Take it what time is that? The future is coming on it's coming on it's Okay, we are coming on from Aptos, California down to by the beach Where it's been non-stop for the last week full of activities full of fun people and good weather lately Just love this sunny weather here in Aptosia. Yeah, we're getting a little spoiled this time of year Spring is sprung not just fog anymore. We did have to put up with several gray days, but it's been worth it Spring is back. How's it going there in San Francisco Bobby? That's probably while there are science course on it in San Francisco I always envy the weather in Santa Cruz because San Francisco has a little bit more fog than you guys did Right just a little yeah, but then it's been clear here and it's like amazing This is like perfect days really last couple days. Yeah Santa Cruz, yeah, that's Taylor barcroft our Apple analyst analyst Apple analyst, okay, and he's here because Apple list Apple list You from Appalachia Why do we have our Apple analyst on so early in the show? What's the breaking news Taylor because the iPad pros and the iPad errors the new iPad errors and pros launched last Wednesday They arrived last Wednesday you get your hands on them And they just put him twos in the air. So that's nothing what they put the m4 in the pro and Also OLED screens on both pros So they're quite a bit better than they were although if you already have one I don't have an m1 iPad pro Just a little bit of a Jim one was that Roy would not upgrade. Yeah, so the point is that the m4 came out and so now the speculation is When will the max have an m4 or an m4? Everyone wants the m4 max twice as fast half the power Nobody wants it by an m2 or even an m3 Mac now. Yeah, m4 is in the iPad exactly so mark german of Bloomberg news is saying that there's not gonna be a new Mac studio until 2025. I think it's a ridiculous prediction I'm predicting that we're gonna get Mac minis and Mac studios in three weeks at the worldwide developer conference I don't have any skin in the game But you're predicting you want to get that mark in there that that's probably what's gonna happen But we think about the yields right there's an m4 and m4 pro and m4 max that are being produced by TSMC in Taiwan and They're gonna have low yields to begin with what max sell the least the Mac mini and the Mac studio, right? Compared to you less than the Mac mini compared to the iPad price. Yeah, I think there's gonna be m4 and m4 pro Mac Mini announced at worldwide developer conference three weeks possibly I think it's also gonna be announced of an m4 max and an m4 ultra Mac studio. I know I'm eight tell see this because L just bought the M2 max in January. It's all right. It's all right I'm ready for an upgrade in 2025 Even though you're saying it's gonna happen this summer. This is not gonna happen to 2025. I think it'll happen in three weeks Okay, all right It's a years difference between you and the rest of the analysts Vadim of max tech and then XCCH That's a YouTube channel. Yeah agrees with me. That's what I'm following him. He thinks that's gonna happen All right, well, that's interesting Why are they predicting other than that? I mean is there some kind of gear shortage I can't imagine why because you think about the chip yields they're gonna be low So they don't want to put Mac book pros and Mac book airs out yet because the yields aren't gonna be High enough for those products as far as these products go the desktop models would sell way less So they should be able to low yields in the factory. They're gonna have low volume in sales Comparatively compared to the Mac book pros. Yeah. Yeah. How many people? So it's just a common sense kind of prediction right right? Do you concur Bobby? Yeah, it doesn't make sense for them to wait another year to put out their flagship high-end Mac studio and wait Mac mini as well. Yeah, remember there's a flaw in the M12 and 3 processors a physical flaw the security that is the security risk everybody and Apple doesn't want to talk about this but Bobby has and That's why I think they're gonna want to jump to him for as soon as they can sure sure sure so that again bolster the now Just to a lay fears. I deliver a confirm that that security risk has been presented as an in-person On-site security risk as opposed to just a general anybody can get your data security risk Well, it was shown to Apple back in November of 2023 That there were eight universities and they were working on flaws in the M series chips one two and three and They discovered not just a software flaw, but it's a hardware flaw and it has to do with the side cache and the way it can Accelerate the computers it can guess because it has Information in a cache and you can pull it from the cache much faster than starting over with this information What's interesting is on the M4 they just announced how incredible this chip is and how it has a brand new ML cache system that's faster than the one before you got to get it just kind of Predicting properly. Yeah fade to M4. Yeah, so they're not saying they made a mistake They're just saying oh, we got something faster now and you just got to go to that Pretty much yeah, but the problem was that that predictive power was elite and people could access it without the proper protocols Yes, the way it would come in is probably a malfunctioning app that's on your computer On the emcer is it and it can be the iPad or it could be? The studio whatever machine you had It would probably run in the background It takes about an hour to cash to pick up all the pieces of the cache to figure out your Apple ID Password and sometimes you might be able to run in the background or it might be running on your desktop or when you step away I don't know how it's gonna work, but they predicted that's how it's gonna happen For context Bobby and Sun are both on M1 McMitties and Al and I are on I'm on an M2 Pro McMittie and Al's on the M2 Max McMittie, so We're all in the studio parties concerned parties So I'm sorry. Yeah, so the flaw is about decoding your actual physical Apple ID to open your computer locally That's what could be revealed it would take over your accounts your Apple ID accounts Like you have a lot of password keys and your banking system and all your financial system is all kind of tied to your Apple ID password Well now let me just say I think there's a difference between the password that I use to go into my laptop When I first log on and my Apple ID those are not the same thing. They're not the same thing We're talking about the Apple ID. Oh, so it would go into your Apple account Which has the access to all of your apps? Exactly and maybe your credit cards - yeah Right, especially I use that all the time. Okay, so if the ais go sentient they can pretend to be you The ais go sent me let's hope they distribute the wealth properly. That's right if they pretend to be me I would like it to be a to my benefit not to my detriment. Yeah, exactly the amount of money you deserve Now in three weeks we'll be recording WWDC on that Tuesday June 11th show Uh-huh if you already have an M1 13 inch iPad Pro There's no reason to upgrade to the M4 iPad unless you got money to burn Okay, that's a 11 inch like Bobby and I both have antique 11 inches So we might do it to have 11 inch models, but all three of us are on M1 13 inch iPads Yeah, you're feeling a little Apple feel yeah, I'm okay with my M1 for a while until yeah I am too until my bank account gets destroyed, but until then I'm happy Right. Yeah, I think the only thing is gonna destroy your bank account is your thirst for more Apple products You think my old 9.7 inch iPad Pro is the fantastic clock. Yeah, I've got it on clock mode 100% Yeah, it's a great use for it. Wow. It's perfect I bet you could buy a museum gallery piece clock for that same well You know it's it's not unusual actually because you know Sun is doing the same thing right now with her iPad M1 She is using the atomic clock to keep track of our time on the show and that's it's so perfect You guys each have a 12.9 inch. No, she has a smaller one. Oh, she has the 11 inch M1 Yeah, and I love that size it fits in my bag. I don't bang it. I can see that it's perfect Yeah, the 13 inches a little bit too big and heavy. That's right. That's right And if anything to upgrade it would be to get a lighter machine and it's a whole pound I have to hold the whole pound is the quarter pound lighter the new one Wow, okay, well, that'll make a difference One a quarter instead of one a half pounds for who wouldn't like a bigger screen, but well I'm actually lighter screen. Yeah. Well, that's the other thing the new 11 is the same screen as the 13 remember in the M1 iPads there's a different screen on the 11 then there is on the 13 it's got the Mini LED on the 13, but there's no mini LED on the okay, so it's good But there are the new ones are dual OLED What they call tandem OLED I think and that's on both screens nice nice So if you do have the older iPad and you want a smaller screen the new one's fantastic for that How's the OLED comparative what I have with the mini LED? Do you think in terms of quality? They're black or