say kids what time is that? The future is coming on it's coming on it's coming on it's coming on it's and here we come we are live we are in multiple locations today each of us in our own place me at home in Boulder Creek this is future in Spain and some little town in Spain somewhere and Bobby and drone yeah my drone my drone like in the tree no my drone like Pedro like patriarch Pedro and I can't wait to get your story on what you're doing it there the drone and Bobby Bobby's in San Francisco not at Pebble Beach like he was last week at home in San Francisco welcome Bobby oh thank you yeah wow it's great to hear son all the way into Spain oh he was I think we'll get a report first because she's probably going to go to bed early it's like yeah it's late here it's eight hours later yeah 10 at night and I've been up since seven this morning yeah we get out between seven and eight every day and then we walk until about two in the afternoon that's what we've been doing here walking the Camino de Santiago the communities are at the way of St. James that's a network of walking trails in Spain that lead to a cathedral the destination is Santiago and Santiago is a cathedral where they believe that they discovered the bones of St. James one of the apostles of Jesus yeah supposedly he was murdered somewhere in Jerusalem in the years after Jesus had passed years after Jesus and then they guys bones or his bones or his body what did they carry to his body I mean his body is a relic what's left is the bones yeah imagine I imagine yeah but I was just wondering if they brought his whole body to Spain or whether or not they waited until he was bones to do it yeah I'm not sure I believe I don't think that they know exactly at least for sure I don't know exactly how his bones were brought here but they were discovered in the 1200s or something like that so okay they have it they have his bones at the final destination is that would you get to see when you finish well it's the story of St. James that is so important to people because the St. James bible is one of the interpretations of the bible that has been very unifying for Europe right because it was not just in latin it was in native english language or languages that allowed people to learn the wisdom in their own language so but the thing about the path that people are walking is that this has been something that pilgrims do Christian pilgrims it's very much like the Islamic walk that they do to Mecca yeah the Hajj I think something like that so this is a Christian Hajj that people walk from wherever they are through these trails that are clearly marked all along the way out and even now even this late in the season in the summer we're in september and there are just hundreds of people that are walking from the zero mark is in the south of portugal and you can walk all the way the portugal geez path you can walk all the way from the south of portugal to vigo spain or anywhere in spain and end up in san tiago de compastella which is in spain and it's a maybe a journey of a thousand kilometers but my sister and niece and I are doing a hundred kilometers which is the minimum that is considered an official pilgrimage but you'll be official pilgrim now what I understand is that you also have an interesting symbol that represents you as a pilgrim could you tell us a little bit about that symbol yes the pilgrims here this is called the path to san tiago along the galicia and I guess galicia I'm not quite sure if that is I think it's a county in portugal but it's on all of the markers like that this is the path in galicia along the same or so right that's what I think it is yeah I think we're choosing to take the coastal path and stay as close to the sea as we can and hence the symbol of course it's more beautiful yeah and the pilgrims along the path all have a scallop a big beautiful seashell well that they carry as a symbol of their good walk the buen kamino means have a good kamino have a good walk on this famous pilgrims road and your journey will reveal to you whatever it is that's there for you what's next for you yeah yeah so I really like the thoughts that you have while you're walking because it's a very unique kind of walk you're in a place where you're going on roads that have been traveled by people walking for hundreds if not thousands of years in fact the road we took today was from where we stayed last night which was a little spanish town called calistiraeus and that walk to where we are now in padron was a little over 12 miles and the towns here in spain have cobblestones that oh in fact I was trying to say that we passed a sign that said one of the roads that we were on was originally a roman road and so you know these roads go back to the time of the empire of Rome ancient yeah I was just reading about it here it says the popularity is because people are repri-ouritizing their health and wellness well yeah I was gonna say a lot of the people who are walking are obviously full-time hikers like you look at the cabs and the legs of the people walking and and also the way they're dressed they're in shape they're already well when they're doing this trip what I was getting from this AI was that it was telling me that people are taking that trip for their health so it sounds like there's a lot of healthy people there already who probably think they could be healthier I guess well I think it's a type of athlete that you know like your brother Norman is a guy who likes to take long hikes and I think hiking is something where people look for really good hikes and along this trail I mean hiking 100 kilometers or a thousand kilometers we've met people who started in porto which is probably another it's in Portugal yeah and it's another several hundred kilometers from here and they've been walking for two weeks already and now they're getting to their last two or three days before they get to the end which is in Santiago yeah is the activity level daily strenuous yeah for me it is it's I decided to come with my sister who is a marathoner and she runs 10 miles four times a week it's just fun for her yeah and so for her walking with a pack on her back and going 12 to 18 miles in a single day is hard for the course she's she's not really bent out of shape about it she's kind of feeling like it's good training for her next marathon and it's within her range but for me it's definitely pushing me to my absolute limit and I am sitting here with an ice pack on my knee and I've got some compression socks on because my shins were killing me and my feet like I've been doing hot and cold compresses because I have to recover every night before we get up and start again tomorrow yeah well so far I've got four days under my belt and yesterday was the worst today I had to buy some extra support for my knees but I'm still doing it how many miles are you walking a day we're walking the most we walked in one day is 20 miles and another day we walked 18 miles and the least we walked was 12 miles 12 miles is our minimum average that we have to do because it's a 62 mile journey from Vigo which is where our Camino started to Santiago but it's an amazing journey because there are signs all along the way with this scallop symbol that is the sign of this Camino de Santiago and so you will just be walking along through a forest and you'll come to an old-fashioned Spanish town and there'll be a fork in the road and you won't know which way to go and there's like a yellow arrow telling you take this one you know and then you go a little further down the road and there's a blue tile that has a yellow scallop symbol that is with an arrow pointing and you know this is all along the way there are guides and some people have made artistic guides like today there were a number of wooden sculptures that we passed that have pilgrims that are like pointing the way down the path so when you're walking you could be using Google Maps but it will take you the wrong way and if you just look around you you will either see people walking or you will see yellow arrows or you will see blue plaques or you will see some kind of art that lets you know here's the way to go and you just walk it's an it's interesting wow is it much uphill downhill what's the terrain yeah oh my god there's a lot of uphill there's a lot of downhill my niece and my sister are very skilled at getting an overview of our walk because we have reservations where we're staying and so we know our destination is to get to that town by the time we're done they have a map of the height of the walk so you can see how how much of it is uphill and whether it's uphill in the first hour or in the second half or where you're going to have to exert yourself and tomorrow is for them the very last day of our journey for me too I hope but I'm really struggling so oh you can make it yeah I know I don't want I mean I've done I've done really well you know it's just that it's taking its toll sure sure well we'll take care of you yeah oh thank you yeah well like I say I'm really discovering the benefits of ice on your knees ice on your sore legs alternating between ice and heat ice and heat and then that helps to restore some degree of functionality to these for hurting legs so so with all this you're enduring are you getting any new insights into all the time I wish I could record the thoughts going through my brain I feel like I have an epiphany an hour you know of just some little really insight that I did not have before about just people in the world and myself and my own journey and my relationship with the people I love and life and religion and mission and purpose I mean there's just so many great insights that I have and I'm realizing I've been trying to take pictures to help me remember them but I don't think it's going to be enough I think that it just gets integrated into the fabric of who you are and when I look at the pictures I'll