48_FutureNow2024_WendyFreeman_GabsBilly Say kids, what time is that? [Music] Okay, we are coming to you live from Ocean Land. Also known as Aptos California by the beach. Aptosia or some people call it fattos. But it's not too bad today, there are actually surfers out there in our stretch of the beach, which is very unusual. Of course, the weather patterns have been quite something. Yeah, well, this has always been a body surfing beach, and on a really stormy day, the waves might get up to be six or eight feet, and then we have beginner surfers. Because it's a really nice place to learn, it's a long beach, and the waves can come in for quite a while, they break fairly for out. Yeah, I'm going to adjust the line here, the Bluetooth. I saw the surfers out there, I'm not a surfer, but she was sorry she didn't bring her board. [Laughs] Yeah, Bobby was visiting us down here in Santa Cruz this last weekend with Katya, and she is a surfer, she gets out there. We all got together to celebrate the birthday of our dear friend, Hallelujah Blessing, and also Jeff Coffin, and it was quite a miraculous gathering of the tribe, I must say. [Laughs] Lots of relationships that went through some positive growth, huh, wouldn't you say? Yes. Yeah. It was great meeting Donna and Bob, that was amazing. The first time you met Free Energy Bob? Yes, that was the first time. Yeah. It was a great conversation. You were here when we had two electricians trying to change the light bulb were you? [Laughs] That was a comedy skid up I ever saw one. Oh my. We were rolling on the floor on that one. [Laughs] We were trying to adjust the track lighting so that several of the bulbs faced in the same direction towards the fireplace, so we could have a little stage in our living room. The lights were being very obstinate, and required two of our most talented handyman to... Lighting professionals. Lighting professionals, right, to make this go. So we shot a whole movie on that. Oh man. [Music] Yes, future is calling backwards today. We're doing everything backwards today. Welcome to the new world. Yeah. I don't know if you all have been listening to commercials or what. But we've been recording very diligently and then we realized that our broadcaster wasn't actually sending it out. But here we are at long last. But that's how future now is. We just go until we're rolling. Yeah. And Bobby, let's make sure we hear you. Yes. Okay. Alright. Front and center. Rolling. Everybody's here now. We're live. We are. We are live. We're sticking it out. It was reboot. It was one of those things. Everything looked perfect. All the readings were perfect except it wasn't broadcasting. What do you do then? Reboot. [Music] Remember last time we were talking about the Peregrine lunar lander? Yes. The first lunar lander. Well, sadly, there was a failure on the propulsion system of the Peregrine lander and it's headed for a fury end into Earth's atmosphere. It's a furious, but it's fiery. The fury failed moon landing attempt. Well, it's going to be fiery when it comes back to the Earth. Yeah. It was really interesting too because it was a lander designed by a private company called Astro-Biotic Technology out of Pittsburgh. A hundred and eight million dollar contract with NASA. And they believe they could operate it to some extent while it was in flight to the moon. But not enough to make it worthwhile as it couldn't land. Well, they don't know what went wrong, but there's something wrong with their fuel lines. Yeah. Right? They're leaking fuel and they can't point their solar panels towards the sun. Right, right. So those two things are making it that they can't complete their mission and they can't keep it in orbit. And it got to the moon before the moon was there. Right, right. Everything is just off. So Pluto, in Aquarius. There's going to be a lot of disappointed expectations in the next little while. And for the vast majority of its mission, the Peregrine lander was controlled solely by its attitude, control thrusters. Those are tiny little engines mounted to the side of the lander. And they're mostly designed to maintain stability or to make precision movements, not to control the whole craft as they've been doing with it. Yeah, it's more like the steering wheel. Like, we're steering into the skid with our Peregrine spacecraft. Right, right. They might have been able to get it to work, but there's a fuel leak and the fuel leak is just disastrous for doing anything. They were able to power on some of their science instruments and other payloads on board. And they did have some ashes from Gene Roddenberry, Gene Roddenberry's ashes, and his sons, I believe, were on there as well. They had a thing called the neutron spectrometer and the linear energy spectrometer. They were supposed to gather data on radiation levels in space. So I guess from now on, if you want to send your ashes to space, you should just send them a tablespoon at a time. Yes, yeah. That way, if it doesn't make it through the test flight, you'll still have some left for another try. Yeah, no, they had a second cremation altogether. That's right. You really wanted cremation. You really wanted cremation. Boy, did you get your wish. The most famous cremation so far in history. Yeah. Well, I'm sure they have, they probably have more ashes and they'll probably try again with a new fresh bunch of ashes. Gene Roddenberry will be able to not only disintegrate in the upper atmosphere of Earth, but possibly on the moon in the near future. Boy, he can hope. All right, well, that's our Paragon report. Yes. Paragon will have a fiery death. How soon is it going to happen? Was it in the next week? Yeah, I think it's within the next week. We'll find out. They're still adjusting the course. The mission concludes on January 18th. There is a new capacity to regrow teeth as another option besides getting implants or false teeth. Is it real? It's definitely not only is it going to be real. They're going to do human trials. They already did trials in mice already and have grown teeth successfully, but they're going to have human trials in July of this year. Probably the first children will be the first to actually benefit from this probably in 2025 that have congenital children that don't grow enough teeth. But they're saying by 2030, your dentist should be able to give this to you for adults that have missing teeth later on in life. What this does, it allows you to grow a third row of teeth if you need to as many teeth as you want. They found a very simple mechanism. Apparently, there's a protein that inhibits these buds that are the genesis of your teeth. They are produced when you become an adult after you've grown your second row of teeth. Then they get suppressed. They're kind of like in there just waiting to be restimulated then. That's right. I don't know if you remember. There were stories of like a seven year old grandmother. I think she got hit by lightning or something or that was another person. Another person got hit by lightning and then this other woman just spontaneously grew a tooth that she was missing and they were wondering why. But now they know why. What they've done is they've discovered monoclonal antibody that will attack that protein. Then you just insert this antibody in that location and all of a sudden the teeth will start to grow. This will be miraculous for dentists to be able to grow. Oh, it's huge. It's huge. This is Japanese research? Yes. This was done by Katsu Takahashi and he is at Kyoto University in Japan. I told my dentist last week and she's going to actually travel to Japan and to Kyoto in April. I have to send her this information so maybe she can write off her trip to Japan by saying it's a business trip instead. Yeah, that sounds pretty good. I like Takahashi's quote. We're hoping to see a time when tooth regrowth medicine is a third choice alongside dentures and implants. Yeah, and there's other research in Japan by Hiroshi Guza. He's at Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry and he studied all around the world also immunology. His technique is a little different. He's going