kids what time is that? the future is coming on it's coming on it's coming on it's coming yeah okay and here we are back into the future again this time it's a sunny day in bollock creek and beautiful day mrs future is sitting here at the control right now watching our stream time go out there and bobby is in san francisco hey bobby yeah it's a beautiful day don't be shy beautiful day in the neighborhood down there okay you can lift your levels up at least one hole decibel yeah we don't want you to be blown out by taylor who's also on the line taylor taylor barcroft our apple correspondancy you can call me tae tae okay and what call you tae today okay sounds good and of course the fact that taylor is with us tells the world that there's been an apple announcement that's right that's right a live thriving update on what's cool and what's worth knowing that apple is shaking up the computer world by releasing the m4 ipad pro today that's what i heard they did the unthinkable with that yeah l just bought an m2 max studio in january that's what you're hearing us on and now it's going to be obselyed by an m4 max studio oh how obsolete will we be are we just going to be in the dust or is it something that only attacking us no you won't be in the dust but it will be quite a bit faster okay that's the big news we're going to do the apple news first since taylor is here and he probably wants to get to sleep fairly soon after disease but no no i don't i got all the sleep i needed two hours and 20 minutes okay all right as calibrated by my ring con so what you have to look forward to after our tailors is our future news with bobby and mrs future and then we have an interview with abby esner from england abby ester ester and she is a psychedelic therapist who works with amanita mascara which is a the famous mushroom that santa claus plays with yes the famous red one with the red-shapped mushroom with polka dots is called an amanita muscada the archetype the archetypal mushroom it was considered poisoned by many but in lower doses apparently it is quite therapeutic and we're going to hear all about that and it's legal it's legal so here you go we've got the tech frontier and we've got the mushroom frontier and of course we'll be looking up at the sky and thinking about the future so yeah let's go all right the m4 chip this is their latest chip and they surprised everyone by putting it in the ipads right taylor right well the reason that they had to put it in the ipad is because the m3 is a dud as you recall when we were talking last fall about the m3 when the m3 mac prose came out i'm pretty sure i said on the air skipped the m3 but i'm not positive yeah i think you did why i said it off here why is it a dud why was m3 was dud because it was manufactured in a process that is a dead end none of the other manufacturers of processors used the way that apple made the m3 processor and it also has an architectural problem that the m1 m2 and m3 have that's a security risk yeah i've heard about that bobbie was telling us about that the other day bobbie knows all about that he can elaborate on that okay what it is is there's a hash and they were using in the m1 m2 and m3 and they would cache some of your passwords there was a way to trick the cache to leak out your apple id password which would be a catastrophe and so this was there is a way in the m3 not the m1 and 2 but in m3 to have a software to turn it off but then the outcome of that is your m3 is running about 50 percent the speed it used to run without this accelerated cache so al you and i are up uh s creek with leaky caches because we have the m1 ipad pros and we have the m2 you have the m2 max i have the m2 pro mac mini and you have the m2 mac's mac studios so what does this mean you're just leaving unused storage space all over the place and it's wasting your bandwidth and your memory and all that what do you mean leaky cache it's the cache area it's not the memory but it's the cache uh-huh so they're just using it very efficiently we want to make sure that the viewers are going to go to the youtube and find all the m4 ipad pro videos to watch so that they can study the differences and everything because we don't have time to talk about everything about it there is a new ipad pencil pro apple pencil pro that's only compatible with the new m4 ipad pro which has dual oled screens on both the 11 and the 13 inch models and the base storage is now 128 but you can also get it in 256 512 1 terabyte and 2 terabyte versions a 10 core cpu and a six core performance and four core efficiency cores but you get a crippled processor if you get 128 256 or 512 gig of RAM and you only get 8 gig of storage unless you get the one or two terabyte versions and then you get 16 gig of storage which is the same as the m1 and m2 processors so the bottom line is wait to the m4 if you're about to buy an ipad right yeah no wait for the m4 if you're about to buy anything any ac really because of these security issues that are on the m12 well also because of the speed and the m4 is better designed for artificial intelligence which is the future it's got a souped up neural engine it's still only a 16 cores but it's a much better neural engine don't ask me why because i don't understand it but i know that for a fact that they're going to claim that it's a much better artificial intelligence processor yeah they also say that the new ipad pro can deliver the same performance as a thin light pc with a quarter of the power right that's no small part of it if you watch the apple presentation you get a little bit of information but if you watch all the analysts they give you the more gory details now it's a big deal with that neural engine then it can deliver it yeah it's because it's related to artificial intelligence right and they're supposed to be a new generation series that relies on artificial intelligence more than before my understanding is that it's 60 times faster than their first neural engine which is more powerful than any aipc currently available i mean in the m4 or even the m4 in the m4 the m16 core versus the m1 you mean yes i see cool pretty amazing it is amazing i spread around the video of the apple video and i shared it in dr tams community bulletin board and the people didn't understand why i posted it because they're not as geeky as you that's right they said is this something that we should avoid or would you please explain why you posted that video that what did you tell them i said i said it's a historical moment in the history of personal computing that will go down in history may 7th 2024 will go down in history as a major turning point in the history of personal computing yeah you still see the