tell whatever story comes up but I think that a lot of those insights are just aha moments that are I'm not even going to realize that they've sunk in but I feel like a very different very different person more mature yeah I see that's wonderful you're evolving will I recognize you I hope so of course I mean you know there's a pretty pretty constant core essence that's true and we are in regular communication it does bring to mind about how so many and the Christian tradition have used arduous tasks in order to get into more exalted states of consciousness oh my god you know this is one of the things about the people that are walking it I feel like a dummy because I'm carrying a bag of all my stuff and it's heavy right I mean it's probably like 25 pounds but it's it's a lot for me yeah and I see all these people who are walking with almost nothing in their backpack and I know that they have a service where they are walking from where they stayed last night to where they're gonna stay I noticed that there were services that carry your stuff taking their bags right yeah and you know we we did not choose to set that up we chose to walk as far as we can with our stuff and we're kind of doing this car hopping thing where we started with the car because we don't know what to expect and so we didn't know where we were gonna be and we didn't know whether our bags would be easy to get to or not and we're just doing it a little less organized and most of the people that are walking are Spanish so they know how to take advantage of the local Spanish offerings but we don't but I'll tell you if I did it again I would definitely find one of those Spanish quarter services and you got to take it to the American level here we got it yeah you need a certain need somebody to carry the bags how about how about one of those AI robot dogs sure that'd be great that'd be great but it doesn't need to be with one of the guys on the road was such a classic character speaking of like your pets right your ears is a classic robot dog albot but there's this guy who here to be living in his van it was kind of a big white truck van yeah and he had a horse that was grazing in a field across from where he had parked his truck and he had some graffiti on his truck that was kind of cool and then he's sitting there and he has his little table of paraphernalia that he's selling to the pilgrims going by that are like batches that say you know Santiago or drawings of the scallop or the boot like he's really into that the pilgrims wear the boot you know of the pilgrim and he's sitting there and he's got a guitar and he's telling people he's designed his own stamp because you get your it's called your certificate you get your certificate stamp along the way as you go so that when you get there they can see that you've visited all of these sites along the way yeah and he's made his own stamp and he's just basically they're like a gypsy kibbissing with the people going by and giving them a stamp he found his mission like yeah that's great they bring a little theater of the experience right that's fun wow did you get a stamp by him i did i think his stamp is the best stamp in my book it's it's a Celtic symbol of like the trinity it's really cool he's a very sweet artistic soul but you know i was like him and his horse and his van he picked a nice location to be oh yeah oh yeah he was he was under a tree not too far from a brook with some water and yeah and pilgrims walking by pilgrims walking by yeah no spain is a populated country are you mostly in like wilderness or populated areas it's both there are big stretches where you're walking through the woods and there are big stretches where you're walking along the freeway and there's a lot of places where like today in the town of padron i felt like the people here disrespected the kamino and part of the kamino for like a mile there were no trees and it was blazing hot and they had paved over the kamino and made a parking lot and that felt sort of disrespectful you know but most places there's a real reverence for the kamino and there's people who are you can tell there are people who love the kamino and all of their traditions and there are people who have fruit growing along the kamino you can reach up and pick some grapes or there's apples on the ground that you can pick and there's places in the past the old kamino was marked by big menier type stones that have potable water coming out and you push a tap and potable water and you know there are places where the water is marked that it's drinkable or there's one place where it's an old tap and it says it's not drinkable thinking about the needs of the pilgrims is definitely a theme as you walk along like some of the churches are dedicated to the needs of the pilgrims but then there's other places where you feel like the people who used to live there have died off and and the place has just gone to waste and everything is looking like it hasn't been cared for in a long time and then there's some places where you feel like it's been roped off like the people who inherited it from the original owners don't like the pilgrims going by and they post all these signs like don't take the fruit pilgrims you know it's gone back for centuries right people doing this i'm wondering yeah some of the great artists and painters like poda celli and the giant shell with the beautiful woman in it maybe the pilgrims on a half shell was where he got his inspiration i don't know it's my mind watering you know one thing i think that there is a familiar symbology yeah that is well known to europeans and european christians especially and i do think that the colors of yellow and blue like the colors of the ukraine flag yeah they are the same as the colors of walking along the kamino the scallop is a bright yellow and the arrows pointing towards san tiago are yellow but there are other arrows that are blue that are pointing in a different direction and supposedly those are the arrows for people who are doing a walk to fatima where the blessed mary appeared to the children of fatima and fatima is a portuguese region and so yeah that was the blue and yellow arrows like in a lot of places so the fatima the fatima uh those are the three children world war one here period where they had a vision yeah yeah they saw the mary uh-huh and they had a prophecy for the future they did they did oh here we go the three secrets of fatima yeah oh good yet why don't you review for us the three secrets of fatima i'd like to have a little review of that yeah the apocalyptic visions uh by three young portuguese shepherds may 13th 1917 they claim to have been visited by the virgin mary six times between may and october of 1917 and the apparition is known as our lady of fatima so that's like right at the beginning of the world war one right now near the end um july 13th 1917 yeah the virgin mary entrusted the children with three secrets two of the secrets were revealed in 1941 in a document written by lucya and and uh when asked by the bishop in 1943 to reveal the third secret lucya struggled for a short period of time not convinced that god had authorized her to reveal it and then in october of 43 the bishop ordered her to put it in writing and she wrote the secret down and sealed it in an envelope not to be open till 1960 where it will be a pure clearer and then it was officially released by pop john paul the second in 2000 in some claim it's not the entire secret that the vatican's holding back on it so did i give you the details of what the secrets were okay an overview would be that the three secrets involved hell world war one and world war two and the 20th century persecutions of christians that were the basic topics yeah so that's the other big attraction there besides the bones of saint james which is the one that you're doing right you're going more towards that than the fatima yeah yeah now is the fatima connected to the pilgrimage as well there's a separate image well i have to say that here in spain and portugal most of the churches that we visited have an incredible statue of mary and we actually went to a church in lisbahn where the main statue in the church is to the mother of the mountain and she's supposedly the guardian of lisbahn and in that church there is also a statue of mary of fatima i think that where we are mary has well i guess spanish and latin cultures and also the eastern orthodox church really value the mother and mary and they hold her in very high esteem and everybody craze for her blessing and in portugal we were told by people who live there that they do not believe in war they did not get involved in world war one or world war two and that their time of war was hundreds of years ago and people when you go to the castles these guys had to fight off invaders with knives and swords and clubs and they just used it up they do not believe in brutality you know well it seems to be that blessed virgin mary is a very powerful archetype for our species probably referenced as similar energies with different names and different cultures yeah well i mean the mothers the sainted mothers like why are we bringing the children into this world just to brutalize them it doesn't make any sense you got it you want to bring them into to create a better world to keep it evolving yeah well if we want to keep the world evolving we're going to have to keep humans continuing to bring new humans into the world so we got to get over this idea that every life is not important every life is very important and we got to try and bring it to its highest potential yeah i guess that comes out on the trail there yeah yeah it really does you feel how bleak the past has been in terms of people just feeling like they were able to brutalize each other and what's so great about the church is that it really honors taking care of the weak and taking care of the disadvantage in taking care