for pluripotent stem cells and that's another approach too where you just put stem cells into the brain. And these are stem cells that can be derived from your skin. They don't have to be derived from your bone marrow like normal stem cells. So it's relatively easy to access the skin stem cell. Yeah, so it could be possible that technique might be available before 2030. Oh, good. Good. Yeah. Just in time for my senior needs. Yes, yes, exactly. That's great. Okay, well, thanks. I wanted to mention that in our links page, we do have some more stories about the best new gadgets and tech that came from CES 2024 this year in Las Vegas. Quite a few things there. You had a lot of fun looking through that. Yes. What was your favorite? Yeah, David Wolf. Everything AI, everything AI is there. Robots. You robots. AI robots. Watch out. Some fun now. Plugged into the internet, it will do all your shopping for you and suggest that you use up the stale food in your fridge before it expires. And there's all those autonomous lawnmowers, you know, all kinds of lawnmowers. Lawnmowers of all the way. Right. And there's a lot of focus on fitness too. There was a fitness tracking. Jarmin had a new heart monitor for women capturing more accurate heart rate and training data uncomfortably without having to wear some harness or bands around your waist. If you have a pet out there, there's a new type of secure door for your pets that will allow them to be identified specifically for your pet. You know, I guess it's to keep the crack wounds out. And on and on. Cisco links page, drfutureshow.com/links. Now we're going to go to a break and we're going to come back with our guest. Bring her on. Wendy Freeman. Yes, she tuned. Wendy Freeman is a psychic in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Shen Yung Performing Arts is back. If you thought you missed this year's performance of Shen Yung, wait! Shen Yung has scheduled a special farewell performance Wednesday, January 31st, at the Center for Performing Arts in San Jose. Seize the opportunity and secure your ticket today at ShenYung.com/bay. Tickets are selling fast. Can you hear me? Yes, we're here just perfectly. So Wendy, we heard about you through Bruce Erickson as one of the great networker connector persons of our community. And he really recommended that we speak with you about your work on helping people discover their higher selves. Could you tell us a little bit about what you mean by that? For the past few years, I've really been earning in on developing people's skill set to communicate with their higher selves, finding their potential, seeking through ego. Because we get so caught up in the reality of the world of doing what we think is right based on what people have told us, what we've been programmed, what will bring us our joy and our happiness. And so often we find that when we reach that dream or we reach that goal, we still feel empty inside or we still feel like this isn't where I thought I'd be or I'd reach my accomplishment and there's still something missing within me. So what I consider myself to be or what I call myself as a spiritual interpreter, that I've found that once we remove ourselves from our ego and we can surpass that and we go through the goal of communicating with our higher selves and really reaching to our authentic selves. That's when we hit the sweet spot. That's when we know that, hey, this is lighting me up. This is illuminating me. This is inspired action. And there are so many times that because we are programmed and because we learn these values or lack thereof from other people of how they view us or how they perceive us, what I do as being a spiritual interpreter, that it's energy work, and that when the person comes to me, I'm able to communicate, sit them down and through audio and through energy work, I'm able to communicate with their higher selves. So therefore we're bypassing the ego and it is a one-on-one individual basis that the higher self and the authentic self is I'm able to communicate with them. So basically it's like I'm just the interpreter for them having a conversation with their higher selves of what is my purpose? What is my true authentic self, wanting and desiring? And it's so amazing, Alan. I can tell you that people are shocked. They're like, how do you know these things or that is so true or I'm so glad because I had the sphere or I never thought that that could possibly happen because I never thought I could be successful at that. So it's just amazing in all different categories. It can be health, relationships, jobs. It can be just my purpose in life. But it's just the practices that when we're born and we come into this earth, we're really physically just trying to survive for the physical needs, but we're all really truly spiritual beings, house and human form. And once you really get that gist of our life and our purpose, then things start to take a shift in a different change because we're really truly here. Our physical bodies and our entities are here to house us to keep us kind of grounded while we're searching for this spiritual journey that we're on. But as we evolve and we grow, we get so systemically caught up in the reality of the real world, peeling that physical body that we keep getting further and further and further away from our soul existence. Are you finding that more and more people are wanting to connect with their authentic higher self these days? I really do. I'm seeing that because I really believe right now that there's a human consciousness shift in change, that the more and more people are starting to understand that because they are living here longer and people are now the aptitude that as we live longer, they're engaging in the process that I found the guy I got the car, got the house, got the dream job, and they're still something missing. So my purpose is that if we can do this at a younger age, at a younger generation and know that this is possible and that this exists, how great would it be that we don't have to go through those years of tragedy trying to figure it out and pursue these goals, these dreams that aren't really even relatable to our authentic self. So it can really help all of us shift, but yes, there's a lot more people coming forward and just through word of mouth and people that I've helped and served in that they've come to this experience, then they share and then they share. And so it's really starting to evolve and get larger and stronger, but I feel across the board in the nation and in the world that people are trying to come through higher consciousness. Now how would you say for the uninitiated, how would this be different from say going to a therapist for getting in touch with yourself? I love that question and I said you're great question and this has come up multiple times in my sessions. And what I found is that even higher self and spirit says the reason why we don't condone or it's not that I can't say therapy doesn't work for everybody. And so the reason for my experience, what I found is that therapy is digging back the past and therapy is finding the cause and the reason behind it. And it also takes a lot of time for the therapist to hear and they get the background and the numerous amount of sessions that occurs before the therapist is even on board to where they are now. And this session, what I do is that spirit is always saying, we're in the here and now and we're moving forward. We're not digging up the past because you can't go back and change anything. And we understand where we are because we've already lived that. But if you're wasting the time and the energy to go back and reevaluate and review, spirit takes it as we are grateful for the episodes that have happened in our life and the experiences because they've made us who we are now. And now we can take those experiences and choose to move forward. We can't go back and change the past. And the more that you dig up, it stirs up that negative energy. So the energy that stirred up from all of the things that have happened beforehand, then that is doing nothing but attracting more negative