blacks? On what? Yeah, it's two million to one contrast instead of one million to one. Oh a million to one to two million If our eyes could tell yeah, I think I remember the LCDs were only thousands to one much brighter These new ones are a thousand nits even in standard video Yeah, you can watch a movie where you sit now down the HDR I'll peak at 1600 nits So they're a lot brighter. It's easier to see during daytime So if you take your iPad outside, yeah watch a movie on it. Yeah, good. Well, I do like taking the iPhone 15 Pro Max outside It looks pretty nice until it overheats. Oh, yeah, that's real. Yeah your phone overheats Yeah, that's one of the problems with the i15 Pro Maxes is that they overheat mine never mind doesn't overheat at all It's in a case. Yeah, well, do you ever go outside? Yeah, I go outside. It's in my pocket though It's in my pants pocket. I don't really I'm outside. I have it outside of the Sun. Yeah, he's more of a Sun worshiper than you my friend Yeah, so yeah, I know he's worshipping you I was always wondering why these phones just overheat if you lie them on the table face up Yeah, and I think it's because of the blackness of the phone when it's off just Sucks up all the heat from the Sun. No, I might just have to do with the heat sink I mean, it's pretty complicated All that stuff what it does is that the Sun sneaks up, you know, I'm listening to a podcast It'll start blasting the phone I won't notice because my eyes are closed as I'm listening in And my lounge chair and then it stops it just stops all of a sudden and then you look down and you have that little Thermometer thing on your iPhone. Well, the other thing is that if you do graduate to the new M4 iPad pros You have to buy if you want a keyboard case From Apple you've got to spend three hundred dollars or three hundred fifty dollars Because the old cases won't work with the new iPads So you have to buy if you want one of those Apple keyboard cases, but they do have function keys across the top That's cool, and you also have to buy a new pencil Only the new iPad pros will work with the new iPad pros and even the iPad Airs need an Apple pencil pro So those are extra expenses that you didn't necessarily figure on right? I don't know if you're an Apple user you do figure on those extra expenses You know, you got to buy your custom cables and you got a keyboard case I don't really care about those yes, and in the future kids you'll spend I use my twenty five dollars for a plastic pencil ever Since you've been gone. They've got their own their ability less expensive. Yes I'm sure that if we all just talk at once and nobody listen. I think that's a good idea. Let's do that How about if we change the topic, okay, yeah Yeah, I mean I can nerd about Max forever, but do I want to do my audience really? Right, right, you get other things going on okay Tuesday the 11th of June for more exciting Mac adventures all right all right Taylor Well, thank you for your scintillating up update on all things Apple appreciate it All right, we'll talk to you soon Yeah, you bet Taylor can record on his solar. Oh, yeah, you want to say something about that before we sign off with Taylor? Okay, the idea is I wanted a battery backup for my house that we could Battery backup because they were they were giving them away at Costco for four thousand dollars $6,500 now this is the equivalent of a half of a Tesla wall I understand something like no no It's three quarters of one Tesla wall three quarters and one Tesla wall with all the Intelligence and you can go and calculate the best time to use the battery and it can take solar panels and he can do everything This is from Costco no, it's from anchor. Hey from It's a Solix division so li X all right, so let me see if I understand so you bought a device from Costco And it's basically a solar controller without it We went through the Costco portal to anchor because it was less expensive that way I see it has an inverter in it Seine wave inverter it's called a solix F3800 F38 has an inverter and a big battery in it And for the fourth thousand dollars includes an external battery also and you can put six external batteries on this 3800 so you can only got one of six Wow I got a little these are lithium ion draw my office in idle is only 150 watts So the house probably draws no more than five or six hundred watts when it's in full mode That's about what we do in the computer watch with the television on now if you have multiple TVs on it's gonna probably be closer to a thousand Well, unfortunately, I'm only one person's like only a one TV on at a time TVs running off my computer of a TV and off a Roku attached to one of my computer monitors also So I can run three TV channels at once okay, which I do during football. Yeah, that's what I thought that's my Which is counting the watts yeah Taylor bathe and OLED so Taylor if you fully charge this anchor battery backup If the power went out how long can you run it? It'll run for about a day for about a day. Yeah Back on it. Yeah, I've got one external battery pack. That's including that part It'll run for a day in ten hours. It's about 34 hours But as soon as I turn the TV on that'll go down a little bit then I have to I'm off peak charging so right now I'm running off the battery no AC and This is my office I'm talking about I get the office fully backed up to this battery system and Tonight at nine o'clock. I'll plug it in to start charging off peak because my peak goes from four to nine Now that's the boy the peak charge saving that money from four to nine Do you know how much they charge these days for power? We have no idea. We're off the grid always The peak is 43 and the off peak is 31 But that changes in the summer it goes to peak 51 and off peak 43 and what is units? What do you get? It's per kilowatt hour battery charge. I'm not sure okay If you have an EV car you can get better rates a better tiered rate So I think I'm paying 23 cents And you just have to file this form and your registration He sent it to PG me and they give you this super good tier rate Yeah, unfortunately only have an electric bicycle and bicycles don't count So I can't get that ultra low you don't have to yell Yeah, he's just a bit about that enthusiasm Appreciated yeah, we got two minutes before the break. Let's wrap it up here. Okay, so the rest of the project Ballooned when we found Bob free energy Bob who's been on the show. We're doing son now. We're doing solar for sure Yeah, I thought solar was a possibility now. I know it's a definite. Yeah, it's a plug into this unit It's gonna be fully probably be up by the time we come back June 11th It should be fully solarized and everything yeah I'll be charging with the Sun daily to the battery and never using the grid for charging and I'll be off grid like you guys Solar garden. It works great for us I'm just wondering how much battery juice you need to have that fully covered Are you getting a number of panels like several 300 watt panels or yeah Bob's gonna put in the maximum We're gonna have a maximum coverage. It should be overkill. I'll see how that goes when we plug it in Okay, the house should be on idle only five or six hundred watts. I think all right. Well. Thank you Taylor Thank you a little break. See you guys in three weeks. All right, man. Take it easy Thanks for the update. Bye. Talk to you later. That's Taylor. Thank you. All things Apple ends a little solar input this time The votes are in chef Ben here from back nine grill and bar at the easy-off past tempo exit We are so proud of our food and our service and your votes back nine has been voted Santa Cruz counties best burger and best happy hour in the good times You've heard me talking about our house ground burgers It's time for you to come and try one so you can taste the juicy difference and what makes our happy hour the best You have to come and experience it yourself. See you at the nine. Hi folks How many of you out there love to garden wouldn't it be nice to grow some of your own food or maybe a flower garden would brighten your day Well now you can have the pleasures of gardening without all that effort. 