introduction to this processor is is the biggest thing that's happened since the m1 processor was originally introduced yeah and you still hold by that huh even now that you're absolutely are you kidding i'm okay i'm extremely excited about it even though i'm not gonna buy one because you just you just been afford to know the m1 i did i spent $2400 on this m1 loaded to remember two terabytes right i remember that yeah the full button now it's been the same amount of money for an m4 if i but i probably could only i'd be lucky if i get a thousand uh five hundred bucks for this old uh m1 i paid pro even though it's two terabytes maybe i could get one i don't know maybe get i don't know what i could get because i never sell these things i keep them i buy the next one and i put the old one on the shelf yeah i don't even try to sell them well that's just your nature what can i say but when are we gonna see the m4 macbooks when are they gonna go you know that's not gonna happen till the fall probably okay because the m3 macbooks only just came out last fall so it's gonna be the reverse rollout the rollout's opposite of what it's been in the past because of apple wanting to go to the m4 now apple's not good they're not saying why they're going to the m4 right away they're saying oh we need more power or something like that but that's not the real reason is because of these architectural flaws in the m1 two and three processors and that's what the analysts are saying but they yeah well think about it nobody's gonna buy an m3 m2 or m3 mac now that the m4 is in the ipad pro nobody's gonna the sales of the m2 and m3 macs is gonna drop like a rock they're gonna have to definitely go with a new mac mini because that's gonna be a half i have to tell you as a user of both i think they have very different utilities because when you just have to do all of your work on a screen that's the size of an ipad you're gonna enjoy watching you're gonna enjoy communicating but you're not going to enjoy multitasking and you're not going to enjoy editing and you're not going to enjoy things where you need to have a lot of information arrayed around a bigger screen and even if you use it as a display the gesture interface sometimes is not what you want to be using so it really comes down to what your purpose is whether or not it's going to replace the laptop or not well i'm talking about the m4 processor in general i'm talking about m4s for macs oh okay yeah and it's logical for apple to put the m4 and the m4 pro in a new mac mini and it's logical for them to put the m4 macs and the m4 ultra in a new mac studio because they're all dated back to last year in fact the the minis all the way back to the beginning of last year so that's we're they're gonna lead with the desktops in other words and then the last ones will be the laptops they're not called laptops they're called notebooks i'm sorry it's illegal for them to go if they call them laptops then everybody gets cancer and apple gets blamed so they're not laptops they're notebooks that's the term huh yeah but you can but you know the other thing is price you can get an m1 walmart is now selling m1 macbook errors for 650 dollars holy moly so there's an incredible price thing going on yeah apple's still making m1 ipad errors for walmart to sell exclusively i'll tell you i have an m1 ipad and it's great it's still fast enough for everything that i do oh absolutely no me too i'm in all i do is this face time and mainly just face time on the on the thing and i'm gonna buy new phones every fall and i'm probably gonna buy the apple watch 10 it seemed like they added some new features to the pencil like you can squeeze it and that's gonna create a whole new way of interfacing with your graphics programs with your pencil yeah so we'll see how it takes people who use stylus are very yeah also remember they've got new software a new version of Final Cut Pro new version they featured procreate which is kind of a photoshop program and logic too and there's also a new camera app for ipad pro so that you can run four phone cameras iPhone cameras into one ipad pro and i'm not sure if that's limited to the m4 ipad pro or not yeah i saw that day you'll be able to have four i-pads and that's right of your alley yeah i know al you love that kind of deal yeah yes you just get your squad together right your three camera shoot with three cameras the swarm thing right like the old tonight show when you were on this doing this form right right it's the yes so now you can do it with uh what's that billy uh billy idol idol right on the uh tonight show with billy idols sort of right great moment say that's an anecdote media history i don't know el goes that far back that's the that was the original that was the jake part tonight show right or no no that was the first year of j lenno oh is j lenno okay yeah first year j it was his most popular show since he'd taken over from johnnie yeah and you can see it it's on youtube it's on vimeo point is that there is some really interesting software things yeah coming along with the camera shoot for pro camera shoots in real time yeah yeah it shows you four of the picture on the ipad pro like right now we have a two-up picture going on on our ipads yeah no i haven't seen a two live iPhones on my ipad yet i know wouldn't it be cool and you might be able to get all four even with an m1 we don't know it's it's a software thing so it's going to probably come down to some analysts doing a test or reviewing it or something like that yeah exactly but it's called final cut camera is what the eps going to be called final cut camera which is going to be required to own final cut pro to download it or not big reveals probably by ww dc will know all these things yeah a lot more will be on the show on june 11th talking about the june 10th presentation monday june 10th at the ww dc that's the next big that's just over a month look forward to that and we'll look for the report on that anything else on this before we move on to other topics just everybody check out the youtube videos as they unfurl okay let's see there was one other thing oh yeah there's a new keyboard for the ipad pro there's a 12 inch ipad air 13 inch rather ipad air it's only m2 processor the new pro pencil mrs. feature you were looking at the pencil when we were playing with it this morning is the pencil pro compatible with the air is i don't know is it bobby saying yes we're hearing out the other in one area okay it is it is but the pencil too is not compatible with the ipad pro really yeah you got to buy a new pencil pencil pro because of the magnets you know they move the magnets because of the oh the camera remember the cameras are