energy. So spirit likes to say, here we are in the now and in this moment and today. And we are grateful for those experiences because they've taught us something. And now we can take those experiences and we can start to move forward. So I actually had a client and it's so funny to say this Alan because they said to me, Wendy, I was in therapy for six years and they said, you have helped me in six weeks. They were like, you are like a therapist on steroids because you got me and you didn't need to hear my past because, and I say, it wasn't me. And it's you doing the work. I credit everybody that comes because they want to receive the knowledge and they want to do the work. So another part of this, the whole process is just like if you go to a weight loss doctor or any doctor and they're giving you prescription medicine or to do something and you go home and you don't follow the directions or you don't do the exercises or you don't do what the doctor is, you're not going to see the results. So I'm not claiming the fame here. What I'm saying is that I am just the interpreter. And when you have this communication with your higher self and you're getting the wisdom and knowledge of what is as and can be done in these experiences, a lot of times they give them homework or they say, this is what you need to do or you need to watch or verbalization or negativity or how you're speaking or what energies you're putting out. But the person themselves has to be willing to say, okay, I hear what you're saying, I have to change my behavior. It's not a miracle that happens overnight. It is being aware and being in the now. So that's, I really do find that this is, for my experience in the people that I've worked with, is better for them than therapy because they're not digging up the past. They're starting in the now and we can do something now. We can make a change now, but you have to run it. You have to be ready and you have to be prepared. It's not easy, but it's so worth it because you're going to see the results. But it's not just a magic wand that comes in or a voodoo or doing hexes or doing anything crazy like that. It is seriously literally taking the onus back for yourself, communicating, sitting, being quiet, and they give you all the work that makes like being one with nature. It depends on each individual's essence or what they need. It's things that every single person can do. It's something that on an individual basis, it depends on what your needs are. So there's different answers for each individual person, but the outcome goal is always the same. And that is to love yourself to thine own self be true and always give yourself a pass because nobody is perfect. So one of the differentiating things that I see here is that you help people not necessarily process trauma from the past, but to get them into the now into the present and the present is this, I guess, of the world. And from that state, you are able to access, I guess, everything. Whatever it is, is there goals and their dreams, but the reason why, again, we say that there are people with PTSD, there is a lot of people with trauma. Almost everybody's had trauma, but we look at that as a graduation moment that I resolve this because I live through the trauma and I'm still standing here. I've resolved this because I've overcome the trauma and here I am now. And so I choose right here and right now, do I stay with this? Do I hold onto it? Am I guilt ridden and my full of negativity and fear? Or what do I choose to do because now is this moment and in the now is the only moment that we have. So if we have this moment now, we can choose to do some things. And even if it's five or ten seconds, I live through it and now I'm happier for that moment than I was before. And we start to build on that foundation because I see that it's plausible. We're not saying in two, three days that all the negativity is going to be wiped away, but what you're doing is building on the foundation depending on the trauma. But there are people that have renounced or announced themselves that today is a new day. And in the Black for a better word therapy and the sort of sessions I call them, that you have the ability to regurgitate the inner oneness of your inner self with your higher being. Because higher frequency wants nothing but love. Higher frequency wants nothing but you to feel the best and to feel better every single solitary day. So they build on feelings and emotions. And here's another thing, Alan, and that's what people get so locked up on because they've been so down and out and down trotted that they don't want to feel. And they're afraid of feelings and emotions. So a lot of times we go down and unlock those emotions that they've locked up. There's times when people have said, like, I stopped feeling like I was feeling like a robot that I'm just going through life because I don't want to feel. And so I get up and I regurgitate and do the routine and go to work and come home and sit. And I'm afraid to feel. I'm afraid to try again because I don't want that hurt and pain and sorrow. So it's kind of like they lock themselves down and they've forgotten how to feel. So we take the time to thaw them out to get them to not be afraid to cry. I had a woman that said I couldn't stop crying for a week, but she thought that it was beneficial because it released all the negative energy that she had been carrying around. A lot of people are so afraid if they thaw themselves out, then they're going to be a mud puddle on the floor and they can't get back up. And we are here to let them know that you need to clear out these negative energies that are housed in you in order to open up the span, the timeframe again, to allow yourself to feel in all categories. Because you know polarity for every high, there has to be a low. But what we're saying, we flush out all the lows or flush out the majority of them to open up a new space to allow for all these blocks, these negative blocks that we've been carrying with us through this higher frequency is allowing them to clear out the negative and open up their mind and their essence for the positive. Help me out here in terms of what it's like to be in a session. As a psychic, you go into a trance state with a person. Do you see their higher self before they do and help them connect with them? I always do. I do not video because I always feel like when I meet with a person that's usually over the phone, I feel like that video often causes them to be looking and be distracted and this is energy work. So I want to be clear about that because people like how can you do it if you're not in the same room with me or how can you do it through over phone. So energy is through I'm communicating with the higher self. So everybody has a higher self. And when I'm able to talk to that person, I just close my eyes and I don't start with any questions. I don't like to be led because I always believe that the first thing or the first messages that come through is what the person needs to hear. And you be so surprised that I don't start with any question from the person because a lot of times people think, Oh, if I could just get this relationship to work, then I'd be happy. And the majority of the time is it's the inner work. It's the inner person of loving themselves. And then the thing of the reality that they want happens. And if you aren't ready to receive the love because you're wanting it from somebody else, then you aren't declaring self love or self worth and you're looking for it from somebody else. And that usually can happen because when you're dependent upon another person to bring you joy and happiness, then you can't rely on that person because if that person went away or that person had expectations that you're not living up to, then you're setting yourself up for failure. Back to your question, we work on ourselves. We work on what higher self and spirit is saying. And so basically, I let the person know that this is energy work. And then I asked them to be still and be reflective the reason what they've come for what they're seeking, but I allow spirit to