of the poor and not just honoring only the powerful and the beautiful and the rich and the strong and really trying to create an awareness that divinity gave us all of this and it's in some ways so familiar and yet at the same time you look around at the culture of america and it seems so much of it is compromised or forgotten so so this is a help to remember to be on it yeah yeah for me it is very nurturing to know that these traditions are so deep and that people are still living them like we get a lot of appreciation from people who love the fact that pilgrims are walking the Camino right even if it's just hikers even if it's just people looking to have a wonderful experience in nature and enjoy their body and their physical fitness it's still something that deepens your soul it deepens your connection with life to be just in your own body with your own two feet walking and looking around you and trying to go someplace that's 100 kilometers away they do allow you to have your your phones with you though yeah yeah part of the Camino is that there's this constant interplay between the ancient and the future right there's places where windmills are on the hill and there's old electrical grids that were put there in the 50s and there's vineyards that look like they've been growing grapes that way for a thousand years and there's the old Roman road where it's marked by these stones that look like they came you know there's old a stone hinge so it's got the full range here that's great well appreciate your progress the next time we hear from you you'll either be back here or you'll be in Ireland yeah right exactly where you'll be able to take all these lessons you've been learning about life and put them to words yeah yeah I'll try to be more articulate than at the end of a long day of hiking on my way to bed well thank you you know maybe that made this little talk today how stimulate for future thoughts yeah yeah reflect the more the whole aspect of all right listen i'm gonna actually say good night now because it's late here and people are going to get yeah i'm gonna go to a commercial break here thank you thank you Sonny be free appreciate it yeah i love you guys love you yes it's great to see you and hear you amazing travels especially this one all these Marian apparitions it's very interesting how it relates to your name yes and also she has you've exposed Mary exposed you've explored the Mary tradition on this side of the pond as well quite deeply so as an integration of that with the Mary there all right well more to come yeah all right good night now all right okay sleep well thank you love you bye love you bye bye bye bye yeah okay that's Marian back to me aka son aka mrs future who's been part of the show now with me since the very beginning 15 years ago and you believe it the votes are in chef Ben here from back nine grilling bar at the easy off past tempo exit we are so proud of our food and our service and your votes back nine has been voted Santa Cruz counties best burger 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month schedule a tour at satellite co-working dot com mention Santa Cruz voice for 20 percent off your first reservation treehouse dispenses not only the finest cannabis products but information to those who want to know how to use cannabis for maximum benefit hello i'm jenna if you would like to know how best to use cannabis ask your friends and neighbors at treehouse dispensary three six five ones soCal drive if you're 21 plus with a valid ID no appointment is necessary and the information is free order online at our and pick up at our drive-through see you soon okay we are back you're talking to al one de la k a doctor future and bobby wilder in san francisco yeah yeah and bobby you were in our neck of the woods just a few days last tuesday what we were doing our show at pebble beach what's going on there well cottia my partner here she gets together with her french book club and they decide to one of them lives there in pacific grove i went down there and we were staying at the bida we in right on the coast there near pebble beach a silomar it's very close to a silomar but anyway and then shree he's from india he has a house there and you know he's a CEO of this company that does tinted glass for big huge buildings yeah and it actually tints by electricity so you can change the amount of tint on the window you can almost go opaque like black or you can go clear you know so this is made him a millionaire and he's got a nice place in pebble beach and you go golfing with him yeah yeah he's got a multi-million dollar house there and tindy i mean it's funny we have a story idea not dissimilar to that this week actually in the links page but a new kind of glass a new kind of glass that glass is pretty amazing stuff i mean when you're talking tinting this new kind of glass generates electricity with a little bit of oh right yeah and i talked to him about that because there's perovskite actually you can put that on the glass on one side of the glass it will generate electricity through clear glass special coating for glass that will do that yeah this story is about something about the mixture of glass itself that generates electricity well we'll get into that yeah fascinating so did you play golf or did you actually get onto the field there i was on two golf teams in high school one in center of history there so you know that's all and then i was in one high school in sanarosa i was on the golf team there and then another one in heelsburg but this was just in my freshman and software years and in my junior year i wanted to get my letterman's block so i i did wrestling so but anyway first couple years was golf and i've always wanted the place to golf back then this is back in the late sixties early seventies the place to golf was pebble beach you know yeah and you know it as a golf i i had to do it yes and you know i'm down there and he says oh yeah we're gonna if you want to join him and and another in gary we could play nine holes at the hay there at the pebble beach and i didn't have my clubs i wasn't even ready but i rented some clubs and i had a great time i actually got on the course then did you yes and so we could actually see the ocean is right there like you can see the ocean waves it's right up against the ocean it's crazy it was beautiful how did you do did you i was a couple strokes above par i know i was getting better because i hadn't played since i was going golf with these vp's at city bank and that was in the early nineties so that's 30 some years yeah and played golf forever yeah i guess i'll have to pick it up again yes okay so we talked about glass and that was the glass your friend who was a tinted glass a mogul yes yes this is what brought up interesting engineering piece and my friend howl turned me on to call breakthrough glass generates energy car windows mobile screens to charge batteries researchers have developed a new method that can directly charge a battery from a smartphone screen developed by a research team with unist that method can directly supply energy from glass of buildings cars and mobile devices through transparent solar cells transparent solar cells high efficiency maintains glass like colorless and transparent properties but the glass is solar panel now interesting all black contact design places all the components of the solar cell on the back um it has achieved high efficiency and aesthetics that transparent solar cells must have wow transparent solar cells who would have thought you know they've they found this new material called peroxide or something they've originally discovered it in russia it's a crystal structure but it picks up different frequencies than pv solar panels like pv solar panels they actually take up the produce electricity using a red yellows and infrared but these peroxide actually produce it in the higher frequencies like the greens blues and ultraviolet and so people are sandwiching these two materials because the peroxide is kind of clear and you can sandwich these and it actually improves the efficiency and instead of like 19 percent it's in the 20s or 30 percent efficiency of conversion from light to electricity wow wow that sounds very promising that's that's a proctor so i mentioned this to shree because they could actually add this to their glass you know and have a whole new capability yeah that's fascinating yeah why not you know and it should be shatterproof too while they're at it you know so we'll and build it into cars and everything will be generating its own energy and we won't need the grid anymore well not lightly but it'll reduce the the drag on the grid you know keeping balance yeah why not you know reminds me of remember the outrageous invention in star trek four the voyage home the the one where the whales the whale episode in san francisco yes yeah i don't know if i saw it all but i saw it okay well then anyway the point that i it was the big invention that they brought to that time period was transparent aluminum was a star trek idea of scottie transparent aluminum that's the ticket larry that's fascinating because you know you hear all these ufo uap stories about the moon and there's aluminum on the moon and there are these domes both on aluminum maybe on mars too they're made of aluminum but they're transparent it's a very strong much stronger than glass it doesn't shatter like glass right right so why if you can have other metals being transparent the advantages of being metal why not yeah transparent aluminum yeah shatterproof yeah all it takes is you find the crystalline structure of these things and it's kind of like polaroid where you can turn light will travel through the crystalline structure with no obstruction but then you turn it one direction yeah and then it it turns opaque it can't go through so it's like formation blind like polarised light kind of yes