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Yeah, it's been a very social week for us here It's been not a lot of friends dropping in and trying to make the world a better place together I think of this weekend we had two dinner parties Well, there was Friday night there was Saturday night and then there was Sunday drop-in Right drop-in and yes, and of course the branches that go along with it's kind of a non-stop but it's been really enlightening and a lot of fun and Very inspiring. We've got a group of people who are all Evolutionary agents and we've been debating whether or not we even have to go through a Crash in order to get to the paradise that we all are here for and we're a very optimistic crew That is totally prepared for paradise however, we keep having to navigate the perceptions of people who think that they're very informed who are busy telling us that the world's about to end We're gonna have the four horsemen of the apocalypse We're gonna have war and poverty and money's gonna end and we won't get our supplies Those are known as the end times tuners. That's right the end times tuners We are encountering a lot of end times tuners and yeah Also a lot of optimists who are saying well if we just get ready and do everything right Nobody has to suffer We lean in Not afraid of smiling in the future and say it's gonna be great And to some extent it is up to us that's right It is and we were on a check-a-board planet that is going to amplify whatever energy you put out So the more we create a sphere of influence that has happy people in it who are trying hard to help each other The more we experience paradise despite whatever else is going on on the rest of the world Yeah, and with that in mind one of the first places we visited yesterday was a local farm called whiskey Hill Oh, yeah, and a lot of locals have been aware of whiskey hoe for the last 12 years It's been the domicile of a beautiful visionary who were very fond of named David Bloom He was really in his element yesterday as a professor He considers himself a distiller. He considers himself a farmer an inventor and a community activist who educates people how to be extremely productive in their efforts to grow things and he grows a lot of wonderful things that he's got these beautiful Greenhouses like a wasabi. Yeah, he's got an amazing collection of wasabi. He's growing 35 different leaves that are flavorful lettuces and very nutritious things to be eating and These are cash crops. They're good for a local commercial endeavor He's really got a lot of interesting things going on there. We hope the farm can continue there Going through a major fundraising. Oh, yeah, like everybody the financial system has been conspiring to take good people down and bless his heart Dave is doing his best to keep it afloat and it is unique and then when you walk in you do see these incredible canisters giant aluminum machines what's going on here and it turns out to be a distillation That's you know four stories high. Where were we at? Sea grooms? No, no, but he's he's distilling alcohol as a fuel for various devices. Yes. Yes, he points out and you might have read through his classic book alcohol can be a gas That alcohol has been a fuel for our machines for a long time Internal combustion engine was invented. Oh, even before that they used to do alcohol lamps people have been fermenting fruit and turning the sugar water into ignitable fuel and distillation is one of the oldest technologies of the Industrial revolution where he says it goes back to the Roman days But even modern day versions with the Scots and distillation. It's still hundreds of years old. Yeah continues to evolve Yeah, people who like to drink alcohol don't necessarily remember that it was the best way to light a candle back in the day Yeah, exactly, you know, it has a lot of very utilitarian uses besides just a social lubricator. Yes And part of the mission yesterday was to introduce David Bloom on a local visionary farmer visionary inventor farmer with Danny Sheen right so local celebrity lawyer Yeah, friend of ours and just a legendary Human being he has so many great stories. He's one of my favorite bards. Yes. Yes He came over here to our place after the tour of whiskey Hill and held court here telling stories until midnight Yeah, yeah, our our little party crew is ready for the Ascension for a good chunk of it. Oh sadly He says cameras off for this part Well, he just knows if he's gonna wax Aliquan. Yes. Be careful about what he shares. Yes But he does we've quite amazing tales You'll have to tune into Al's life stream if you want to know more He's gonna be editing that But what we can tell you it was about to light a stuff on UFOs Yes, which of course is very interesting to hear Danny Express his perspective on that because of course anybody who's familiar with Danny knows that he has always been representing Like Stephen Greer in the disclosure project. He was representing a lot of different military people like most recently Lou Alessandro who was trying to come out with the evidence for the modern investigation of the UFO question and he's leading the charge in Congress to try and get Congress to draft full disclosure legislation The way that Danny expressed his connection with the UFO question is that it is the most interesting subject that attracts support on both sides of the aisle in Congress bipartisan support by partisan support because it is connected to generations of falsification of information and deceitfulness and the kind of government that does not serve we the people and it has become so corrupt now that it's in danger of not being functional and Exploring the UFO question and the way that the government has repeatedly created obfuscation and deception is a Laundry list of all the ways that our government has failed us It's very interesting to try and get back on the right track using the legal system to hold people accountable and to force and that's People who've been lying to us to disclose the information They've got exactly what he's trying to do and I think in the process trying to move the whole UFO question away from the military industrial secrecy world and black budget stuff to academics and apologists philosophers and philosophers and artists and turn it over to people who are more Cheerleaders for the human race into life and understanding the nature of life and existence on this planet and intelligence and See Instead of just the sneaky self-interested ones that I think one of the funniest part of the evening is when Bruce Erickson Who has been abducted and has been up in ships and stuff like that came in and just Lated into Danny about how the government is not a big priority with the aliens They've been part of the scene a long time and they hang out with the humans that they resonate with there you go direct to source And nobody's gonna land on the wall. I should buy house a why bother? Yeah, right? Those people are gonna be obsolete real soon if they're not already it's a matter that of consciousness And where you hang out in your conscious awareness? Yeah, because really we all are creator beings we all are authors of our own story and our own destiny and what we do together is the Force of creation that makes the world makes the future So if we surround ourselves with people who are helping each other and who are self-empowered and who are living their best selves then just like in the days before media connected all of us to this giant media broadcast of Despair will be in a world where there are lots of spheres of influence and lots of different kinds of experiences being had and the more you're Creating paradise around yourself the more you and everyone you know is experiencing it and that's where we live We live in that bubble of people who are making things better Absolutely, we had other people coming here some from millennials connected with creating heaven on earth Their plans for doing so. Oh give a little report Jordan and Justin. Oh, yes. Oh, yes Thanks, Jan Ballard for organizing a group of gods one of the great connector people. Yeah Yeah, and the kind of social activism that's going on online is to try and help facilitate local activists to network with each other on a higher level and amplify the wave of influence and Not doing it from like a star broadcast platform, which is kind of old paradigm, but doing it from a Meet each other be aware of each other's strengths Offer each other something that is mutually enhancing Set your priorities together and new online Invitation of a social fabric that is actually Improving reality for the participants tends to be a collaborative group mind Decentralized intelligence. It's not that it's not hierarchical and it's not that it's like Communism or whatever. Yeah, it's actually self expression meeting group Awareness the maximum of the situation maximum connection. Yeah, and maybe we just need a new layer Language for something that used to be called marketing But it is trying to connect people in a way that matches them so that people with this like mind can mutually support each Yeah, yeah, I would say the ideal situation You'd want to be aware of where the projects are that you'd be most turned on by most interested in participating in right? I haven't sort of fit into your lifestyle. Yeah And the world that we're in right now people have thought that money is the only guide to that like I'm only going to Do what is efficient way to make money and then I'm gonna do something else But this is actually a different premise that I'm only gonna do what I'm here to do I'm only gonna do what I'm interested in doing. I'm only gonna do What feels like something I can make a meaningful contribution to right and that is going to be my platform for success You know, yeah, everyone's gonna be doing what they're here to do. Yeah, and the system will support that kind of thinking and going towards relationships that feel enhancing and nurturing and yummy and going away from relationships that feel annoying and harmful and suspicious and just a lot more of a role for intuition a lot more of a role for developing friendships Yeah stuff like that just