come through. And I go into a meditative state, but I just connect and communicate with their higher self. So I take myself out of the equation. You go, well, that's like a classic psychic channeling in the sense you go gets out of the way and allows the energy to come through you. Yes. And I'm communicating with them through their higher self. Now, is this like your higher self talking to their higher self? Sometimes it goes into that. I feel like that that's kind of how it works. But then I feel like that I would be a third party. So it's like the switchboard operator. It's like she can intervene. She just plugs the two people in. And the communication is like I'm the interpreter. So it's like one person speaking French and one person speaking German, but it's their language. It's their communication. It's their question. It's their Q and A time. And all I am is deciphering what the message is for that person to be heard. And I guess ultimately looking at how they can connect with themselves more deeply all the time where it's not just in a special session, but more than increasing. You can do exactly because we all have this ability. We all are born with disability. And that's why I said we lose track of that because everybody has intuition. Everybody has a gut instinct and you know it. Sometimes we are afraid to trust it because then we're like, I'm not sure. Just like everybody says, Oh, I was thinking of that person and oh, that was a coincidence. And they called me or people have had deja vu or people have had something like I was thinking of this number and it came up on the lottery or again I was thinking of this person and they called me. So this is what we're saying is that everybody has a piece of it. It's just honing into it and teaching yourself how to trust it. And to realize everything happens for a reason. There are no coincidences. Once people start to do this process, they really start to be more glaring and aware and in the moment and all the noise and all the chatter goes to the wayside. And once you start really living this way, your frequency develops to get into a higher instead of a 3D state, you're heading into a 4 or 5D state. And that's the frequency that we all need to hone in on. And that's the frequency of authenticity and love and light and joy and happiness. And the lower frequencies, they're measuring this in science now that the lower frequencies of negative energy and the higher ones you thrive. I think it's the 450 frequency and now they can measure it. And Joe dispensia is a great person to follow for people to look into his work. He can measure the sound waves and the frequencies. And one of his experiments that he saw that he noticed that when they measured people's frequencies through brainwaves, authenticity is the highest frequency of them all. And I was like, that's so amazing because that's what spirit has been telling me all along and listening to him and his personal vindication of how they're measuring frequencies and science is on board with all of this with human consciousness and shift and changing that it truly honestly is a real thing. How did you get started with this awareness mask? Were you gifted as a child or? Well, I was when I was six, seven and eight, I find grandmother and my aunt were able to what I say channels. They could communicate and at the time I had no idea. They would just sit with, we called it a family game and we called it the pen and they would communicate and talk with people on the other side. And so I knew that they had the abilities and I knew growing up that this was feasible, but I always kept it a secret because I didn't want people think I was crazy. So growing up in my twenties, I always took the pen and was communicating, which I didn't realize then, but I was communicating with my higher self, but it was a form of meditation for me. I found later on that the pen helped me to ground myself so that I could physically be doing something in the physical state so that I could hear and channel. And then what happened to me one day was that I was doing this and something told me like they just gave me the name of the book and it was Neil Donahwash, the communication with God. Yeah, communication with God. So I went to the library and got that book and that's when it took off for me because then he became like a mentor to me and I went to some of his classes and then I really developed the skill set. And then that's when I became my authentic self because I was like, this is what I was meant to do and this is my gift. So I've been doing this for over 25 years now. When I first started, I would just go and say to people, well, two of my friends were like, you're amazing, you need to do this, you've helped other people. And the long gist of it was there was a friend of mine whose daughter was missing and they couldn't find her. And she was like, please help me. I was like, I don't know if I can do anything like that. And we went and did a reading and in the reading it told the location of where she was and she went and looked and there she was. And so they brought the daughter back and they were basically like, you helped save her life and basically she was being trafficked. And they were able to find her, help her and save her. And she was like, without you, we would have never found my daughter. So that's what gave me the incentive of this is something that I really need to be doing. And this is something that will help people. And so I was just doing it. I had a full time job. I was doing this on the side. And I was basically like, this is bringing me joy. This is my authentic self and I'm seeing the changes in other people. And I know that this is my calling and I know that this is what I have to do. So eventually more and more and more time passed. And I just said, I have to listen to my authentic self. I have to trust the process. I need to do this. And I'm so glad that I did. Have you raised a family with disability? That's why I was afraid. And that's why I say I understand everybody that is afraid to go for their passion and to go and move forward because I did it all. Because I did it as a side job because that was my fear. I was like, can I make a living at doing this? Can I do? Again, this was 22 years ago when I started the process of really coming out and doing it. And my children were eight and six at the time. So that's when I was doing it, practicing it, kept moving forward. But soon as they both got out of school and was going into college and I had more time for it, that's when I said I'm giving it my all and I'm really going to put my efforts into doing this. So I go off my full time job and just went ahead and pursued this dream. No, it's interesting that you mentioned that you're able to find someone in the center. It reminds me of the remote viewing research back in the 70s with Russia when they were trying to find secret bases and things. But in this case, it's for someone who's emotionally being challenged. Now, is this happen with people frequently is that some kind of super powers emerge or capabilities telepathic capacities of some sort of rise as you get in touch with the authentic self? Normally, and that's what people say is like, because before, like people when the long island medium came out and Teresa Caputo and all that kind of stuff is like in sessions, what I find is that I have to be tuned and attacked in. So what I find is for me that the individual basis, I can get a lot more clarity when it's one on one and when there's not a chatter. So if I'm out in public, which I'm so grateful for because I was thinking, suppose that would be horrible with all the chatter noise if I was hearing everybody and their guides. But I also believe that it's the person that has to be tuned in as well and listening so that I can hear their vibration so I can tap into their energy and I can communicate so that I can hear. So just think of you were an interpreter and you were with a bunch of noise. You need the quiet. You need the stability to be able to truly hear through the frequency. But I do get hits all the time of my