but that's the advantage of crystal structures and so i think that's how they got the aluminum to line up somehow so that the light can go right through it in a certain direction yeah yeah how do they do that right yes what would be nice would be like your friend with the tint where you can adjust the transparency yeah like we can in photoshop yeah it did with a dial yes yeah yeah i asked him a hundred opacity please yeah ask him how quickly he can do it and he says you know i was thinking like lcd screens where it does it hundreds of times a second but actually it takes them a couple minutes to go from clear to opaque yeah yeah it'll get faster if his it evolves that's fascinating i guess i could save a lot on heat by blocking sun coming into skyscrapers that adds up so it'd be able to harness that heat rather than throwing it away though would be a natural evolution of that material you know they're using a eye to monitor not only the weather but the heating of the building and so they're using that to control the glass panels that way so it controls the temperature of the building and it's much more efficient that way fantastic wow tonight's a good night to look at the sky if you get a chance to get outside the harvest moon arrives tonight and it appears every year and that's when the moon is closest to the autumn equinox and this year it's the september 22nd but this year's harvest moons also going to be a super moon and a blood moon these are moon phenomenon for super moon for example it has to be at its perigee which is the closest point to the earth in its little 28 day orbit right on that day the moon looks bigger and brighter than it normally does and we usually have about three or four super moons a year on average and what's interesting also about them is that they usually line up in a row like this year the first super moon was last month they called that a rare blue super moon and now we have the second one in september and we're also scheduled to have super moons in october in november that's the super moon element and then there's the blood moon now what is the blood moon well that occurs during partial and total lunar eclipses now the earth blocks the sun from fully lighting the moon and that causes the sun's light to curl around the earth's magnetic field to curl and the field filters the sun's light and it leaves mostly light from the red part of the spectrum hence the moon looking red and similar to the super moon phenomenon the blood moons also occur a few times per year and every so often they all line up so the official full moon is tonight and tomorrow morning early sky gazers will see the full moon now if you look up before it'll look like full practically to the 20th this year right yeah where it will be over 90 full so if you miss it tonight tomorrow night of the next night it's still going to be good it appears that the moon is part of the earth is casting partial at the penumbra it's not the umbra but the penumbra so the moon is coming and glaze it's like when you look at a sunset the light is going through the atmosphere of the earth and it picks up that redness but now the moon is behind us behind the earth as opposed to the sun and it's in the backside and it's picking up it's almost a lunar eclipse but it's not it's just picking up the penumbra of it and that happens to be the edge of the earth that it's picking up before it goes and if it was a total eclipse of the moon it would turn very dark but here it's just kind of on the edge of that darkness but that's why it's picking up the redness of the earth because it's going the light coming from the sun is coming around the sides of the earth that's like when you see a sunset the sun looks red reddish yeah it's very a propone given halloween coming up oh that's right yes halloween is very halloween blood red moon yes for for these reasons the eclipse helps create this redness starts at 841 p.m. on the east coast so that's i guess a little bit earlier for us it's not too long after the show today there is an eclipse happening also well that's but that's part of the causes of the some of the redness oh yeah that's what i was saying yeah it reaches its maximum at 1044 east coast that's i guess 744 our time and starts at 712 all right as the moon climbs over the horizon and it reaches its maximum 744 and then it's finished by 947 so that's um pacific daylight time it's not going to be a huge eclipse we'll just see a sliver of the moon disappear briefly before coming back and you'll see the moon's color more than how well you'll see the eclipse you'll see more of the redness none of these components of the super harvest blood moon are rare all of them happen every year but blood moons occur only a few times as well all three of them lining up is the unusual element here i mean we're not scheduled to have another alignment like this for the moon until september of 2033 and then the next one is 2042 okay so this is a oh not a once in a lifetime but maybe this part of your lifetime experience to see the super harvest blood moon yeah out there for your enjoyment so i hope you have some clear skies there in san francisco tonight bobbing yeah i'm going to look out it's a little overcast right now there was it's supposed to rain tomorrow of all things i don't know and that's sound good but you know there's always the internet yeah it should be nice but you are on a little hilltop there so maybe you'll pop out above the fog lay and occasionally i do yes it's true i see openings whenever the sun comes out i run out in my deck and try to get some sunshine on my body now's the time you're 20 minutes a day here that comes yeah exactly yeah exactly there's been a lot of intrigue around the 650 foot mega tsunami that happened last year we heard about that last september scientists around the world detected an inexplicable seismic vibration that shook the whole planet for nine days couldn't be just an earthquake it was so unprecedented that some of the scientists that something was wrong with their instruments now a year-long international collaboration of scientists around the world trying to analyze wtf what was this and apparently it happened at a fjord in greenland a melting glacier cascaded into a landslide it dumped unimaginable quantities of material into the sea causing a giant mega tsunami that boosted up waves up to 650 feet tall that's bigger than a lot of skyscrapers where was it this was off of greenland yes in greenland a fjord in greenland a melting glacier cascading into a landslide wow and the monumental effects now that lasted for a week how did that happen in the simulations when that crashes into the sea the 600 foot wave goes across the fjord to the other side and then it bounces off the mountain on the other side and comes back again and then goes back and forth and it went back and forth for a week and what surprised the scientists was that this energy of the wave going back and forth in the fjord was able to last for a week they didn't think it would have that much energy it didn't stay 650 feet the whole time as the wave bounced back and forth in the fjord it it settled down to about a 23 foot tall wave that lasted for days wow started off as a 650 foot wave and bounced back and forth it became a steady 23 foot wave for a week so did this wave actually come out of the fjord or it just stayed inside the fjord well that's a good question i think it pretty much stayed mostly there oscillating standing wave of water a massive size of water would probably be picked up by our geological seismic instruments worldwide that kind of phenomenon so i think it stayed there yeah 68 scientists using satellite ground imagery seismic wave analysis epic landslide that set it all into motion so the computer simulations modeled it and watched an amazement at this thing of course there's always a climate change element to this and for that it's the warmer temperatures are weakening the glacier that triggered the landslide that's according to Paula Snook geologist at the western doorway University of Applied Sciences we're thawing ground which has been in a cold frozen state for many thousands of years and well what do you expect they're going to see more and more of this if that is indeed true which probably is that's wow interesting phenomenon i mean it's hard to even imagine 650 feet tall wave coming at you i think that's i'm i'm 680 feet above seagull level here you know that which is the laughing of at the doorstep here i know i look down toward the ocean and it's like this is a long ways you know that's crazy tall that would wipe out all of San Francisco for sure yeah pretty much NASA approved a new mission yes to search for a hidden ocean on Jupiter's Europa the moon we've heard of Europa before the moon Europa it's one of the moons of Jupiter that looks like it might hold as much water as the earth if not more and that there might actually be life there because it's it's a liquid ocean under and mile thick ice pack what could live there if anything why is it liquid apparently it's being heated from gravitational stresses caused by its mother planet Jupiter but it's enough of an interest to us to spend billions of dollars to approve a mission to search for life on this hidden ocean on Jupiter's moon Europa that's decades in the planning now we're just weeks away from sending a spacecraft there NASA confirmed just a few days ago that the Europa clipper mission will launch on schedule they've had their problems they had some delays because of faulty integrated circuits and faulty transistors but they're confident now that it's going to be a beautiful spacecraft and really capable of getting there and telling us all about Europa and it is heavy it's 3.2 tons it's about 15 feet tall solar panels on both sides it's the largest spacecraft ever built for a planetary mission so you see they're really looking forward to this one