now in the landscape mode on both the new air and the new ipad pro so but for our purposes they lowered the price of the 10th edition of the ipad so that's now 350 so when it goes to 299 we should scoop those up so we can have a landscape camera ale okay well but inexpensive multi-camera capabilities with our ipad we'll have a whole stupid i don't know i don't think you have multi-camera on the original on the 10th generation ipad but you'll have a landscape camera oh okay and it might be too it should go on sale for 299 pretty soon oh because it's that they lowered the price to two three 49 wow it was higher yeah what was it three ninety nine or three yeah the low end i had yeah something so that's the rest of the story okay so far so we'll try to catch up next oh yeah and then one other thing how has the apple vision probe been doing every the apple world have you heard much about that i heard that apple cut back on production because it's not very popular okay yeah i've heard that too you're going to give us plenty of time on june 11th right l oh yeah yeah we'll spend lots of time on apple it's there's gonna be talking about the new ios 18 and the yeah the universe for the iPhone 16 right yeah there's a lot coming down the ipad os 18 and so forth and so on yeah you have more time you have more time okay thank you you're just i'm i'm hard closing you there on that go on here i'm doing yeah i know and the hard i'm here close spare time i didn't say much more time the other but more thank you you're welcome all right so should we cut to a break you ready for that yeah yeah you guys are great i love taylor swift by the way oh that's right taylor's a new album i'm i am a real swiftly now i listen to her music all the time i'm no kidding i heard new album is fantastic you love it huh i can't get enough of it it's every every cut you see i think i'm going to repeat the cut and then i just and she starts the next one and just as good as the one i just listen yeah yeah okay all right every track on that the anthology 31 tracks they're all fantastic well thanks for that download what's the name of the album it's called the tortured poets department tortured to poets department abbreviated as t t p d all right true fan testimony all right thanks everybody thanks thanks taylor here's a little bit from santa kris whiz when you need help managing the legal affairs of your family call on the angel hello i am attorney angel hesse and i am 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wasn't popped and cracked my tooth down oh hey that happens yeah and yeah i'm missing more teeth than most and then yeah i'm missing a couple myself i think it's pretty normal yeah i think that's uh pretty much how dentists handle your aging teeth is they yank them out and try and put in something to hold the space so you can imagine how excited i was to read this week that there's a new experimental test bed going on with the idea of growing new teeth oh wow yeah every dentist dream definitely that's great and also the dream of people who would like to replace their missing teeth they right right yeah never mind the people who get them right yeah yeah so japanese scientists are set to kick off the world's first clinical trials of a tooth regrowth medicine wow the kyoto university hospital they're planning to enroll patients who were born missing some or all of their teeth really oh that's where you wanted to fly the odds those are really tough situation when you're born with congenital and an adancia and an adancia means missing teeth you're right for the trials and the patients will receive an antibody treatment that deactivates a protein that's called usag one and that's believed to stop toothbuds which most people have from developing into either baby or permanent teeth now people with the condition conventionally go to get implants or dentures but this treatment could provide a third option the team is hoping to treat those who are like us who are simply missing teeth due to cavities or popcorn kernels right that's fascinating interesting yeah there's a phase one trial uh-huh right it's starting september i see that they tested treatments in 2018 with the animals uh-huh yeah and the ferrets grew their teeth back that's right they started with ferrets for some reason because because parents have teeth similar to ours tooth buds are similar to ours yeah yeah yeah well the first trial would involve 30 healthy male adult participants who were missing at least one back tooth well i want to hear more about this as the results come in i wonder how long it takes to grow them well yeah good question is it a full is it like a kid takes a full year at three years i'll be able to match everything there's a certain amount of time for to grow right yeah well that's totally fascinating we're going to comment from the peanut gallery here on the whole you know what is the peanut gallery saying or the chew and on peanuts hey yeah well popcorn greg says unfortunately you have to be japanese to help your teeth fixed yes well hey bobby i'll be your half japanese you know maybe you can qualify maybe they'll fix half a tooth for you the japan she just got back and i haven't talked her since she got back but i tried to get her involved and in contact with the researchers there in kyoto and she was the kyoto so next week i'll report back and tell you awesome it's really interesting because all it takes is an injection of these antibodies in the what's called root bud and you can grow a third row of teeth what happens is after after your baby teeth are gone and you grow your second row of adult teeth you so bobby let's do recap you were familiar about these japanese scientists attempting to regrow new teeth i had recently seen my dentist about my lost tooth right and i told her about this research in kyoto and she happened to be going there on vacation to see kyoto and osaka and japan and i said well once you're there just try to look up kyoto university and then there's this doctor actually that the researcher that found this information about how to produce antibodies that block the usag one protein what's very interesting is yet anybody it doesn't matter how old you are you can grow a third row of teeth if you can just block this protein right i heard that in irv that they have that treatment but i've never heard of any other culture researching it yeah there's other research around in northern japan that was doing stem cells which is a different approach to do the same thing but this is even a simpler approach where you don't have to use your own stem cells you just inject this it's a one-time injection of these antibodies into the root bud in your jaw i wonder if