intuition saying go over here, do this, talk to this person, do that. And I always, always, always follow my gut instinct. I always follow my intuition. And it always seemingly comes out to be the best option. I got a question in from Mona. She wants to know what you think of angels. How are angels connected in with higher self? Angels are absolutely. We have multiple layers. We have higher self. We have spirit guides. Spirit guides are our lower entities. It's kind of leading you and guiding you kind of like a teacher. So it's like you have your third, fourth, fifth grade teacher. When you learn the experience, the guides are there to kind of lead and guide you. Angels are a vangelic form and they're there for different reasons. I know a lot of people attach angels as religion or like guardian angels and we do have those as well. So we have higher self is our higher self in relation to we come back here as a learning experience. So our higher self is trying to remind ourselves what it is that we're supposed to do. But the angels, the guardian angels are the ones that looking out for us for like health care reasons or trying to protect us or guard us majority with health, majority with feelings and emotions when we're feeling sad, they envelop us with love. So there are angels there. They're very empathetic. They're very comforting. They're surrounding us to bring us peace and joy. The higher self is just trying to acknowledge oneself to achieve the goal that we set ourselves up for because we all come here with a soul contract. We all come here before we come here and we choose our parents. We choose our divinity. We choose our socioeconomic situation. We choose our status and we come here to learn our lessons. Our angels are here to guide us and protect us and to give us joy and happiness and love and all of that. They're kind of cushioned. They're like pillow blankets to help us along the way. Gotcha. Okay. That's comforting to know. You as a psychic, are you able to speak with someone's protective entities like the angels? A lot of times with me going into the higher self, what it is, and this is how I pictured is like my higher self is the interpreter. So the person in their higher self is having this conversation. And then sometimes the angels will come in and give their name and they'll say like this is me. This is my name. I'm your guardian angel and I will be with you and protect you. But most of the time with spirit guides because what I feel like is that the spirit guides are closer to earth or closer to the realm. So the spirit guides come in and once you learn that lesson, then you move on to the next thing that you're supposed to learn because we're always evolving and growing. So the spirit guides are really more with them and the angels are more of an angelic form that are higher up with the higher self. Well, listen, we got 20 seconds left. How can people reach you? I know what fast, right? It's the best way to people to reach you if they want our reading or want to connect. I do have a website. It's Wendy Freeman, F-R-E-E-M-A-N. Wendy Freeman readings.com. Okay, great. Great. Speaking with you, Wendy, thanks so much. Yes, thank you, Wendy. Thank you so much for your time. Thank you so much. Yes, absolutely. It's a real pleasure and I look forward to speaking with you again. Yes, as things change, we'll probably want to talk to you as the world evolves here. Maybe we can get some readers or our listeners call in and do a quick question and answer or something. Yeah, we can do it next time. We just have a couple other guests we have to get to for the next hour. Thank you for being here and we'll bring you back. Yeah, I think I agree. Okay, thank you. Thanks so much, Wendy. Okay, bye-bye. Bye. [Music] Between diabetes testing and stroke and blood pressure medications, the pharmacy used to love me. I can see why some folks struggle between prescriptions, eating and paying the bills. With monthlyfearx.com, I pay one small monthly fee for all of my meds and that includes the diabetes kits. If you pay more than $20 a month, check out monthlyfearx.com. If your family spends more than $30 a month, even if you're a family of 8, 9, 10, 12, check out monthlyfearx.com. Believe me, it's a game changer. Thanks to monthlyfearx.com, I now have the extra money to go out and do fun things. monthlyfearx.com. And did I mention that your meds get delivered discreetly to your mailbox? What's your family eating for dinner? Chef Ben here at the back nine grilling bar where you can pick up family dinner that feeds 4-6 hungry people. Family meals include a full rack of ribs, a whole smoked chicken, pound of pulled pork, and plenty of barbecue sauce. Served with a full quart of baked beans, coleslaw, macaroni and cheese, dinner rolls, pickles, a side of onions, and four dessert brownies with a pint of Mary Ann's vanilla ice cream. Call and order your family's dinner about 15 minutes before you want to eat. See you at the nine. Lexo, what's your favorite podcast? My favorite podcast is Future Now on Santa Cruz Voice. The triumph of science and future that I so depend on to know what's going on. The Future Now Show live on Tuesdays 1-3pm on Santa Cruz Voice. Yeah! Okay, we are back. Now that you're all tuned in to your higher selves and you're ready for the next thing. Who do we have on the line here other than besides Bobby, then San Francisco, we have Billy Sunshine and Gabrielle C. Franny. Hey guys. Hi. Hi Santa Cruz. Hey, last time we saw you guys you were in the Florida Keys. Having a blast down there. That was quite a moment. Like the other day, like day before yesterday. Well, for the year. For our audience. That's hilarious. The Florida Keys were great to check. It keeps getting better. Yeah, it keeps getting better. Yeah. Santa Cruz is way better than the Florida Keys. Oh yeah. You convinced, even though the weather is a little chillier here, a little bit rainy. It doesn't even matter. The people are here that we will. That's true. That's true. The people. And unsurpassed beauty that Florida could hope to have in its little tiny pinky finger if such a thing existed. Yeah. Yeah. It doesn't sense anyone from Florida. Yeah. You know. Yeah. The Santa's land. Doesn't compare to here. Yeah. Well, it's still a lot of people from here go there. What did you sense? I know Billy especially has been tracking the political feelings of the country. What did you sense in the East Coast? Was it more conservative, more liberal than here? No, we were around a lot of immigrants where we were staying in. Well, first we were in Homestead, which is not too far from Miami. Yeah. So there were a great deal. It was an immigrant community for the most part. I went out and interacted. We had gone to a couple places, ate food and different places that were staffed. We had a lot of people that were staffed by non-white people. So those people tended to be very liberal. Well, about jerseys. From what I could see. Well, jerseys where I'm from. Yeah, Jersey is liberal for the most part. You know, we are very liberal. We had abortion codified prior to all of this. Are you not seeing a lot of Trump? Well, where I live in Atlantic County, it's very Republican. My neighborhood is actually made of a lot of libertarian, conservative libertarians. So those people are very, they've vacillated. What happened was they were very much for Trump initially, but now they're not so much for Trump. So there are still a few stragglers who are pretty extreme or I live. But for the most part, I think everybody is done with Donald Trump or I'm from. One of the interesting things that came up last night was that Trump was the child. Trump was the choice for everybody who wants to see a total ban on abortion. And Trump was the choice for everybody who doesn't want to see a total ban on abortion. He spread very wide on that way. Yeah, it was amazing. Apparently he took more percentage from any other candidate in the history of the Iowa caucus, which is. One by a larger percentage than anyone is ever one. Yeah, astounding. I haven't tracked that news too. I heard that DeSantis and Nikki