the best spacecraft ever built it's going to be launched on October 10th but we will not arrive until it's at Jupiter in April of 2030 that has nine main instruments that will be analyzing the icy crust and the ocean that they believe lies below it and that it may be supporting life as we know it because liquid water the Goldilocks zone that's what makes biological life as we know and that's what we're looking for twice the water that we have on earth on this moon wow is it just gonna navigate around for a while or is anything gonna land on the Europa that's a good question well I mean I don't think so I think they had the Higgins probe on the Cassini craft but in this case I don't think so it's going to dip into the radiation environment there and that was the problem before that they thought that it's their integrated circuits weren't hardened enough to handle the radiation in that part of space near Jupiter apparently Jupiter puts out a lot of radiation but I don't think they're having anything that's going down to the surface they plan to fly by it 49 times though and come within 25 kilometers above the surface yeah that's pretty close yeah have some good pictures yeah I understand also that there might be some geysers of water squirting from Europa they see it as one of the potential outposts for humanity as we become solar system based rather than a planet based civilization that Europa may be one of our outposts kind of like our Arctic ice I post or Antarctic outposts of today that would be there now if there's life there and if it's liquid it could be it could be quite pleasant relatively speaking not as pleasant as Hawaii everything is you're living in an igloo yeah what reason why would you be there unless you created a body for yourself that was perfect for that environment it would be a great fueling station because all you need is water and you can split water that's true and then burn it again so it would be a great fueling station that's true it would be the rest stop on the way to the Kuiper belt yeah it would be the next generation's asteroid belt once all the Belters have done their thing and you have the the expanse level civilization you'd see the series the expanse on Amazon I saw part of them yes in the very beginning yeah that was pretty amazing yes the civil we saw that in Blade Runner Philip K Dick's Blade Runner also we had a solar system economy and the problem there was that the Blade Runner had to get the replicants that escaped from the other planets and wanted to continue living and disappeared into the morass of earth right they wanted to be immortal but they had a ticking time bomb they wanted to at least live as long as humans even their biologicals but they had an 11 year life cycle that's right yeah that they didn't feel was fair right was imposed upon them which is an interesting story because I know many people today who feel like our lifespan of hundred years is imposed upon us that there's no reason why something like biology shouldn't be able to go on forever why does it wear out biology itself is anti-entropic it's always getting more complex and always improving things itself and it's always evolving why wouldn't it evolve an understanding of the aging process so that it wasn't a victim of it yeah right now they're you know all these longevity experts and life extension people they're all talking about easily we could reach to 120 if you take the right supplements and do the right things in your diet and then they're saying well if you can extend your life they're just saying if you can just wait five more years if you can live out another five years there will be so many new advances that will extend your life another five or ten or twenty years yeah that's a ray Kurtzweil is betting on even though he's pushing 80 he thinks that he's just enough ahead of the curve to be able to stay ahead of the curve right and the baby boom generation maybe the last generation that has the die yeah that's right truth to that so here we are getting ready for the expansion into immortality expansion into the universe are they all connected are these is all part of one big process of evolution right there are people on the planet now that they don't know it but they could be immortal i've heard stories of people who are here that believe they are immortal mmm supposedly like saint germane of the violet flame that he's supposed to be an immortal and they're supposed to be a team of people around him to keep him secret from society so people don't have the direct experience of him because he'd probably be mobbed or deified or deified or demonized in one way or another i was at Greg's party and supposedly saint germane came there i didn't talk to him really just looked in and apparently he lives in Mount Shasta area that's right there's a whole lore about this Mount Shasta resurgence of this saint germane right i'll have to send you this youtube history thing they talk about the history of saint germane he was an advisor to many kings in europe in the 1400s 1490s or something i'll send it to you fascinating yeah that's a story and you know and the whole idea of that the aging process is running things we could have it upside down it might be adjustable we might have some more control over this than we realize if you just look at the straight science of it we have a much longer lifespan than previous generations though i think my mother might out last us all yeah she's really good at this being ahead of the gerve on this yeah i think you just have to find out what your achilles heel is what organ in your body that's gonna cause you to age faster and then just work on that organ or gun your hilly's heel or heel yeah your killy's heel yeah and figure out what your kryptonite is what you're allergic to and it sounds like sounds like serious shadow work to me yeah maybe it is yeah if you're not afraid to look at it then maybe that's the thing i mean the big thing now is very simple nutrients like what polyy builders were using the use cretin yeah and so it's inexpensive and that can add 10% or 20% not only to your lifespan but improve your memory at the same time they found out that it grows neurogenesis and neuroplasticity for the brain so creatine is good also taurine is another one that can extend your life 10 to 20% it's a simple amino acid are you doing all these now yourself you yeah i've been i've been doing all these things a taurine creatine i've been adding in the last month or so my muscles i do a little weightlifting so my muscles are popping up you know it's really amazing it did work for a lot of bodybuilders and then there's something called toco-trenols which is part of the vitamin E and it's the good part of vitamin E and there's also tocofarols which are vitamin E but apparently they compete with each other so if you can isolate just the toco-trenols it's very good for stroke patients so i mean this is a lot to unpack it's a lot of information you're bringing out in a few seconds here and i mean it's almost like we could do a whole show just on each one of these elements right it's understanding do you subscribe to any particular regimen of taking these things are you investigating it on an individual basis as you were speaking well i follow brian johnson he's the millionaire billionaire that i've already supposedly spoke in the bay area the last couple yeah i missed him yeah he was here in san francisco i guess it does right longevity he's a billionaire that's in his 40s and his taking super good care of himself and paying attention to all the longevity research and applying the latest and greatest to his situation yeah he's gone to south america to do stem cells he's done everything on his body yeah he does look younger i'm telling you he does but he is young too right i mean he is well he's in his 40 yeah he's in his 40 but he looks like he's in his late 20s early 30s okay he did turn back the clock at least 10 years on his appearance yeah and he grew hair too and so yeah and he's trying just about everything that makes sense to those that can afford whatever works yeah to them so interesting and he's talking he shares the information right he doesn't yeah he says he spent two million dollars like dave aspry spent a million dollars yeah and that was 10 years ago and now brian johnson has spent two million dollars and it looks like he looks younger he definitely looks younger it feels younger brian johnson yeah brian johnson yeah was a breakthrough in robotics google deep mind taught a robot to an autonomously tie its shoes tie its shoes which i thought was really good because tying shoes is something that normally takes kids up to five or six years old to do it is complicated so complicated in fact that our robots have been working on tying shoes for decades and finally there's been a breakthrough in teaching robots to do dexterous tasks this being a fine example tying a shoe another one do you remember when you were like four or five years old and trying to learn how to tie shoe laces it's traumatic it would still only know a few knots i know i have friends you know hundreds of knots and i couldn't believe that anyone would want to do that but yeah that was traumatic for me to tie as knots i still use them you know i think that the robots will be able to do this in a new learning platform which google mind is calling aloha seriously enough if you can do origami and then it would be really ambidex or that's probably the next step tying your shoes to origami the next step if you want a robot at home you know that's the part of the goal here is the humanoid robots that will be there for us then they should be able to tie shoes they should be able to do dishes they should be able to clean up cooking all these skills that we like to do but not necessarily all the time they can handle some of the details would be great and i think we're heading in that