to try and state the obvious the age of Aquarius is going to be just like the age We're leaving behind the age of Pisces except that everyone in it is going to be a self actualized creative Scientific artistic individual who is thriving in a way that enhances all civilization. So that's the only difference minor details So that kind of came a step closer here with all these folks Definitely we definitely put our drop in the wishing well and these ideas become more real and you have lots of others that you can talk to about such matters Yes, indeed. Yes, indeed. I really think that 2024 to 2028 I think there's gonna be a lot of UFO activity because I think the universe and well other Species in the galaxy are aware that we're coming into this new age and they want to experience it Or be on the sidelines and see how we deal with this You know half the people at the party last night reported having had personal UFO experiences And half the people said that they weren't sure or had not We've just been joined by Gabrielle who was with us last night. Let's say hi Gabrielle. What's up girl? Hi? So good to be here. What a day yesterday was this was an outrageous day. What happened? What happened? Abby was on the whiskey Hill tour What was your what would be your big takeaway from hanging out with David Bloom David Bloom is amazing? What a person he's industrious so smart just a brilliant brilliant person who I was so happy to meet I had no idea he educated us yesterday in ways that we had never been educated I mean we sort of know about sustainable farming vaguely I think most of us do but he really dove into this in a way that was just so comprehensive now I would just want to let people know Gabrielle is an incredible horticulturalist She is a wonderful nerd to take a nature walk with because she identifies every plant And she's really has stories about them and has that childlike enthusiasm that just is contagious And here she is with David Bloom who I would say is of that sort of that ilk He has a real joy of life around understanding Plants their chemistries their ecosystems and how they can contribute to the world that we're living in Yeah, I was so impressed with this cyclical system that he had created there Where they're capturing the emissions from their distillation process And turning that into how do we feed the plants with this? We talked about fuel we talked about alcohol as fuel and how much more efficient that is effective efficient and that was news to me he gave this great demonstration to us to show us how Alcohol versus gasoline burns. Oh, it's so clean Anybody who sees that would want to start using alcohol immediately and you burn the gasoline you can see the muck in the air Yeah, and all the residue that's left behind so it's not only is it polluting But it's leaving behind this massive corrosive these chemicals and these substances residue Resid car residont Residont Yeah, and the other thing that David did for me was he discussed something that I had never heard about Which was this idea of trim tab from Bucky Fullminster Buckminster Fuller. Sorry That's my man Yeah That's what happens if you just send someone check my okay. Anyway misspoke right Buckminster Fuller They were talking about trim tab and so David was a part of this think tank in Mexico some years ago Where because we sort of started on this discussion? How do we really affect change when you're potentially your interests or the interests or goal that you have in mind might be? Fastly or oppositionally different from the person you're trying to affect the change from so He told us about this amazing Opportunity he had to join a think tank in Mexico that was initiated by Dennis Kucinich by Dennis Kucinich Yes, another political hero of mine and they all gathered together and one of the top I guess officers of Merisk which was the largest shipping company in the world was in attendance and David wanted to pitch the idea of using alcohol to replace his fuel in the ships and diesel and his whole Premise was hey listen like the greatest polluter We're trying to do all of these things with our electric cars and you know things here through our public policy But really the biggest polluter of our planet is his shipping industry where they're moving these mass barges across The world so that we can get our junk from China Well and the numbers he quoted is he said that all of the pollution that is being generated by people is equal to the pollution being generated by 12 of these International cargo ships and there are 55,000 of them on the ocean So if we clean up 12 of them we've already offset all of the pollution of humanity Right except for that but that alone is not enough to necessarily sway a CEO of a company So what David did was use this trim tab idea to use a reference to a movie Which was actually based on a true story Suriana from George Clooney and it was about these boys who go out there you know these fishing vessels and they've got their fuel aboard and they run into a missile that's sitting under their boat They crash into it and that explosion This is a true story caused the detonation that was greater than that of Hiroshima that killed 10,000 people and just leveled out Communities nearby and the point was that it was the model of natural gas as a replacement for diesel If you were to try alcohol for alcohol well It was actually Suriana was the example of a missile hitting a natural gas powered boat Right right so what he said was as these insurance companies as your insurers become more aware that this alternate technology exists that is risk-free Essentially that not only doesn't pollute the oceans and our environment and adding to emissions that are killing our planet But you have your insurers are not gonna ensure you who's gonna ensure you if you keep using this old technology That is a risk it is highly highly The potential for risk was so great. Well, I just wanted again Can I just add to the story is part of the issue is that diesel fuel and the petroleum industry the extraction industry is Predicting that they are running out of fuel in a very fixed amount of time 10 12 20 years and they want to reserve That kind of fuel for other purposes then transportation and Therefore they need a replacement fuel and so what will that replacement fuel well natural gas is part of that same industry And this is a deterrent for that replacement fuel and so yeah I think he quoted like maybe we have a 12 year reserve of our oil and that's a reality But what he was saying was that we have plants we have plants that can produce Alcohol which is a natural byproduct and just have unlimited fuel that's never going to pollute solar sourcing And so just this idea so by simply bringing up the idea of money as This is to ensure you right that dangerous is gonna hurt your business and as the CEO or as an executive officer of A private corporation you have a fiduciary Responsibility to your stakeholders and so what this did was actually affect real change and now today Merck is changing over their fleet. Well, we don't know that but we know he said that yes He said that they already have their ships now. Yeah, he said they've now No, he thinks that the entire industry will go this way now because Merck has started the trend But as of now they are testing out two ships that are fueled with an alcohol fuel That sounds very promising but that was such an example for me. It was inspirational in terms of How do we speak to somebody who we need to affect change from we need these people with us in a lot of cases? We can't just be oppositional and create a war So how do we get people to come with us in a way that makes sense to all of us? And that was just a brilliant example of this and was very inspiring and actually Asks you to solve problems not just bring up problems and criticisms But how do you get to the heart of somebody of the matter in a way that just the simplest? Little suggestion affects such great change cool. Thank you so much Gabs We're in the last minute here before the break just want to say that was the beginning that was just the beginning of yesterday And it is fascinating and that's also an interesting conversation to look at well, okay? No, it's not just electrification. We shouldn't just get electric cars But what about cars that run on alcohol it brings up that question again Which he has been talking about for years and why hasn't it become mainstream mostly because of special interest groups and Protective as lobbies that would appear Or after the break here Gaby can read you a little something you just found online while we go into the break So Mayor's switch ranks number five on the transport topics top 50 list plans to have 25 vessels that are able to run on green Methanol and right now they have 18 large vessels running on this green methanol Hey, hey happy future now everybody we'll be back after some words from our sponsors Okay Okay, we are back I'm talking to some of the strangest things that have been happening with our new world Certainly technology kind of pushes us forward whether we like it or not. That's one of the things I love about it I like today