you're all of your teeth fall out at once just like when you're a kid and you think you lose your old teeth and how does it know that filling the just the ones that you're missing well usually there's a space there's a bud at the root of your teeth yeah it's like a plant it has it has a place like where ranches out and becomes a tooth what they're doing is the 30 people the 30 adults these are people that are genetically born without teeth missing in part the right and so they're going to see if they can activate the tooth bud even though for some reason these people didn't have that experience already that's right yeah for some reason their bodies or genetic makeup told them to produce this usag one protein early on in their lives both of teeth all right well i'm sure we're going to have a lot of people tracking that one we all we all love our teeth we do i have so many friends that have been trying to find the biological dentists who will retrain your teeth and put crowns on them instead of root canals and work with living teeth instead of dead teeth so this is really great it's moving in the right direction yeah ais are being used to talk to sperm whales they have discovered an alphabet thanks to machine learning algorithms a whale alphabet a whale alphabet yeah what do whales spell to each other it deals with what they call codas c-o-d-a-s oh and those are a series of clicks that seem to serve different linguistic functions there's a previously undescribed variation in the codus structure that's been discovered in a combinatoric coding system some kind of language if you will okay so they've identified a pattern yeah but have they translated the words i don't think so um but moving in the right direction it's sort of like recognizing the music we've got the beat you know this song yep yeah well these are particularly chatty c mammals and so far they've noted about 150 different sperm whale codas wow fascinating and they think the information is about caller identity and about their clan identity oh caller identity yeah caller identity um caller identity hello this is whale number there's a swarm of anchovies over to the left of our clan about a hundred miles i guess i don't use miles right yeah okay it's for distance i don't know i guess they'll find this thing this is a whale member troy reporting to the pod yeah follow me to anchovy everything about the sperm whale communication including basic questions about information carrying capacity how much information they convey it's still unknown it's still a brand new area in which they are exploring oh now these sperm whales are going to have a certain accent because this data was collected off the eastern caribbean island of dominica dominica yeah it's based on the work of roger pain a pioneering marine biologist who passed away last june and he mostly worked with humpbacks and looking at the songs of humpbacks and he inspired a lot of scientists to have a deeper understanding of whales so i was exposed to uh john lily's work back in the 70s whose way caught traversal in his mostly his work with dolphins but whales were certainly one of his vocae as well as a matter of fact we had the first computer that he used in analyzing this information when you say we you mean at the digi barn computer museum old degree digi barn museum yeah yeah it was a working link computer made back in the early 60s by linken labs part of mit one of the originally there were 12 of these link computers one of them went to john lily wow study that stuff early on most of us are interested in decoding our pets like dogs and cats yes my name is dog i have just met you and i love you my master made me his collar he is a good and smart master and he made me this collar so that i may talk squirrel yes i remember the fascination that i had for that decoder the movie up by pixar dud the dog it's a little computer out i think it's right on the verge of us really having little animal translators for us to pay attention to it's just what we need right there are dogs and cats demanding stuff from us in english with the machine learning they are beginning to look at a richer picture in understanding the exchanges between whales they may even have for example a kind of music that they share with each other that involves tempo and rhythm and ribato and they hope to isolate the actual phonetic alphabet from the sperm whale and that would make it possible to observe and hear all the things that are said in the coda structure it's possible that the first instance outside of a human language where communication of a linguistic concept of patterning information is perceived it would be like combining syllables into words and us being able to understand how they do that or what their syllables are so it's still early on in the game and the fact that the ai's beginning to tease out these patterns is exciting for all those researchers in in cetacean communication well it would certainly be overwhelming without the help of ai right to turn those clicks into recognition of a language yeah like we were talking last week about how it would be really helpful if we could let whales know that they're about to enter a shipping lane i'm sure the whales know if they're about to enter a shipping lane well i don't know why i mean it killed ships make a lot of noise they do but they do have um tell my dog stop interrupting me i'm like humans first dog should be seen and not heard you're really thinking ahead here we start thinking of our animals like kids you know where we're you have to teach them manners they might go crazy with the communications you know this is where the show goes a little sci-fi al have you ever known a dog to have good manners yes yes i have mr. future there are good dogs and there are bad dogs oh okay yes and any i think people didn't we hear about some governor that shot their dog recently for being bad oh no really yeah yeah that what's been all over the news the south Dakota governor they think that the fact that she shot her dog is going to ruin her chances for being vice president with drag says christine gnome i guess yeah shot her dog in the face oh right right yeah that's just is what we want probably i really love that article on how we can make air conditioners 33 percent more efficient that's a revolutionary idea energy consumption of air conditioners it would revolutionize the world as far as creating it's a heat pump and so not only can it generate heat but it can also generate cold also but it doesn't use a compressor in the same fashion we've been using before it uses electromagnets and it has a pump that moves side by side in that way the problem with a regular compressor is when you first turn