direction and that's a good thing i'm socially and philosophically socially because it'll free us up to do more what we're here to do it might change around the idea of what an economy is all about but it ultimately will be a good thing for us so i wanted to mention that deep mind teaches a real but to tie its shoes i'm kevin donovan the owner of cypress coast fence Monterey bay area's premier fence company and i'm katie donovan kevin sister i'm one of the project coordinators i'll help you choose the best fence for your needs and i'll be with you for every step of the project we work with local suppliers and employ quality craftsmen to build the right fence to secure protect or privatize your property we've been in business for 15 years and have been voted best fence company for seven years running give us a call for your no obligation consultation at 831 783 1500 or at cypress coast fence dot com we don't just build fences we make good neighbors hi folks how many of you out there love to garden wouldn't it be nice to grow some of your own food or maybe a flower garden would brighten your day all you need is the knock garden box a heavily constructed portable elevated garden on legs that can virtually change the way you've garden in the past the knocks garden box can be set up anywhere yes you can place it right on concrete the knocks garden box dot com that's k and o x garden box dot com about that first impression hi this is batina mcb from batina's buzz on sanakruz voice dot com and that first impression is my business card created by dynamic press it is my favorite business card it gets everybody's attention right away if you want to make a good first impression get your business cards and any printed media at dynamic press and tell angelo batina sent you and we're back in our final half hour today i would like to play a little interview we did with michael mezmer hypnotist healer ghost hunter and magician at the sanakruz county fair we had our booth set up there for three days and all of us that are part of sanakruz voice had a chance to participate in the activities there we had non-stop people coming to the booth i even had a besides michael i had a mariachi band come in there for a little bit it was a lot of fun so i'm going to play you a little bit of our interview with michael mezmer and then we'll get back with myself and bobby for our final stories for the day mike mezmer at the county fair how does it work with hypnosis over zoom so it works just fine i can keep an eye on them and also pre-empto therapy it works good because they feel very safe and secure in their home as people use visualizations for hypnotherapy in a session there's all of that involved of course yeah i mean there's you there's the old classic ticking clock there's the rotating wheel now there's psychedelic graphics well the wheel is calling arkamee spiral it was designed back in ancient greece unfortunately now or fortunately a lot of magicians and people are using that and they don't know how to use it to full effect i still use one of my show to give an example of the audience how it works because heaven has started using those about a hundred years ago yeah it seems classic and we can use them for just suggestion or even hypnotize people it's a very good tool for hypnotizing people because a good focal point all of them are focal points whether it's a candlelit whether it's the wheel whether it's a pendulum whether it's a watch whether it's my eyes it's about focusing on that object and tiring out the muscles of the eyes so that people can just totally focus without using that sense is that sense then fully relaxed it's totally relaxed and it's just steps aside so they can use their ears own their mind and ears and listen to it and absorbing it verbally more so than being distracted by other things do you use a musical track under your own voice in the show i do when i do sessions i don't yeah the show we have to help cover over monster truck noise you know right it is pretty wild here huh yeah so you have to get flow of that yeah so with the music it helps data dimension that helps to cover over some of that yeah yeah so what's the focus it helps them to focus better but in in private session i don't use any of that stuff yeah because you don't need it there's one on one connection yeah what some of the wildest things you've done in the show well all of it's up lift people it's all group session i've ate two different themes everything's from survivor game show doing rafting to doing the sturgeous thing on motorcycles wild west show it's kind of like rawhide and blazing saddles and so you can imagine what it might be in that show yeah yeah wild blazing is a yeah it kind of brings to mind how you can process some group things that are going on look we talk and talk radio we'll talk about sex politics and religion yeah and which is one of the things i talk about yeah i'm not interested in talking about any of that i'm just really like albish you know it's like albish so i said he didn't talk about those things in mind if other entertainers did but he didn't like doing it and i don't even wasn't his thing okay yeah well that's not my thing well that stuff brings sadness and upset really it does you see in this world more so than any time before and maybe you know we're at a point where people are tired of being separated and are ready for coming together again absolutely so my job is to bring people together and make them happy and laugh yeah or with the danger magic to make them amazed and feel like a child like again where they see me do the bullet catch and it's like how in the world do you do that it's incredible so it opens their imagination to possibilities yeah i kind of like disney yeah same thing well i i follow on a lot in my magic and my danger magic i even have attributed johnny cash really yeah i do attribute to his song hurt which i just love i hurt myself today to see it if i still feel i focus on the pain the only thing that's real you remember that's unheard his last final performance and i put spikes through my arm during it and i do it attributed johnny wow yeah a lot of people inspired me throughout my career hudini johnny cash Elvis but Walt disney was a big one yeah you ever see yourself using the tech to clone yourself and create a i think what makes magic and hypnosis great is the personal connection yeah that's why people always say when i say act on agt and it's like great it's visual but did you really feel any emotion from it really i guess that's it i it's the feedback loop that you're getting with yeah you got to be able to you've got to be able to connect on an emotional level you could do that with zoom absolutely but that's because one on one but when you're on a tv show during 90 seconds yeah you can't achieve that so you're not going to find the next superstar in agt it's not going to happen it's interesting you put in a position where you're having to create a really close connection with a lot of people in a very short period of time yes yeah but i'm a people person and i enjoy people and i think they can sense that yeah so they relax around yeah i trust you and that's the that's right they trust me make you uh and i trust them it comes a very warm fun experience together yeah may I ask a question sure absolutely but i've been wanting to ask michael miss me for a long guess michael and that is is there a connection between what you do hypnotism yeah and to dowsing i do dowsing but i do it in my ghost hunting of course okay truly yeah but is that a skinwalker ranch well my wife her grandfather was a dowser in texas yeah and he dowsed for oil obviously right and he he did that as a secondary job and it was very effective so i do dowsing for ghost hunting when we're out and it actually picks up on spirit energy and it's pretty fascinating but not in the other aspect that you're discussing but as far as my ghost hunting yes i do dowsing i guess it's the same thing you know in essence i've seen dowsers dows apples at the grocery store right you can do that and it depends on the individual because everybody's sensitive in a different way yes and that's i guess the question i was trying to get at is sensitivity must be very similar yes i've had great success with dowsing on ghost hunts i've had it all some of the most haunted areas in the world including the old montana prison in dyrilage dyrilage the donkey lady bridge in sanitonia texas area a lot of really cool places and i've done live shoots from some of those places people can check it out on my youtube channel michael mismar youtube channel good so you can check that out now dowsers must ask permission to dows do you ask permission in your own way when you when i do ghost hunts i always do a prayer when i go into a haunted location actually everywhere is haunted right here is haunted probably because there's well spirits live everywhere right yeah i mean we're here now right so it was a it was a block here it was a beloved area that you spent time in then your spirit may be attached to that what does the spirit get its energy do you think i think the spirits that i've encountered are all positive first of all i don't have any negative spirit activity and i think it's all connected even in a different way many times like there's healing practice in china called chigan yes those those things also have spirit energy i think they're on the energy of your body your energy system and i think that our spirit energy is part of that it's all part of that when we leave our body i think our spirit energy is still that thing and i think that spirits are not angry i think they're just people that are still wondering where they are and where they're going so i've always found they just like to visit with you but it's actually your question i always do a prayer and then when i leave i always tell them you're not allowed to come with me