Haley were kind of tied. DeSantis was 20% Nikki at 19. Yeah. Okay. And compared to Trump. Not a good showing for DeSantis. He thought he was going to take it. Yeah, interesting. Yeah. He declared that he was going to sweep it. That he was going to beat Trump. Oh, it's such a wiesel, isn't it? I mean, I mean, I mean, and then how he stands. Is he a real person? He's made of, he looks like one of those poseable figures. You know, like, like an action figure. Yeah, but it only has like a shoulder joint. So you can like move its shoulders up and down, but it doesn't actually have an elbow joint. And in Florida, in Florida, they literally just banned in one county, the dictionary along with 1600 other books. Did you hear about that? I heard something about the dictionary abandoned. I have a hard time with that. The dictionary. Here's why they did it. They did it because any books that contained what was considered to be sexual content. So you could go into the dictionary and look for words that they deemed were contained sexual content, either in the word or the definition of the word. And that that was enough to pull dictionaries off of shelves. Well, I would imagine the dictionaries do have the seven words that George Carlin said whenever it could be said on television. And that's just a story. I don't think collegiate dictionaries do. No collegiate dictionaries on how to do that. The point is that librarians are afraid to do their jobs in America in Florida. Yeah. Wow. Dictionary. That was the one thing about a library, isn't it? That you could freely find information no matter what it was and without judgment and without fear and have free access to it. That was my idealistic perspective on what a free library is. Especially in public education funded by public monies and that's a question. I have a question that maybe cuts across the board here, which is how many people do you think really would prefer thought control to open democracy? Hmm. I don't know. Sometimes it's kind of funny. That's a tough question to answer because I think sometimes people who think that they're voting for freedom don't realize that they're actually voting for slavery. I think some people believe that their way is the freeway and that's often not. So I don't know what percentage of people do we all think that we want total freedom in democracy? Well, I would say that we don't really have. I think what's going on with America. You know, I spent a bunch of time last night watching some YouTube documentaries about the rise of AI and about how much AI has influenced our communication. So that the generation that I consider myself part of, which is somewhere between the boomers and the zoomers, is a generation that grew up thinking that technology is good and putting tools in the hands of people is good because their goodness will be amplified. And that's why we're the think different generation. We just trusted that our tools were going to be assets to our civilization. And yet what has happened is that the automation of so many of our processes and turning over so many of our human treasures of civilization to this automated process that doesn't have real intelligence or complexity or conscience has resulted in a world where our tools are being used to privatize and suppress our human dominion of what our spirit wants and craves and feels entitled to. Our conversation has really been muddied by the fact that we're not talking to each other. We're talking to this machine that is being automated so that our private conversations are being sold to the highest bidder and then are being manipulated by bots and then are being turned out into conversation where we no longer know who to trust or what the source is or how to believe what we believe and it throws everyone out of their sense of security and throws everyone into a sense that what they're fighting for is right and that everybody else is wrong. And there isn't that human dimension of giving each other reassurance and cutting each other slack and giving each other space to be ourselves like all of those things are not in our world anymore. It's all machine like we're talking to our screens and our screens are doing the rest of the work for us. Yeah, yeah, you know that you're reminding me of these recent sociology perspectives where people have different personalities behind our screens that if we actually were face to face with each other that we would have a much different persona and how that has kind of brought out almost like a psychopathy in our society or a sociopathy where we've become less empathetic, more extreme, where you don't have to necessarily be responsible for the words that come out of your mouth or in this case, oftentimes the, you know, the written word. Well, the letter is being typed on here. What you're talking about, you know, you're reading a study that's putting that out as a fact, but what I actually am experiencing is that the people in my world are genuinely more heartful and more interested in each other's feelings and they may or may not be able to have a conversation that's purely intellectual, but that has more to do with different kinds of conversational styles because there are people who love to debate and there are people who hate to debate and who need to feel that emotion of connection and when those two people engage each other, they have very different styles that may be repulsive to each other, but when you talk to them individually, you find out that they are each longing to get on the other side of whatever the misunderstandings are, they just don't have a process. I was agreeing with you that the technology oftentimes takes us out of that human element, essentially, you know, that well, the part of what you said that I wasn't agreeing with is that the expression that I would consider troll talk on the social web is indicative of what's going on with people because I don't really think that's true. I think that troll talk is just a cartoon version of what's going on and that people actually are still talking to each other and that that screen mediated communication isn't where the real work is, but it is what's being discussed as what's real. You know, there's just a separation. There's a metaverse and there's a real human experience. I think you're conflating the experience of what's being read and put into a social milieu of understanding is the same as what is being experienced by the people in the world and I'm actually saying no, there are two different spheres and one of them is misrepresenting the other one. Yeah, no, no, I was just talking about in the sphere of technology as we are behind our screens I specifically said not that it differs from how we are in the real world. That was my main point. Well then. You know, it's so true that people are so nasty on the Internet when they meet, they don't treat each other that badly in person. Yeah, it's so true. People hate me on the radio when they meet me there. We're fine. Yeah. So I love you, Billy. Yeah, for those you don't know Billy he has a unique position of being the liberal often in conservative environments. I get it over at KSCO where we all used to hang. He was the token liberal in many respects and created a persona that people love to hate and still does. I believe you still over there one with Dave on Thursdays. Yes, Thursdays from four to six David and I do our thing. He's the pilot of five ten and he and I'm the stewardess. Yeah. Because you have better legs. Thank you. Yeah, they're longer. That's funny. So this whole political world is it looks like it's evolving once again. We'll be having Biden versus Trump in the elections. And I think the first thing that we're going to do is that looks like a Fed a complete. Are we going to vote? One of the least way too crazy. What a horrible choice for the best country in the world with 360 million. Wow. What's wrong with it? Yeah. I mean, is this a setup or what? I mean, how did this happen? Everybody's considering. Yeah. What if we were to just say, let's sit this one out. We don't like the candidates. Let's not have a president. Like, well, yeah, that's