for example the whole Issue with scarlet joe hansen, but there's a piece on that today show this morning that I wanted to play And we can deconstruct it a little bit. This is a new piece on scarlet joe hansen versus ai Warning from hollywood actress scarlet joe hansen saying this voice used by open ai's virtual assistant sky Hello, I'm really excited about teaming up with you sounds quote eerily similar to her own Hi, how you doing? The actress famously played an artificial intelligence system in the movie her in 2013 you have a name um Yes Samantha now warning tech is imitating art too closely A virtual assistant that can help answer questions joe hansen says open ai ceo sam altman wanted to hire her to voice sky But that she declined the offer due to personal reasons The actress telling nbc news when she later heard the ai voice she was shocked angered and in disbelief She points out altman insinuated the intentional similarity when he tweeted a single word her The day the chat gpt product was announced altman is previously said her is his favorite movie about ai I think her got something deeply right on the interface And that is no small feat once the voice was released many on social media immediately picking up on the resemblance between the two voices Hey, is your voice supposed to be? Scarlett Johansson no my voice isn't designed to replicate scarlet joe hansen or any specific person Open ai categorically denies the allegations Saying the company cast the voice actor behind sky before reaching out to joe hansen Altman adding in a statement the voice of sky is not scarlet joe hansen's and it was never intended to resemble her's Out of respect for miss joe hansen. We have paused using sky's voice in our products This latest controversy comes as artificial intelligence has faced increasing criticism That you haven't isn't that interesting? Yeah, well, I think the casual observer would absolutely admit that the Chat gpt voice sounds very similar to scarlet joe hansen. It's very similar. Yeah, what are the rights regarding? Someone who wants to sue for having their voice copied is that gonna be an issue? Well, apparently it's uncharted territory. So stay tuned. We'll find out. What are the ais allowed to do it? There is a big lawsuit when search first hit the internet and google had to defend their right to send their web crawler on to people's websites and Copy a little bit for the purpose of putting them into the search at that time. They won that website. I think under some kind of fair use Ruling I don't really remember the exact details. There's probably going to be a new category of voice actors That's going to come out of this Voice actors right now are getting paid for Peace work how much they read and they say now with this technology their voice is essentially scanned and then recreated They don't have to talk at all anymore and so they well That's why it's like the original days of google because at issue is where did they get the files that they trained the AI with and who owns those files And well, did they get them? Yeah, but that's not gonna last long. So you win in a law case or two and then what? It's using to reach a point where it becomes relatively trivial to copy anybody's voice Well, now we're talking way it is. You remember the Terminator? Pretending to be yes, and at first it works at first it works because it doesn't happen people don't imitate voice as much But in a world in a world where everyone can imitate everybody. What do you think happened? Well? I think we're gonna find out here So What it does it turns whatever coming into your world as possibly not real and there's a system he can clone a voice in five There you go seed Greg knows Yeah And that's true that's rapidly becoming normalized and that makes whatever you hear and see possibly not real And definitely improving the chances that this is all a simulation Yeah, it will become more like silly putty reality become more like silly putty And I think a lot of people will start to freak out over that right psychologically because there's nothing You don't know if that's your mother calling or freak out more about which will they freak out more about the fact that we're not alone Or the fact that anything can be imitated by AI Anything could be imitated. I don't care who by I'm thinking of somebody who is social engineering a lot of hacking comes from Convincing people to give you stuff or to give you access. I have a scenario that's like maximum freak out Which is AI creating a simulated Jesus to like tell people in the middle east to stop fighting That would be maximum AI Right if they took it seriously, but no one would take anything seriously anymore I want to say the CIA is taking that seriously. Are they? Project blue beam In the iraq war the first one They actually used high frequency waves Yeah, and it would actually get the calcium ion channels in your cells to actually It felt like they were being heated up You know and so they were using those frequencies for crowd control, but then later They were actually using magnetic waves and in the way that there were studies in Canada Years ago where they could take a magnetic coil that put it near the head and they could induce fear in people And so So we're machines. We're just fear machines. Now we can be manipulated by invisible magnetic waves Well, we're manipulated by fear whatever way it comes But they were saying things like all of was telling them directly To drop their guns and run Yeah, and a lot of people heard that yeah Well, apparently they did and they were using these magnetic waves that actually sounded like Halfic messages. It sounded like voice. They would think of it as a spiritual experience Yes, exactly. Yeah, and so that's going to happen here soon You know, I mean fake spiritual experiences that try to get you to do something Yes, and they're already working on lasers that can make three-dimensional objects appear in the mist Yes, I mean I have also heard laser speakers Where they can project a sound over quite a distance and no one hears it except the person who it's pointing at Oh kind of like that whisper dome trick that they do. Yeah This is beamed. This is beam. I used it in a crowd where I was down in a crowd of people and someone up in the balcony Aimed the beam at me and I could hear their voice Clear as day and no one around me could hear them and it was just this little handheld device It was it was a laser speaker. It was a special laser speaker. I think it was a company Holosonics something like that. I think you still have it. No. No, I was just lent to me for a couple of days Oh, okay. Yeah. Wow. We've got to get one of those Really? Yeah, the next party. We got a Yes, absolutely. Yeah, I can see people with the opportunistic monkeys here Yeah Well, I'm not not you, Bobby particularly But I can see how some guy with it would find a cute girl down in the crowd and said saying You're going towards the entrance. You'll see a blonde guy there about five nine talk to him You know, I have to tell you this is very likely to spook the person and make whoever's receiving that message Think she's being stalked. You nerds. No, no, no I have a good sense of what is appealing to you. Yeah, no, you get a point you get a point even on second thought You got to really be careful of the message What you're saying maybe you're going to use technology Maybe you say you have to use it in a way that isn't sneaky You have to use it in a way that like no, well, all right. Okay. So you just say Blocked Well, you have your problem if you were used to hear that and then it would just set the tone now Right now you're going subliminal. Huh? Yeah You've been married a too long. How do you kind of forgot your you forgot your moves? You're fine just the way you are. Let's let's not worry about your relationship with flirt technology Well, let's look at another use for it But the the the laser sound projections are another level of creating fake reality Beyond voice changing Which seems to be the the current trend It's probably going to be such that you will speak in your voice and you have a choice of what it sounds like All right, you can choose different. I think one of the things that humans can add to an AI voice in real time Would be more subtle inflections of the tone Sure. Well, this is kind of like what happens when you have an avatar and all of a sudden you have these new ways to make yourself Look more glamorous or more beautiful or more heroic Same thing with the voice as you have a chance to make yourself Take on a new character that allows you to express yourself in a new way And it's kind of fun to play with but you have to remember people also They really like authenticity playing with something creatively is one form of these tools affecting our culture, but using these tools to help us more Understand who we really are is way more interesting to me. Okay. Well, let's find ways of not just fooling each other But of enlightening each other. Yeah, let's do that Okay, like I guess I could whisper to your right And then the person you still want to direct me. This is still your step for wife I guess