this is where you live so michael i had a friend of mine who's a chigong master uh is well renowned and he was you described what you're describing he had a very close relative who passed away yes and the spirit was wandering around and he said look you're dead go on yes and then the person stopped hanging around they left they went to where they were supposed to go yes they will but they were at your point they weren't sure what happened yeah yeah see me i don't take it's my job to do that my job is just i like to talk to them give them an avenue to respond to me and be able to give them a little relief in this case it was like a close-on to right so you could do that because of friend or something yeah i get it so but i have amazing things happen doors slamming open all so my book ghost transfer him and his among the spirits you can get on amazon barns and noble even at walmart even overseas it's in korea everywhere so do you think they have a parties on the other side no i don't think so i think they're very solitary people really very solitary it's not a social experience i don't believe it is that's why they see gussin out to be able to talk and we're other social beings yeah that's my feeling but i'm not yeah i just want to run into that here's my personal experience yeah i interesting yeah but anything's possible well yeah it was a grateful dad i've been in the high-energy Disneyland they have a big party with all the ghosts in the ballroom there so yeah Disney yeah the Disney guest house there you go what happens when it doesn't work what do you mean when you get somebody up and it doesn't oh and the hypnosis show well you clear them before well there's no such thing as it doesn't work in hypnosis it's simply if they don't allow it to happen so everybody's capable of it but they have to allow it to happen they have to want to do it because it is self-hypnosis i'm not making them do anything so they have to want it and want to experience it and then i feel like i had a lady yesterday during the day and she has a degree in psychology a doctorate and she always want to be it no she always want to be hypnotized and so i come up in the show yeah so she came up she actually got hypnotized afterwards she said i never thought i could do this because i'm such a control freak i analyzed but it was really an amazing experience and how i understand what it is wow so it was cool yeah we have a lot of people like that we have a lady here wanting your spot okay mari mari yeah i came i thought i know this gentleman from somewhere but i've seen you at several different fairs yeah i do about 26 fairs a year and i sit in the audience and i went with my boyfriend at the time from high school and i thought hmm i can't get hypnotized i'm a doubter you know and it's like i'm so aware and whatever so i didn't but i thought i think those people are trained something well andy got up you know andy or you andy andy got up there went up on the stage and he was hypnotized doubting is only doubting your own self when it comes to hypnotism yeah because you're hypnotizing yourself so you're only doubting your own abilities if you do that if you have someone who actually can explain it to you like i do the show then you understand better and then you're more capable of doing it for me it's like the control thing like you say it's like i want to be in control of not doing something that i don't know i guess not letting somebody else control it and that's the whole opposite of what it is because about you learning how to control your own mind more effectively uh well it's probably a really good thing because i'm sure that i could use some mellowing out let learn how to rest more cool gotta be the sure sometime oh you're gonna hypnotize me i'm gonna hypnotize myself so get a guy allen we had a visit too hi what's your name? Susie are you enjoying the fair? i am this is our first time here we used to go to Santa Clara County and it got too big and hot and now we're here oh this is much better than Santa Clara Santa Clara turned into carnival rides and you know yeah yeah and we're old and we had to be here this was more queen this is the best of us yeah have you seen michaels act i have not i was i'm enthralled what you do with the ghost hunting yes i love watching those really i love them me too i like the one with zach baggens ghost adventures although he actually has angered a lot of spirits places because he's very kind of aggressive with them right and i don't feel you should do that but if you do of course you're going to get aggressive behavior back like if you yell at someone they're going to yell at you right so yeah for me it's more of a mellow experience yeah is that what you want to create for yourself yeah right yeah so but i love that show it's fun to watch good entertainment i like his museum in vegas it's really cool it's kind of busy oh it's really cool i like the two people where the amy allen where she does the the cop works with her and then there's like one with four five different guys i don't watch that one but i know of it yeah i watch it a couple times now that i do it myself so much i don't watch the shows as much anymore because i've dealt with my own style so do you consider yourself a spiritual person before you got into all of this what drew you what me too but so what drew you to this nothing here they're about it but it's just the way i my belief system you know yeah for me it was always a no what i found about it what i like it absolutely proves that there's something beyond here absolutely so by doing that it proves atheists for me i don't understand atheists simply because if they're experienced that exists there can't be an atheist in reality people could argue that point but that's my feeling like yeah what are you what's your most interesting experience oh i could we talked about what we did yeah yeah but and i think that was interesting yeah i had some experiences happen before i was actually ghost hunting i could just do this quickly i guess i was in lost vegas because i'd always do a convention about fairs and vegas so after the convention it was at the helton at that era and they have the star trek experience yeah so i would go out there and i would always get souvenirs for my son because he and i are a big star trek down my daughter i lea my son wesley hey all of our in fact i've done work with william shatner and and some of the guys from star trek cool so the deal is that i would go there and get a souvenir and take home to my son yeah so one night i got the souvenir i walked outside it was very cold and i was waiting across the street over to the parking garage and a lady come up to me she goes you know i see you want the star trek i'm in enterprise which is the current series i looked at i said oh yeah my son loves that show and so she said well i would love it to meet him sometime and a car went by because there was a driveway and i looked at the car when i looked back she was gone no big deal i thought it's freezing out here she probably went back inside yeah i drove three and a half hours home gave my son his president he gave me the latest star trek magazine i opened the magazine in the back there was no bituary i saw the same person i saw three and a half hours earlier she had passed away three months before that wow and it was and is that what drew you to know one two no it was all actually what really drew me is i always heard stories about spiritualism in the sense that my grandfather was a very strong christian he was a coal miner and one time he was coal mining and at that era you stayed in the company store you did all that you didn't own anything they owned they owned you yes this was west Virginia right and by the way he was a great person you know really great strong he left to be 90 years old still working eyes cars the driveway at 90 you know wow he came to the mind one day take his mule down there is canary and everything and an angel appeared before him she said you have to leave well you didn't leave in those days because they owned you the angel told him to leave and he did and he went home my grandma said what are you doing home you're going to get fired we're going to have nothing and he said i had to an angel told me to come home and so he had lunch he went back out he went back to the mind after lunch all the other people had died and they were laying out on the ground in front of the mind and so an angel saved him so i grew up with these stories of spiritualism yeah like it was real so it kind of led me in that pathway little by little then happenings like this starts like experience all this is kind of led me along but you have to read my book ghost transfer i'm selling that this shall come over the ghost what what's the ghost transfer have missed among the spirits oh ghost transfer yeah like hypnotism transfer ghost transfer ghost transfer okay i show you a show i got him available all right good well i've really enjoyed being with you i have got to get ready for a show okay thank you michael appreciate it it's time thank you very much thank you nice meeting you man yeah we'd love to have you on again thanks for joining us out in the air i come back yet if you like it yeah i would okay there you go that's michael mezmer like in the hypnotist mezmer the original interesting fellow are you bombing yeah amazing i went to his youtube site and he's got like 50 youtube's about all this and the one you sent last night where there's it looked like 15 people and they were all hypnotized on stage it was wild i was not saying to me and especially how he has adapted you know like through the whole pandemic he had to switch to doing shows and doing therapy over zoom instead of in person he's developed both of those into a new form of doing hypnosis and how to play with media in creating hypnotic states of consciousness fascinating thing meditation is a form