not likely to happen. Yeah, that's not going to happen. It's a fun. So I think we should just all go to Portugal. Portugal. Why Portugal? What's important? Well, the drugs are legal. Drugs are decriminalized. They're not legal. Oh, that's a saying to me. You're not putting me in jail. I'm good. Right. No, no legalization implies taxation decriminalization means you're free to do whatever you want to do without. They kind of like what they've done here with. They kind of what have done here with mushrooms recently. They have decriminalized mushrooms. Exactly right. That is an excellent example. That's right. That's exactly right. It's also an amazing climate. It's beautiful. You're on the water. You're in Europe so you can travel places easily. You have dual citizenship really easily in Portugal. You can get a new citizenship and be like the citizen of the world and not worry about all the BS. We live in California. It'll be a while before the authoritarians and fascists get here. We have some time. In other words, yeah. We will see a company. We'll get away in time. I mean, we're on the brink of all these horrible things. I don't want to think about that. I try not to promote that. It's undeniable because it's so in our faces, but we have to hold love in our hearts and in our spirits and our actions, our words to each other. But there is a lot of crazy stuff happening out there. A lot of people might not be able to wish away because it's such a part of and spread it into their realities. So we're very fortunate to be able to stave that off for the moment. I hope that we can do it perpetually. And if not, Portugal is looking great. Okay. Well, there's a vote for Portugal here. Hey, I'd like to visit my brother just came from there last year. Yeah, in a friend of mine from my old medical class does his practice there and he loves it. So, you know, yeah, a lot to be said for Dr. Dan just spoke at a conference in Portugal. Yeah. He said it was beautiful. I loved it so much. I had a great time. And Billy's friends, Billy's friends. They went to Portugal and loved it. They were thinking of, yeah, buying something there maybe. Look at that Mediterranean road. Yeah. Yeah, I do. Yeah, I'm all for exploring the planet, finding nice places to stay. But I do like to think that we can keep our own backyard nice area. I hope so. It's a crazy reality, you know, but I get these feelings. I think about my ancestors and how they had this fourth thought. They took a leap of faith and literally sent their children 11 and 19 by themselves to come to America to get out. And it wasn't it was the revolutionary, the Bolsheviks. Yeah. Well, America was the place to escape for a long time. And it still is. I mean, look at all the people coming over the border. I mean, this is incredible. Listen to that. You don't see that. You never hear anybody in the news doing the old statue of Liberty send us your suffering people. Yeah. And yet I know so many Americans that that's how they still see America. This is the escape to freedom country in the world. And we do have the resources it takes to help everyone go sane and take care of each other. And it and it's for her. We're happy here so far. He wants to go to Portugal. Right now, we're here and we're happy about it. I'm happy. I'm happy to be here too. I'm totally. Yeah, plus there's something to be said, you know, if you want to change things like if you want to change things, then to being inside the cell wall has certain advantages and being in the country. Yeah, gives us the freedom to criticize it, for example, and take it more seriously for starters. Yeah, never mind running for office or influencing folks legally to get things done. Like there's a very interesting interview today about how America could be the force for moving from a scarcity base to an abundance based financial system. And there's a conversation between Peter Diamandis, Dr. Diamandis and Elon Musk. Yeah. And really looking at how that could happen. And that's a huge ship because our economy is totally scarcity based right now. And yet, if we just think about Star Trek, we know that everybody on Star Trek uses the replicator when they want to go eat. They go hang out and tend forward. They're serving... Star 7 to drink. There's no branch of service is purely exploratory. It's not only military and trying to be forceful. It's actually trying to be of service and exploring. So we do have the thought forms. We just have to put them into action. The mechanism of action. We have to realize there are people throughout the world who haven't had the privilege of having that perspective yet. So I think there's that. But I think that where the drama comes from is I believe that we have a lot of people who have sympathy for the less fortunate and that we definitely want to always keep that going. But where the energy is of resistance is really the resentment between people who want to feel proud of themselves because they worked to accomplish something. And so now they feel like they should be able to lord it over people versus the people who feel like their gifts weren't necessarily financially rewarded, but they're important, but they haven't been validated. So I see a bit more of like a sibling conversation. It's the kind of thing where some people in a family do well and then they become the jerks who throw their younger siblings out on the street after the parents die because the other one didn't work as hard. That's the attitude that really screws up the equity in the world. The attitude that I work for and you didn't so I'm going to make sure you suffer and I'm not going to be nice to you because you're a loser and you want what I earned. That attitude is what keeps the generosity from flowing into a well being that takes care of everyone. It keeps us on balance. I don't think we take the time to understand each other's perspectives. I was just thinking back when we were talking about the immigrants coming into the country, especially from Central America, we often forget that we destabilized all of those countries. Like the US literally went and sent in rebels to overthrow whatever leaders they wanted out. And the only stable country is Costa Rica and they're the only country that didn't let the United States have any intervention in their country. And we're all having to understand each other's stories and having a compassionate result of finding solutions to our problems. Well, yeah, what's thinking of it as a whole ecosystem. America is the world in the sense that not only we have people from all over the world here, but we also have intelligence agencies and other groups that go and influence politics and religion and government. Everywhere. Right. It's world citizens. But abundance and scarcity. I think of food, which certainly could be abundant for everybody and everybody should get fed. But you know, can everybody live at the beach? No, there is a scarcity of beachfront property. So we need to figure out how do we do that? Oh, this is why we say we have beach access that you don't own the ocean. You don't own that that people have to be able California does have those rules. You don't have to live on it. Well, but some people do get to. So having decided who gets to and who doesn't. Well, that's why we have capitalism. We have a version of capitalism. Well, that's the whole thing is that there is a major update on how the whole system works and how we need to have abundance, but also still have the ability to have that free market competition in our society in a way. How do you balance an equitable society or promoting an equitable society alongside of allowing people to have the expression and ability and freedom to do the things they want to do in order to further themselves. Yeah, so they have an incentive to go further. But do you think there should be a basic safety net for everyone? No matter what? Yes. Yes, sure. Because that affects us all. And we see a homeless person on the street or someone suffering in society. Let's just say in any way, it affects us in so many ways from our economics to our psyche, to