I some kind of Let's change the subject From your fascination with remote control and how women respond to it and try and do something that's a little more flirtation With me This is like subliminal commands. I don't know ladies anybody out there feel like calling in and giving him some cues Oh My how to get here Good thing i'm very patient. I have a good sense of humor But really subliminal stuff as always fascinated me. I don't know why Nothing like a handful of flowers honey and I tell you a handful of flowers is way better than a snaky laser Projected sound in my ear instructing me to do something over projection overt projection That kind of appeals to my contrariness like I would do anything but that I got it. I got it Just trying to help you understand You know sensitivity and awareness training. Yes. Okay. That's what i'm here for minor years Both and a mirror universe it's always both might be a funhouse mirror universe, but it's always both So how about this blue origin is finally shooting tourists back into space again Oh after nearly two-year hiatus now see if you were the mainstream news You would just say blue origin is shooting tourists Six tourists shot to the edge of space That's it when they go to the edge of space And then come back who went anybody famous? Well, let's see here. Oh, I had blasted off at 936 a.m This morning weekend this weekend. Oh, yeah in texas a little ranch a private ranch in west texas Okay, just a little sunday. I saw this on television. Did you yeah? Okay? Was it good that it looked yeah There was a 90 year old guy Yeah, we've been one of the astral night candidates from that linden johnson appointed Back in the sixties. Yeah, he never made it He was originally he almost was an astronaut He was almost yeah, well they call him an astronaut now because he went up there for three minutes or whatever it was Well, yeah, I don't get it when you go up for two or three minutes. How does that count? Well, it's better than not with space Hold your space man. Yeah, space man. It's hard to get up there But anyway, he is 90 years old and it was very impressive when he got off. He was just really moved Wow Did he accomplish that? I like the Jeff Bezos takes his friends and especially shows that spaces for everybody and takes people who Wanted to do that their entire lives. I think that's really cool. Yeah. Yeah, he understands the term. You got to have a gimmick That's right As sajila you let people clone your invoice. Are you gonna do that? I haven't even cloned myself and i've had the Phone since last september. That's one of the new features of the new software the new iOS 17 I'd started to do it takes you so long to do it. Yeah, well, I gave up. I forgot about it I was talking about cloning your voice. How do you clone yourself? Yeah, you can phone your phone. Is that the same or not? No, you're doing very problematic. I was there were it's recording phrases and then it just uses those to replicate your voice throughout that You're cloning your own voice 11 labs. I think let you do that. I thought we were gonna have to deal with two tailors It's bad enough having to deal with one. It's a scary thought. Yeah, I want to deal with one. That's right I still don't have my voice in control all the time. Yeah Well, what I wonder is that people were gonna want to improve their voice Like one of the things we have on our mixer here is something called a deep bottom deep bottom And it's supposed to give you more base your voice. Yeah, give you more base radio voice Yeah more of a radio voice. I think johnny karson always had a special microphone on his desk that he liked Gave him a pleasing resonance that he felt was him. I definitely need that. Did you do you think you could sound better with a deep bottom? I don't know about the deep bottom, but I know I need something to fix my voice because it's really bad when I get excited and stuff It's so screechy screechy. Yeah, I got a screechy voice Yeah, a lot of people do I don't even know what i'm doing everybody's freaked out How about we go to another headline. Thank you missus future But that smooth transition Production values man. Okay. All right. This is serious one. This is in space news this week Our government claims that a recently launched russian satellite is what they call asat So this is at the united nations. Where is this? U.N. Security Council. Are you gonna play a No, no, no, i'm just gonna tell you about it. Okay. Our government claims that a recently launched ruski satellite Is a counter space weapon placed in the same orbit as one of our spy satellites. Oh who launched it russia? Of course Yes, so they're so why would they're happening our space? Well, the idea is that in order to counter one of our spy Satellites they launch one of theirs in the same orbit. Oh, uh-huh and then do something to ours Or like a Is from something as subtle as spying on it spying on the spy. Oh, they're spying on our spy satellite. How dare they? I know, right? Or get kudos to them that they even can or get close to ours and start mucking with it Oh those russians they're always trying to seduce us. Yeah, get too close I tell you they want to muck with our satellites those sneaks. Yeah, why can't they just like Come out and say it they want to dominate us. They want to be No, we're paying attention to our reconnaissance satellites Oh, I see this is just a chance for us to prove that we know what they're doing Like I see you Well, they might also plug into the feed and get more information about themselves that they could with from their own satellites Oh, oh, right. So now that they have access to me. Oh, it's the american. Oh, well Let's see what they're paying attention to Sure that reminds me of like one of the stories that danny told last night He had been I don't want to use the names because I don't want to I don't know how public it means how far back we're going here Iran country he had he had the opportunity to become he's a lawyer He was invited to represent a certain organization That was renowned for doing surveillance and for having files on everybody And he told them that it was a condition if he was to even consider working for them That they would have to give him access to 100 of all of their secret information or he was not going to even think about Representing them and the leaders decided to go with his request because they really wanted him And so they said okay sure we'll let you and they gave him access to somebody who could open the lock and give him access And so the first question that he asked this organization is well, what files do you have on me? I thought that was a brilliant question. They're like, no, we can't show you that. We're not going to show you what files we have on you He says well, hey, okay, then I'm not going to participate if I don't have access to all the files and so they They had to show eventually they had to show him they showed him his file and he said hey You know, I just have to see if you're being accurate or not I have to see if you're putting truthful information in your profiles or not. Yeah, so it's fake story there That's right. It's gonna become more and more of an issue today. You know, you want to see your government files That's right. They might be they might be being spoon-fed the bunch of well I mean, we might want to make this a criteria of anybody say who wants our vote or anybody who wants us to spend money in their stores Like well show me what your files look like You know it gives me an idea for a new agency where you put disinformation out about yourself on the net Just to test and see who's tracking it, huh? Well, I know where you got that disinformation Right, you can see how I just thought it was a brilliant question Like the first thing you want to know to trust someone is what did they think about you? What's your profile of me? How accurate are you? I'll show you my file if you show me yours. That's right These kinds of issues with spy satellites having spy satellites spying on spy satellites is a real spy versus spy Story for this week. Yeah, of course and if you personify it and you make it all about spies seducing each other It's really fun with sneakiness Well, what they're worried about is that the spy spying on the spy might not just be a spy But might also be a weapon that can blow up the other one Uh-oh an anti-satellite weapon of some sort We might need to have two spy satellites now that they have one too Yeah, we'll let them spy on the old one But we'll create a new one to keep track of both of them Yeah They also want to make sure that we don't start sending nuclear satellites into space who's they I thought we already had all kinds of treaties and plays around that Well, we have nuclear powered satellites, but not a nuclear bomb. Those don't count as nukes. No, okay No, not a nuclear weapon. No, they're nuclear power. There's a difference As far as we know the russians have not yet deployed a nuclear weapon in space Yet as if they're about to Well, what's to stop the nuclear treaty? Yeah, that's nuclear treaty I guess that's what's to stop them But then is there any type of hardware that can