it on you get huge surge like five times more energy just to get that first turn on that compressor yeah that wrecks havoc on a generator if you're trying to run it off i'm sure you've experienced it like when the refrigerators or freezers kick in when you put right they just shut down your generator because they yeah it takes it off on right they can't handle that this device does not have that drawback at all and it's 30 35 to 38 percent more efficient in using less energy and it's much more efficient for a compressor it's much more efficient in a compressor situation we won't see that really soon you're going to see this in big industrial situations they're going to use this technology first but eventually it'll trickle down to our air conditioners and refrigerators personal ones i often wonder when i met at Costco what kind of a kick that giant refrigeration room is that i was all the eggs milk and the other one with all the vegetables well that might that those huge rooms that are kept at air at 42 degrees or less they must use a lot of power they're using compressors to take heat and cold and just moving the heat from one section of the store to the other actually they don't lose that much energy it's just a bunch of fans going over these coils and it's just redirecting and moving heat and cold in one space to another so it's much more efficient than you think well no that's good to know okay so who's making this technology meat tree or something it's a small startup it's not a big company like carrier or anything like that no but they did explain how carrier came up with this in the video which was very interesting carrier came up with and related technology accident this guy in the 1920s was trying to cool he just had some coils and some fluid going through some coils and a fan across of it and he realized that yeah he could actually the people inside the room were a little bit cooler after they had this device running and so later he spent you know almost 20 years and perfected that and so the carrier created this air conditioning type situation and refrigerators came about after World War II well well it certainly changed the world those conventions speaking of a technology that changes the world the steam engine was obsoleated by the diesel engine interestingly enough especially with trains and the latest thing is that there is a new kind of modified diesel engine that is now running on hydrogen this ability to combust hydrogen directly in the cylinders is being developed by big diesel manufacturing like comings these hydrogen engines have as much power as a diesel engine and are able to run essentially on hydrogen it's injected directly into the combustion chamber then which is then compressed and ignited by spark just like a gasoline engine they're getting the hydrogen from water from electrolysis yeah yeah and it uses solar farms that create the hydrogen this requires some adaptations of course to the whole fuel injection system in the ignition timing and the even the combustion chamber design and the cooling systems though are the same interestingly enough and engineers have optimized the hydrogen engines if output and efficiency and comings for example is looking at releasing this as a commercial engine for trucks where they run on hydrogen well i can see you have these heavy-duty excavator machines land moving equipment that's literally working 12 15 hours a day sometimes and batteries just can't keep up with that kind of load while diesel engines are especially designed for that kind of heavy-duty workload and now these hydrogen engines will be able to directly compete with the diesel technology without all the pollution they stay clean they don't have all the hydrocarbon muck that happens around internal combustion engines that run on diesel how come they're not just in use everywhere oh they are they'll be they're being designed right now right yeah and we have an interesting article on that on econews up on our drfutur the one that master now sent us yes yeah master now right master now was pointing out how this 400 horsepower and extended range wow really powerful engine yeah there's an Austrian company there's a British company an American company is all of all the AVL is the Austrian automotive engineering company that's developed this innovative hydrogen combustion engine no and it's it's clean it's it's got a an increased compression ratio and that takes advantage of the hydrogen's higher auto ignition temperature and the engine is still an internal combustion engine but it's been redesigned to withstand the higher temperatures and pressures of hydrogen combustion because you're blowing up hydrogen the simplest element in the universe instead of complicated hydrocarbons and they're able to use aluminum and titanium to offset the lower energy density of hydrogen fuel lightweight making the vehicles still lighter and not an invention we see every day that's 400 horsepower hydrogen engine and it's set to revolutionize the roads the thing they have to figure out though is that are these hydrogen engines going to work in tough environments like the icy environments in Alaska when the water freezes how are you going to get the hydrogen out yeah well it's difficult more difficult but it leaves electric cars far behind in terms of the load that they can handle and how far they can go on their rechargeability okay well promises promises yeah right yeah it's pretty cool all right [Music] okay welcome back to the show our guest in this segment is an old school medicine woman Avi Essner in jolly old england Avi began learning to facilitate altered states of consciousness in 2010 with shamanic tantric practitioner training and she followed that with birth into being facilitation in 2011 and then she ran transformative workshops using breath and movement to induce trans and trained other practitioners to do that as well until about 2017 she had used these healing skills and knowledge to help prepare women and their partners for child birth assisting as a doula for women in labor then interestingly she began facilitating mushroom ceremonies in 2017 by request from a group who witnessed her powerful facilitation skills this type of facilitation helped create a more of a calm centered state which is more of a natural child birth space psychedelic sacred rite of passage since then she's guided many journeys for people with or without substances and she's researched chemistry and the biology of mechanisms behind the chemistry of mushrooms and searched out myths and stories about the old world and how this has been used through the ages then listened to the motifs of sacraments including and especially of late amanita