planetary defense things, we would all be very happy. And if the aliens gave us something like that, we'd accept them. You know, they'd save our butts. Right. You know, and then there's a reason why we could embrace this and not be fearful of such contact. So speaking of the space rocks, we are about to have a new mini moon for a little while around our planet, a mini moon around the earth that's an asteroid called 2024 PT5. And it temporarily will be captured by Earth's gravity and orbit around our planet from September 29th, November 25th. And then it'll go back into its orbit around the sun. So it's just going to dosy doe us for a couple of months. How big is this thing? Well, if it came that close, they say it looks like it's about 11 meters or 37 feet in diameter. That could wipe out like the work. It's big. It's big. Pretty simple. I can do serious damage in the wrong place. Yeah. Oh, they say it's equal to the drop of the Hiroshima bomb. Oh, exciting. Yeah. It's 30 times the energy of the bomb that was unleashed on Hiroshima. Wipe out Moscow and he said, "No, no, Putin, we didn't do it." It was the ET's. Yeah. Yeah, they redirected its location. What can I say? The cellobinsk asteroid that exploded in the air over Russia. Yeah. I saw these car cam footages of that. That amazing? Yeah. Yes. That was about 55 to 65 feet. Wow. That's about 37. This might be a little bit bigger. They're going to do more tests on it. But that damaged 7,000 buildings in June of 1,000 people. It's different. If it's an ice ball, it's not so bad. But if it's made of nickel and iron, it can do some damage. It's like a cannonball, a big cannonball. Yeah. Well, in our case here, we don't have to worry about it because it's a mini moon. It's just going to be dosey-dowing in orbit around us. It's not going to collide with us, at least in the next few decades. It's going to be about 2.6 million miles away. That's pretty far. That's about 10 times the distance between the earth and the moon. Oh, okay. Yes. But it will still be orbiting for a little while. In the outer orbit, I guess you might call it. It's a short timer, the temporary capture, flyby. We've had them in the past. There was one in 2020. And it was around for a couple months as well. And then off it went. They happen every so often. It's kind of fun. We just never know until we discover them that they're going to be here. So that's a space rock about to become Earth's new mini moon. [MUSIC] Now, Sequoia Capital, one of the big Silicon Valley financiers for startups, are investing in a new space startup for the first time since SpaceX. They did SpaceX. And this new one is called Reflect Orbital. And this is a plan where we'll have reflection satellites in orbit around the earth and they'll beam down sunlight to existing solar panel arrays, large solar panel arrays, so that they can precisely reflect sunlight from space onto specific points on the ground where we have the capability of translating them to electricity, like large, large solar arrays. And that extra sunlight that they can bring in will make the solar farms on Earth here functional more during the nighttime, not just in the daytime. And they'll be able to deliver more power to the electricity grid. So instead of having to just build more solar farms, we can get more power at nighttime to the existing solar farms, making them more efficient. They have a video up. We have a link to them on our DrFuturShow.com links page. And their startup video went viral. It's kind of fun. It was a splashy demo that showed how and they simulated how it works. They also did a balloon test where they put a balloon up the sky and then bounced light down to the solar panels to show you how effective it was. So pretty cool, huh? It's an interesting way of making solar farms useful at night. Initially, it'll be close to they'll mostly be adding half hour or in the morning, half hour in the evening as a proof of concept. And they're pretty big. These things get 50 by 50 meters is the smallest one up from there. Wow. Yeah. So I'm just wondering if the astronomers in these observatories are complaining about city lights shining, you know? And then they're starting to complain about the Starling satellites reflecting and making their observations. Oh, this is, yeah, absolutely. This is another thing that will irk astronomers, another use for space. We see we like to use space for communications and energy, which are more something our species likes than just astronomy. Yeah. I feel sorry for the astronomers on this, but I think that unless we figure out a better way of dealing with energy before all this happens. Storage batteries at nighttime. That's a good idea too. Yeah. Yeah. And we have made a lot of right here. It's one of the biggest. Yeah. Here in the most land. Yeah. Yeah. Because batteries do have their issues as well. Yeah. Oh, and a final story. The auto industry finally has a plan to stop electric vehicle fires. It's been a big issue because suddenly, electric cars burn and that sort of thing. So what can we do about it? Recently we're in the Tesla semis burned in Tahoe. Did you? Yeah. Yeah. You see them on the line if you're looking up for it. The key really to this whole thing is having fireproof batteries and really battery makers have taken a lot of steps to reduce the risk of their batteries. Less fiery chemistries is a big part of it and that's starting to come out because this thermal runaway effect, that's where the lithium ion batteries enter a fire doom loop where a battery produces heat and gases and starts more heat and flammable gases and then it gets to heat nearby battery cells and more heat and gases and self-sustaining and hard to put out. The good news is that these less fire prone batteries are rolling out now and that better technology is solving the problem, specific battery chemistries that are harder to ignite. The lithium ion phosphate is the burning type of battery or can explode as opposed to lithium, ternary, lithium. So yeah, I think we have 15 seconds left. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Well, we'll have to say goodbye. We'll have to say goodbye. Yes. We'll see you next week. Thanks for checking in, folks. Thanks for your attention and off we go into the wild beyond air. [music] Okay. Wow. [music] [music] [music] Okay. Well.