actually test and verify that the treaty is being respected? No, no, they actually pulled out of the treaty last year. Oh, so forget that then, right? Just Russia or have we pulled out of the Russia? Yeah, bilaterally. Yes. Okay. Well, so once they're not keeping their agreement We don't keep our agreement. It's either right I guess so we're free to do what we want. They're not part of the agreement anymore. Yeah Well, when people don't keep their promises, what do you do about it? What do we do as a civilized culture? No, no, see that isn't the wrong answer Because if you're in a world where you really get what you wish for that is not what i'm gonna wish for Well, i'm just taking their point of view. That's allowed them to build a bigger bomb Yeah, but isn't that what they're called? Mad mutually assured destruction. Isn't the whole wisdom behind our Peace process such that we avoid the need for the bigger bomb to be the decider That's true. But if you've been following what they've been developing They're talking about this Poseidon bomb that if if they launched it from one of their submarines off the coast of let's say Ireland or England it would create a tsunami that's 2,000 feet high and it would just wipe out the country You know, but why are they going to do this? Like why are we even pretending that this is their intention? Like why are we acting like our fellow humans? They announced that they're going to create a tsunami that's going to wipe out two countries Yes, they did so i'll send you information on that but they announced they have the capability to do that Okay, so is this saber rattling? It's what we call saber rattling. We could so we are so we will well they claim they have it already Well, i'm still just completely baffled by the intense lack of wisdom among the leaders of the world Who are so stupid that they think the only response is to pretend that they're the bigger bully and it's just getting annoying That our civilization is deteriorating and is going towards Bratty two-year-olds instead of towards enlightened Beings who work out their differences in a way that promotes longevity Well-being civilization a better tomorrow like how come that part of the conversation is so desperately missing i think i think Then i think i'm playing men i really think you guys go to the weapon first and the Sense of fellow Humanities last hold on we got other opinion coming in here. I think master now just arrived on this conversation And i'll let you guys address this I missed the last 30 seconds But my belief is that things will evolve at the speed of trust And there's a lot that much of it right now Catherine austin fits pointed out that the united states in particular seems to be incapable of keeping agreements That's a big deal not just us No, it's not just us but especially as we lead the way it is especially as and we can take a look at everything from The deals we made with the native americans to pretty much every other deal we've made as uh Like how we might be moving forward and what she says is that you can no longer do business with a group that is in Capable of keeping their agreements you can't do business any longer So the only option is to change that up and how does that get done? There's the question Get some more women involved maybe is it working for you? You obviously had some success with that. What have you found? Well, I've found that if you actually do what you say you're going to do Basic boomer benefits you do what you say you're going to do Handshake is your word if you can't do it then you communicate and say hey, I can't I'm sorry Here's what I would will I attempt to do? Is can I do something else? You know that would work as well? But you don't just leave it say yeah, I'm going to do that and then that's the last you hear That basically is not going to engender any kind of cooperation So I think that's a good beginning just start About the people who are part of the agreement who are like well We're just going to say what we have to say so that they do what we want and then as soon as they do what we want We will see a way to dominate the situation and we'll just do what we want without telling them We'll expect them to lay down while we show them how much better we are There's a lot of those power voices that are just here to take advantage There are and unfortunately it works almost every time I don't know what movie it was it just kind of blew me away though when England and Scotland were at war and all of a sudden the truce was going to be Offered and everybody was excited and okay. We're going to come to some agreement All the nobles got together in Scotland and then but it turned out to be a trap and y'all got hung Yeah, and so it's kind of like okay. That's the way England likes to do things and it's not been that much different Really? It's really the dominator paradigm because the dominator really does not have respect for others and has a bully Approach to every problem so that they're the ones who get to tell others what to do And so what we have to just depend on and pray for and just intend Because it's always who has the better? Technology who's got the stronger steel who's got the faster whatever so in my opinion It's obvious that we have extra traditional interdimensional There are other beings that are among us and have been for a long time You've got to pray that they don't have the same mindset as we do when we do our experiments on the rabbits with our drugs or the rats You hope that they're a little more evolved and don't think of us as bugs bugs. Yeah, basically Not so species centric as we are. Yeah, mr. 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Okay. Mr. Moore Yes, that was that radiant light voice you heard just before the break here fresh from Georgia speaking of trust Yeah, and you were just talking about agreements and agreements. Yeah, and there's something about how you do We just need them. We can't really live without them. Well, it's more than just the agreement It's actually following through with the agreement and then if you're really wanting to put things at light speed You follow through not only with the agreement as it is written the letter of the agreement But you do your best to follow through with the spirit of the agreement too And once you start doing things like that with each other everything could change very rapidly But it does take probably some examples of people doing that and having a successful community or country So instead you advocate just in entering into a business with those that follow those principles If you possibly could if that's what happened If only those businesses and people who follow those principles Got the pleasure of interacting and having commerce with everyone else And those who didn't found their products and services boycotted That's all it would take you don't have to tear down anything You just give the energy to what's working what's better like bucky says So making more intelligent choices would make the difference for yourself Well, certainly Finding those people who follow through with what they say those companies that will actually follow through with their guarantees That kind of thing is the key I think in giving all the attention there And that's why we have the rating systems coming in so hot and heavy because that Live-star comments everybody's commenting on everything these days But hopefully that gives you a more of a sense of the integrity of who you're dealing with So you're not afraid of being profiled? Well, I do follow those rating systems quite a bit and I've actually gotten a lot from them I've really enjoyed what I've discovered and learned through them Who put attention on who to use but I'm always disturbed by the way those can be gamed I don't know the details of it But if there was truly a star reading system that couldn't be gamed or that easily that would be wonderful I would love that but I use the ones that are there and I always check these things out I mean if these days just gather it good from yeah from my point of view Why not you've got these options it may cost more but if you've got 5,000 ratings at a 4.5 It's way better than 10 ratings at a 5. I mean, it's just the way it is I wanted to get one of your hottest takeaways from yesterday. Well that trim tab that trim tab I did That was from David Bloom. Yes, and I think it was lucky Fuller was the one who started it But being able to find that one little thing That then causes the rest of it to change of its own accord And the the example of the big freighter with the five ton rudder that you can't possibly do anything with With muscle like with your cranks and your levers But if you do this little trim tab thing it causes a little vacuum Not one side of the rudder and it just starts to move Because of the nature of the water and the flow that's disrupted So when he pointed out to the executive that okay, so your entire ship could be blown up It will level 10 miles round of everything and you'll lose your ship among other things Who's going to ensure you the guy didn't need anything else? There was no other like input that needed to be done