muscaria and its medicinal allies she understands how to honor the ancients of the land who worked with these in theogens alongside the science and ethical practices and she's integrating these into her therapeutic practice and looking at how individuals and groups can be supported by their relationship with amanita and nature as a whole welcome abi to the show thank you thank you for having me here yeah i might mention that we had a chance to meet you in person about two weeks ago when you were in sanicress for a little bit we knew billy sunshine quite well and had a chance to meet you thanks to a little dinner party at our beach house oh yeah and billy actually holds us responsible for that meeting with you because we happen to be the ones who introduced him to clubhouse in the first place and he's really turned that into a great place for meeting people oh wow that's all very beautifully cyclic cyclic i can't come to get cycled out cyclic and synchronic yeah so there we go a little combination there so you were here for what was called the discovery sessions could you tell our audience a little bit about what you were here to talk about sure i flew out to california from the uk to speak on a panel about amanita muscaria and really the intention behind that was to not only go into why it's a bit of both a stigma and an icon but to really begin to make headway within the psychedelic community to take this mushroom seriously because i find that often in conversation the focus is on psilocybin and or lsd and or ketamine etc and that amanita muscaria is actually sort of poo poo like as like a fad which is very funny to me because it's actually an older mushroom and has been used in tandem and alongside psilocybin and many other entheogenic herbs and medicinal herbs as both a daily boost especially in the northern climates where the sun does not come out so much for about three four months out of the year and there's a lot of hard work to do it really helps to fortify those people this mushroom has been used we anthropologically been able to find evidence of its use 10,000 plus years now these are the mushrooms that are are red with white spots on them yeah i would say these are the cliche cartoon version of any psychedelic mushroom very decorative mushroom is the amanita muscaria it's the icon it's a little icon on our phones yeah it's every christmas you see them it's the mario mushroom associate with sanichloss underland mushroom yeah so any time there is there's this fantasy scene in any of our literature it's the amanita muscaria and i think that if we were to look at all of our forgotten histories because of conquering we will be able to see a continuity of that which remains important to us following along even if we've forgotten the origin of why it's important well it seems to be present all over the world it's not unique to just one ecosystem and it's not illegal either right it's an interesting one um so it's northern hemisphere although in recent decades it has been seen in the southern hemispheres because of the the way that they take trees and move the trees down like for ornaments and people's gardens so it has begun appearing in the southern hemisphere but it's predominantly in northern hemisphere mushroom the whole of the northern hemisphere and it was the second question the legality of it can you tell us a little bit about that? oh the legality yeah so it's legal most places but not all places so like for example louisiana it's illegal everywhere else it's legal the netherlands has made it illegal australia has made it illegal and i think israel has just put moosimal onto its prohibited list which would then include amanita muscaria but i'm telling you for nothing the the guards at customs they don't know what they're looking at and they're like that's not you know they're just confusing to them so they just let it pass no you use the word mucinal could you describe mucinal and that's the active ingredients in the mushroom or the backs of chemical yeah so the two main active alkyloids in amanita muscaria are moosimal and ibatenic acid and ibatenic acid decarboxylates through ph they're heat or through acids into moosimal uh-huh and it has an effect on the gabber receptors minor standing the gabber and the acetylcholine and so the muscarenic acetylcholine receptors neurotransmitters and the gabber receptors and that's significantly different than psilocybin correct so all trip to means like psilocybin lsd they work on the phi vt or the serotonin and dopamine receptors and so it's a completely different neurotransmitter and protein pathway from gabber and acetylcholine uh-huh and this affects the central nervous system so it can affect the central nervous system the parasympathetic so gabber receptors affects things like sweat salivating temperature control kind of goes along with sweat it's actually also when you look at your ACC so that's the area that connects your limbic in your cortex it's the area that controls your executive function your balance it's where the majority of the receptors that are affected by alcohol and bermidulates are located there's a lot of crossover between legal substances and the effects of this mushroom although this mushroom the way that affects the neurotransmitters are not depressive meaning when you take alcohol or a bermiduate you get a depressive effect on the system whereas eminative muscariac can go either way because it's an agonist which just means it activates the neurotransmitter instead of making it go one way or the other what i've seen online is that it mostly talks about having a calm effect on the nervous system but you're saying i mean only the most small part so i'm a tinnock acid has an excitatory effect so there's a wonderful book written by kevin fini called flyogaric which is the common name for eminative muscariac a compendium of history pharmacology mythology and exploration and there's a wonderful paper in there written by mark mark can remember his last name it's a rubbish of me but anyway he goes into him and carl go into eminie muscaria being one if not the main ingredient in what the berserkers used for their incredible strength and ability to be such fierce and vicious warriors because i've attended acid when you're like when you're up on a botanic acid like you are up you have a string ten men and you can walk 20 miles and you could so walk more and there's like this like oh my god everything's amazing let's do this huh yes let's do that i am a king i am a god who's that kind of super up aspect of the atetanic acid part uh that let's say so that would be more what the berserkers would be into if yeah so you could prepare a concoction in combination