of self hypnotism yeah and he does make that point he does believe that all hypnosis is a form of self hypnosis that you give yourself permission to go with whatever that hypnotist is saying it's a collaboration between yourself and the hypnotist the therapist i was always wondering if he's ghost hunting i noticed that yeah i had a girlfriend susan and she worked in a bar and i swear sometimes it's known that ghosts hang out in bars and it's because when you're inebriated they can actually take over your body and i swear she came home with some ghosts on occasion so they kind of get sucked into your zone or your spirit in some way yeah you think certain people can be haunted there's definitely people that are possessed at certain times yeah i think you have some space in your system and you can have an airbnb you know for other spirits they just rent a body yeah rent a body yeah i kind of be an earth for a few days yeah some of these spirits are very powerful most of the ones that hang out in bars and stuff i think are they didn't i know michael was talking about mezmer was talking about he doesn't take those people to see the light there was all those psychic shows that were on the 90s on tv like john edwards there are psychics that can see ghosts and then there's psychics that can see ghosts that have passed over that have gone to the next level so there's two kinds of ghosts out there i would say the people that have passed over and gone to the light yeah they're more like angels and then there are ghosts that are earthbound and they just didn't go to the light and the instruction is usually when you're at a funeral what you would do is in the upper left hand corner of the stage there will be a light there and you should tell all the ghosts that are following you to go to the light and then they pass over into the other realm and they're not earthbound anymore so that's when they're talking about when they release these ghosts or but i think michael mezner doesn't want to release those ghosts because once they pass over and they see the light then they won't haunt that place anymore so that's why you go to that place to see the ghost to be haunted well there is that there is the tourism element yeah it's like the Winchester house over in san jose then there is the healing element where i think hans holzer was one of the first big ghost hunters and he always felt that he wasn't just hunting them but he was helping to solve whatever issue there was they kept the ghost there it's usually some psychological thing where they had they couldn't leave or they're responsible for something or they felt guilt tremendous guilt over it's something that holds them to a specific space-time coordinate usually an emotional thing so i get with michael is that he doesn't just do the show but he's also a bit of a healer in that he likes to try to make things better in the situations that come up for him and and also fun one of the things that are struck with me was that it's fun and that to some extent it's our job as the living to be fun for the dead because they're all so serious but usually at least the ghosts are usually positive from his experience but serious we're going to play you a couple of minutes from a couple of colleagues who do a podcast could know agenda john c divore aku i used to know it info world days a high-tech journalist yeah and adam kurry who was the podfather the founder of podcasts overall and he discovered something new this week that is amazing it's where an AI technology was given a hundred thousand word document a technical document and turned that document into two characters who are interacting with each other that are completely synthesized people so the hundred thousand word document is translated into a talk show by two people talking about it i'm going to play this clip because the first time they or at least the john divore act mr hi tech journalist has actually heard this it's one of the few times that i've heard him really both excited and i think he's something so unbelievable and not just poppycock there we go or that kind of thing interesting and i open these things up why is that interesting this this is what does that interest this is what the ai thinks a podcast should sound like between two people oh this is the podcast we're listening to yes you're listening to the podcast this is an ai i we have a dipshit these are fake voices yes and so we have a guy and this is like a typical this is like fashioned after npr some guy exactly and a dipshit woman who's going yeah oh yeah some moron yes and okay i'm i'm interested basically pivot the pivot podcast please start it over okay okay another head scratcher this week mhm these uh these patent files you sent in and me a little bit stumped i got to say yeah it's uh we've got a bunch of text files okay all named patent but with these little numbers tacked on right right patent to patent for that kind of thing interesting and i open these things up and it's just line after line of binary oh wow so ones and zeros as far as the eye can see okay so that's our challenge today we are diving headfirst into the world of uh well binary code now i think that what i like about this particular ais it adds the a's and the um's to it but for some reason the podcast format has to be someone taking the lead on talking and the other someone going mm-hmm oh yeah yay right mm yeah shoot let's do let's do it do it to see if we can crack this code figure out what in the world is going on absolutely um so before we get too far i think it might be helpful for some of our listeners to do a little bit of a binary one look to hold on she's a little too this is a they got a tone they got to turn her down a little bit she's she's it every phrase she's she's throwing a bit in there it's like uh oh uh yeah oh there's too much of that they got to fix that no hey it's fixable i'm looking looking forward to the day when we just throw a bunch of clips and and and show note stories into a bin and then i stay in bed on Thursday and Sunday and the show is just the show just the very basics what are we even talking about when we say binary code right so at its simplest binary is really just a way of representing now wait now they're gonna switch roles she's talking and he's gonna do the oh yeah really oh yeah she's using only two options okay so instead of our 10 digits like we use in our everyday lives you know zero through nine right right binary uses just zero and one got it got it and those two digits that's all we need to build even the most complex information so it's kind of like a light switch exactly it's either on or off that's it one or zero yep oh my god i want to kill myself now so that's the okay stop yeah slip of the day well thank you i i what this it wasn't even intended to put it on the list today but i'll take it unbelievable yeah but i like the kibbits thing the constant never ending not like we do i interrupt each other kind of in a different way to stop things but it's but this is always encouraging all right oh yes okay oh yeah yeah yeah like interesting yeah yeah very good yeah go yeah yeah yeah okay there you go wow that fun that would be great like if you're on vacation or something you could just throw a bunch of here here's the stories i want you to talk about yeah you'll be bobbie you'll be al yeah yeah exactly we could be replaced yeah oh yeah that's really good bobbie yeah i like that it's just mind-blowing isn't it yeah it's just gonna replace us all at least from a normal point of view to free us up to do something entirely different which i i suspect is what we'll all be doing shortly at least in the beginning it could augment different aspects of things and and do research for us that we wouldn't have time for the background you know we could actually interview them as one of our guests exactly they would know more than our guests yeah yeah figure out about quantum teleportation and report back to me about its relationship to concepts and time travel then they'll come back with a nice little report yeah that's exciting well to try that i mean a great panos so whatever a regular irregulars turned his mother into an ai personality that reveled a whole seagrap audience really yeah talking about things yeah yeah so he brought back somebody personal we could do ray brad berry or isoch azimov robert hindlin nicola tesla right hit the voices maybe all of them on a panel and discuss from their point of view what's next and also to get different elements like for example tesla used to think about when he called death rays which were supposedly a weapon of the future but was there anything to that it was a real and from a point of view of other characters like einstein is it real i have noticed that the ais are capable of taking on different philosophers can you argue this point of view from haggle while you're talking to sigmund Freud about some nature of jealousy they would then compare the two and then we in the process would get an understanding of both yeah ios 18 this week yeah the advice that i have in our links pages about clearing your cache before you upgrade ios 18 you're picking up your phone on the 20th right no it's being sent to me it's being sent to me i'm getting in the new ios 16 pro-max phone yeah did you order one too are you i did but i won't get it till october but katia is getting she has to go to the apple store in san francisco at 215 on the 20th to pick it up really wow yeah they wouldn't deliver she's signed a little later they wouldn't deliver oh no okay well i'm so glad you're gonna get it well i have to ask her about what it's all about but we got to go right now thank you for our being on the show yeah we will uh hopefully we'll be here next week and mrs future will be reporting from ireland if not in home and thank you all for being part of it and thank you bobby bye for now thank you bye bye bye bye