for him to know that isn't going to work Yeah, so that's why he said well, you're right. I get it. So what is your idea? Okay, that was good. That's great that the trim tab trim tab for me was good Yeah, small changes can make huge differences at the right time at the right place at the right time to being able to tune into that Exactly. It's really the key. So that becomes a new superpower Yeah, it's super tune in to where you could create reality from trim tabs over We've discovered a new ninja. We need a trim tab master ninja ninja right trim tab master. Yeah, okay We're putting off the call right now. I have this to now bring in the trim tab master Tab masters. We're putting off the call should be able to change the world from our living room here Right And maybe just a little more gentle example of it that maybe is a little more accessible to those of us who are not Shipbuilders or sailors or whatnot is the david atmborough? Focus on the herd of deer that are all grazing on the same meadow and as they realize that they want to move from this meadow and go over to The next stop where they can all drink The deer start looking up from grazing and just pointing their ear towards the water And when enough of the deer are all Gazing and pointing their ears toward the water then critical mass they just start moving and going that direction Yeah, that's fascinating how that works. Yeah, got a couple of comments from the audience here. Okay one from billy who points out that Disinformation could come from files or friends that disinformation is not hey you can fool yourself Yeah or from yourself this information from yourself, too, right? Disinformation can come from all directions lack of humility can cause you to make big mistakes Okay, thank you. So yeah, and what can we do about it? Tell us the solutions mindset here What's the what's the solution to all of the potential for disanclamation? That's all mind-fu And we're making it up as we go along and that's okay Sure. Yep, because what do you expect? Is your old belief system that there is a some inipotent force that's creating reality for you and you trusting in that force and that's it? Well, you know, my guide is the funhouse mirror and as I sort through experiences that come my way I try and go towards those things that amplify The reflection that I want to have and I go away from those things that diminish the reflection that I want to have Yeah, it sounds like something that even the bacteria can do. Yeah, absolutely Real common sense And Billy reminds you to not believe everything you hear or think oh, I'm a big one for considering the source And actually as a media person I have often tried to point out to people That everything that we have not experienced personally ourselves is a story And when you're talking about believing facts from stories If you yourself are not the authentic source of that information, it's a trust issue So you may or may not be right about things that other people have told you You may not have that That's not the place to stake your opinion. Let it be I trust that you believe it to be true And certainty is over rated All right, so hey, I want to get a cool AI thing that I really don't want you to skip that I want to also get a comment from Greg who says that the best way to create a radio voice is to Smoke three packs of cigarettes a day. I don't know if that's the best way The best way is to get an 11 labs account Yes, some people say it's just do your radio before your coffee, you know Okay, but that was a good segue to the AI Let's see. What's the name of the studio pseudo? I was two of them. I've been testing out two studios This is AI audio Advancements that osmo playing with this week. Yes. So one is called soon. Oh, here's udio udio Udio beta the other one is called soon oh suno.com CSU S you N. Oh, soon oh dot com And they're not just making up songs for you, but Creating whole new styles of songs that you could utilize I really liked the originality of this interface which I had never seen before Yeah, I thought it was fascinating and these are to give you an idea of the kind of songs that you've never heard about you can pick a style You can roll the dice on this but to give you an example Let's go to a few ones really quickly half-row beat garage No, no, no, no moons off go Tonight I spirit right Victoria symbol And so what al is doing here is he is scrolling through a very interesting list of word links that are the categories of the music that the AI will attempt to integrate into your prompt Celtic Russian Celtic No, one does the Russian kick in here Yeah, I guess the language all right you say those two things again. That's Russian Sunu what's the other one as SUNO and beauty oh UDIO is the other one boogie Celtic let's try boogieing Okay ambient trance jungle ambient trance jungle There must be several hundred of these visible on the screen and you can scroll through several thousand Psychedelic psychedelic Hawaiian So these are categories of music that have been created by the prompts of people using this software And the prompts of course are directed towards composing songs with certain themes, but this list Korean cabaret This list is a clickable list of the categories of the musical genres that are in play here Muri dot. Oh, John American soul Across the smoke filled tavern floor to strangers share a full on low Soft light in your eyes our souls explode soulful acid house Grime synth pop It looks kawaii future base That's actually Japanese Korean Bengali math rock Now the thing is about this is that these aren't songs in and of themselves These are styles and what you can do is you can create a song about anything in any style You can say make an experimental dance pop song about wanting to be with you And it will create using the you can play that one now So that was a full prompt not just a genre. Yeah, that's full prongle Oh, I want you to play that one about the credits that what was the number one hit on the pseudo hitlet? What's on the top of the hitlist? Well, number one is a clip called I spent 3000 credits making this song This is pretty universal experience for these And this is all I got here you go. This is the chicken that's got almost 60,000 views It's got that's flavors I fired up the a ready to make a hit But the first melody played. Oh, no, what was it? Why does it sound so bad? I pondered with the frown Another hundred credits down the drain. I'm a snorkel I took the parameters. I just did every now Still the I seem to underperform and roll Uh that hoping it will do a good song sooner or later It's costing me Please drain by credits. I can see my god, but in this toy i've done In this place that's wavy way from melody so fruitless miss a nothing that you know It's all made but i'll keep trying my passion won't fade You say the tunes about i don't see it Maybe I just need new use of fashion Because the hardest thing in music's maze is admitting when to walk away Yeah, now go into mind because the hardest thing in musics maze is admitting when to walk away And so this whole song is about trying to use ai to compose a song It's trying to make a good sign once a hit and it's not getting it The whole thing about all of these ai services that are trying to get people to come and play with them is they give you some free credits And then they use those credits up when you record the whatever it is they're offering when you Record the music you need to plug in some more credits. Hey, it's a sounds familiar, huh? Yeah, and what was the line about how it's not working out? There's so many lines in here about it that are funny about how it's not Place my wallet bleeds. That's the pre-chorus drained by credits. I concede my god when endless toil I've done choruses in this place. I stubbornly weighed through melodies a fruitless crusade Nothing ventured no hit song made but i'll keep trying my passion won't fade You say the tunes are bad. I don't see it Maybe I just need new ears a fresher vision because the hardest thing in musics maze is admitting when to walk away Those like gambling number one hit slaw machine gave me a good song. Come on Yeah So that's number one on the cuno hit list today All right, hey, we're getting really close to the top of the hour here any time to squeeze it in or move it on Yes, I just wanted to say goodbye Okay, okay. Well, you have a minute and five seconds. Oh, wow. I'm got a lot of time here today To say nothing or everything or something in between. Yeah, so thank you all I think the main thing is Thank you, Bobby. Thank you, taylor. I'm so happy to be here now And thank you taylor for your presence From you and billy gabrielle all the gang those listening to us and yeah, absolutely. Thank you Happy to share the spaceship. I'm not gonna smoke three packs of cigarettes to get a radio voice. I'll tell you that But I will be back next week. It all goes well And looking forward to sharing more of our amazing life with you Take it easy and thank you, mrs. Future for Have a really great future now everybody Until next week here here see you soon here here now now and make your everything even better than it ever was