with other plants that grow indigenously across europe that contain adrenaline spiking or steroids cortisol i could be anything that yeah not just cortisol but the stimulants so like for and said it means that was the word i was looking for thank you so when you were here at the discovery sessions what would you consider some of your best takeaways from that session here in san francisco oh so my favorite thing about that experience was actually the panel that i was a part of i very much inspired the panel and then felt like i was the glue like i really sort of rallied everyone and got them excited and inspired and as we began to have conversations about what we wanted to present and what we found was that there was this very interesting cohesiveness and that cohesiveness just grew and grew and it was such a phenomenal experience of four individuals who are completely different and actually work with this mushroom in different ways all being in agreement all getting along all yes anding each other and it felt like we were the embodiment of the variation and unified difference that this mushroom brings into harmony with an individual and within the collective and the panel just to be clear was focused exclusively on the amanita muscaria or was it more generalized subject oh no so it was amanita muscaria as destigmatizing well that was actually the title destigmatizing amanita muscaria and so we talked about again why we believe there's a stigma around it why it's so iconic and health like basic dosing parameters what it can be used for because you have this up part but then you also have this sleepy part so when you decarpoxillate it or when you take it in the evening when your biochemistry is ready to sleep and ready to convert serotonin into melatonin then it can help with those systems so you can take it in the morning and have your up or you can take it in the evening that will help you sleep within sort of 60 to 90 minutes beautifully and it's the same preparation yeah do people use it for experiencing states of euphoria in thresholding amounts and i would say low dose journeys which we're talking sort of eight grams and under and that's like that's a generous eight grams so okay there's some there's a caveat with this mushroom because it a bit like the different strains of psilocybe can't say oh yeah big dose of psilocybe is three grams i'm not a big dose or sort of normal journey dose is three to five grams because if you were to have three to five grams of penis envy that would be completely different from three to five grams of like golden teacher so eminita muscariate even being the same mushroom not different strains but the same mushroom has similar kinds of factors like what time of year was picked what soil or forest it was growing in how long it's been dried has it been dried and kept in a sealed air-proof container so all of these things are different factors that contribute strength yeah exactly yeah so and when i speak about grams and dosing i'm speaking about dried gram weight which is very very very very different from fresh weight yeah yeah yeah yeah you know i've noticed that there has been a number of online sites now that are offering for sale dried eminita there's also micro drops and such for the uninitiate what products are coming out around aminita right now and or any that you think are particularly good so you've been able to buy eminita caps for as long as i've known about eminita which is what seven years now wow they've been around they're just more up until the past sort of year and i have two years it's been more localized so you'd have to contact the foragers in mcciwania or Siberia or wherever for those kind of so there's been an eminita muscariate community for a long time i see so it's pretty apparent online then yeah there's been this boost so with the whole decriminalization movement in the states and wanting to have legal mushrooms and then people realizing that eminita muscariate is considered an enthijen even though it's a delirient and a dissociative at different doses yeah it's legal and so they've been using it and making all sorts of stupid weird products from it and some of them are rubbish and some of them have stuff in there that's not even eminita muscariate and it's the wild west of silliness yes how do you how do you sort through that then what would you what do you recommend to people who are curious or are interested so what i would say is one look at the website if it looks like it's one of those by any drug websites maybe pick a different website i know Andrea over at michael drops and she's got some great products she sells like a stock with it which is quite nice and when you're ordering caps you can't go too far wrong with that because you're ordering basically a raw material and you're looking at things like how it was dried and all of these factors but then if you just get the caps it's like how are you going to prepare it and are you red up on those places to turn to to know how to prepare it and then there's a whole variety of answers and what i say and my way which suits me and the the clients that i work with isn't the way that other people do it and i can give like a really quick example of sure yeah i'll share so i call my way the way of the nibble because i think the nibble okay yeah it's it's a book that i'm writing that goes more into the depth of practice and connection and is about your personal relationship with this and other enthogens as the premise in my mind is that these are very ancient spirits who really embody that the flesh really embodies symbiotic relationship because that's how they grow in the forest they're actually my horizons on mushrooms which means they only grow with trees and they don't break the skin of the roots they they grow next to it and almost like hold hands with the roots and then they give of their overflow and the tree gives of its overflow of sugars and there's this healthy union which is made which makes the whole forest healthier and that's how they work with us and they're very ancient they're older than psilocybin according to the ethno botanist researchers and symbiosis symbiosis symbiosis they are the flesh of symbiosis they teach us symbiosis in the process i do believe so and so with such ancient ancestors who came before us i feel like the first place of meeting is in your mouth and to take a small amount just enabled and to very slowly chew it and allow your saliva to mix with the flesh of this mushroom and really taste it and really feel what you feel feel how your body responds feel what emotions come up and you meet this and multiple things are happening when you're doing this one there's this sort of psychoskeletal thing that's happening physiologically yet the mucosa lining of your mouth is beginning to absorb the alkaloids in that small amount of mushroom and so you're literally aligning your biome to the biome of this mushroom and then when you swallow you're sending all of that information through your digestive system to your gut and you're sort of taking your temperature of how you are in relationship to this mushroom well well and of course that method also follows suit with other mushrooms and plants and the first sort of rule is know what you're putting in your mouth if you're not sure don't put it in your mouth yeah yeah interesting yeah and then from there and from that initial meeting and a lot of people who work with me will really actually feels really good and so they follow the way of the nibble up to certain doses and and they know what our safe doses to physically eat and what could actually cause some stomach upset well just to point out how different this is then what I understand of most people is that they very much try to mask the flavor of the mushroom through some kind of accompaniment either sweet or savory or something like that and treat it more like it's a like an ingredient in a larger recipe rather than just the mushroom itself well I agree with you and I love recipes and I love working with this mushroom and lots of different recipes and there's so many preparations of not just this mushroom but like there's so many recipes oh my gosh yeah well you mentioned micro calm micro drops m y c r o as one my co not micro micro micro drops yeah and y c r o yeah then they're yeah they're pretty legit as far as you're concerned yeah she she's she's a beautiful friend we get along very well we actually created an aminita's professional group on signal for other professionals working with aminita muscaria specifically or other aminita muscaria professionals yeah I say she has focused grounded and motivated it says three different elixirs yeah well she's got a number of elixirs that don't have their iovetic combinations and that then can be mixed with so siben or aminita muscaria or LSD or whatever the individual wants to mix it with and so this gets into like admixtures and what complements these different things but where are we speaking into is the initial meeting an intheogenic plant medicine or mushroom and the difference between just meeting that mushroom for the first time before you get into all the fun recipes yeah and then you know your baseline of who you are in meeting and being in relationship with this one spirit and how do your customers feel about this advice do you run into people who are pretty comfortable and used to the idea of relating to the personality and the spirit of what they're ingesting or is this kind of new territory for them i have a mixed collective of people so anyone who's more interested in the magical performance enhancing magic enhancing elements of it are happy to follow the way of the nibble but i have a lot of clients who are using it from medicinal nervous system ease healing fibromyalgia multiple sclerosis depression ADHD like a list of things that it can help to ease the symptoms of is actually quite extraordinarily long but just to kind of say that there are other people who have those conditions who use aminita muscaria medicinally we just take the crushed a mushroom put them in capsules and they just take the capsules and i say something slightly rude along the lines of to me putting the mushroom in a capsule is like wearing a condom during sex and why you're having sex with somebody you need to wear a condom can it can it be used for enhancing sexual pleasure apparently not in a capsule well okay how about therapy sessions can aminita be used in a therapy session so there's different dose levels i mean just like every other thing right so there's different dose levels and different experiences of those dose levels so in low dose levels which is like i said kind of up to eight grams roughly yeah you're looking at a light euphoria it's very social it's a little bit like being drunk that kind of like joyful friendly social feeling slightly less inhibited than your normal self the kimd m a yeah and so what i say if you that's where you want to stay you have to watch out for the more more because it feels so good you're like oh more oh more oh more but if you follow that more thing you're going to slide into a medium dose and that's definitely a very different experience what do you get what happens there but you know at a medium dose you start to get again like you're drunk you get a bit more wobbly and that can as your body is decarboxyllating the absintheic acid that can get a slippery slope really quick where you're discombobulated uncordinated the mind is sharp and there's no visual distortion but there's physical distortion and sometimes things that are quite small look very big sometimes things that are like they're like a doorway like a big doorway it's like oh i don't know if i can get through that i feel like you're like bouncing off the door post sounds kind of like allison wonderland it's very much like that and then just like with allison wonderland very mad hatter emotions can come up like the rabbit whereas suddenly he's sobbing at a poem or laughing hysterically or so the emotions want to come up and if one resists the emotions that want to come up that's where ways of nausea or physical discomfort start really coming in quite strong which increases the uncomfortable sensations of the size and the the big the small the time loops off the time loops yeah what are the time loops what it tell me about the time like it's literally like you'll just be in a loop like you'll say the same thing over and over but like the pauses in between or you'll like do the same action over and over and you won't necessarily remember that you've done it until suddenly you're like haven't i already like and then you sort of realize that you've been in this time loop and i i yeah it's so sassy well that's certainly because it can be positive or negative ice by the i know in post-traumatic stress syndrome that kind of repetition of the trauma keeps happening sometimes and that you as a therapist you're trying to stop that from reinforcing the negativity well so the way that i see it is that the time loops teach you to catch those repeating patterns that everybody has and so you get to practice oh i got it and then you can forget again and you oh i got it and what i find for myself and for the clients i've been working with for a few years now the ability to catch those looping patterns even when there's no eminita mascara around gets easier with the use of eminita especially