our own health and welfare to the resources that we have to provide people publicly, right? All of these things affect us. So we have an interest in giving people a basic life that we all deserve. Okay, well, we pay taxes for schools for examples. I don't have kids, but I'm very happy paying those taxes. Yeah, you don't want stupid people in society. I'm my neighbor. I want to imagine. Yeah, you want people to do well. You want to promote. Like I do. I won't say you. I would like to promote. I would like to promote a kind of society that is supportive where we're all rooting for each other. And how do I help you succeed? What can I do? Even if it's limited, even if I'm just your cheerleader on the side. Yeah. You know, like, why would I want anyone to fail in society because I'm going to be affected by that, even if it's not direct? Even if it's not directly, there's going to be some indirect aspect that it's going to take place. A new version of competition that doesn't require anyone to lose. No win lose situations. Yeah, we compete to make each other as awesome as possible. Yeah. Well, one of the things I've seen with the tech is that it's leading to several big shifts. One is personalized education because everyone learns differently. Everyone has a different style and strength. And we have the capacity now with the tech to be able to tune into a person's way of learning and give that to them so that it becomes much more personalized. And now what I'm noticing with the public education here is that they have a certain very stringent rules and a certain very old fashioned way of teaching that it takes a while. There's a lag time between education in the school systems and what's actually possible through modern technology. And also one of the problems is that a lot of our friends are not particularly big into vaccines. And yet, if you want to send your kid to a public school system, you have to get the VACs. You have to do that. And so a lot of people are at great expense. They're taking their kids out of the public school system and putting them in private to charter schools here. Now, should those type of charter schools be financed by the public coffers as well? Oh, yeah, no, this is it's a very difficult discussion. Yeah, especially like the way that we fund our schools, like from district to district, our public education in the United States is not equal. It is not. It's all over the map. Yeah. But we are we like to think of ourselves as a, you know, as a, it's not, it could be done better. It could all be done so much better. It could. Yeah, I agree. And I think homeschooling is fine. But unfortunately, so many parents are an equipped to homeschool also. Well, they're getting. It's terrible. It's a catch 20 for American students and their parents. It's a catch 22. Like you can't win unless you happen to be very wealthy. We're having enough money back to abundance. Yeah. Right back to abundance. Yeah, but it's you buy what you want. In our system, that works if you have the resources. Right. Yeah, it's the same thing with the healthcare. Health care is something that many countries have figured out and have everyone covered and we haven't. And yet we have the technology to personalize a medicine to our own particular microbiome and such. What's in the way from actually doing that at this point? Can the AIs help with this? Do we have to build on the existing systems or should it just start over? Should we just build a new system and they will come? It's as fun says. It's the human problem of I work for this. You didn't. I'm not sharing. Selfishness and sense of entitlement. Yeah. You know, monkeys are selfish. Humans are selfish. Then you add a version of capitalism which rationalizes and gives us the excuse for being nasty and selfish. I want to give the mirror side of that resentment issue is that the people who feel like their contributions are not valued and so they don't have the money that they need to survive or be generous. They also contribute a real negative force by feeling entitled to other people's earnings, which is also part of the resentment. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I get a piece of the pie. Yeah. Totally. Totally. And just basic envy without any kind of discussion about how to remedy a personal situation without it just being this emotional dysfunction. Mm-hmm. Yeah. But just function to the big part of it. If I sit home and just sit home and get stoned all day or I'm drunk all day, why would I expect to have what other people have? Well, it's not about expecting to have what other people have. It's about expecting that your contribution is enough. Like you doing nothing. I was just contemplating the idea of this universal income means that all of the people who feel like doing nothing should be enough should be given an income for that opinion. And if we all buy into it, then we've got a society where doing nothing is enough. And as Elon Musk points out, even though we might want to believe that, even though we might feel generous enough to just let every single person be the author of their own energy be as lazy as they want, make no contributions to the greater good. And somehow those of us who don't feel that way will carry them, it doesn't really make sense. Like you can't just have a free pass where people don't at least take care of themselves and beyond taking care of themselves creates something in abundance to contribute to the greater good. We need to find that happy space. Right. We have Walmart with record profits, massive corporations where they're paying their people, they're making record profits while their people have to be on public assistance. And it's those people who are working core who are trying their best who are never going to get ahead while the corporations who they make rich through their work week are getting screwed. So those people might feel a little resentful as we eliminate the middle class and every option for anyone to get ahead and we increase the vast, vast difference in wealth where you just have rich and poor. And it's a runaway. I think we need therapy. We need society therapy. We need something where people get a chance to air out their grievances. And when they feel heard, they get a chance to be like little kids telling their parents what punishment they think should be doled out, including to themselves. Because maybe some people, instead of doling out punishment, would dol out some creative solutions that would actually create a thriving society where we all believed in each other and we all believe that we had a fair shot. If we modified our beliefs enough to fit in and make things better instead of worse. We have to go to a little bit of a break. So let's contemplate this while we hear from some Santa Cruz voice people and some people who love Santa Cruz voice. Give us a call at a 31-265-5050. And here's Santa Cruz voice. Greece is cheap. But the airfare costs a fortune. Paris? Not much closer. And again, airfare. What about Puerto Vallarta? Let's face it. Flying anywhere is just too expensive. Wait. What's this? Low-cost airlines. With one call to low-cost airlines, you'll drastically slash your travel costs. We're talking insanely low airline prices to any of your favorite destinations. Where would you like to go? London, Rome, Costa Rica, Australia? Wow. That's cheap. 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Monday and Thursday night football as well. College ball all day Saturday. Other sports? Oh yeah. Time to eat and watch football. Take the easy off Passatampo exit from 17. See you at the 9. What's your favorite podcast? My favorite podcast is Future Now on Santa Cruz Voice. The triumph of science and future that I so depend on to know what's going on. The Future Now Show live on Tuesdays 1 to 3 p.m. on Santa Cruz Voice. Yeah. Okay, we are back. Alright, we're with Billy Sunshine and Gabriella Cinfrani and Mrs. Future, Sonny Bunny and Bobbi Wilder I think Bobbi is still there. I'm here too. Yeah, it's great to see everybody here. Yeah, I'm just thinking about what kind of visionaries from the future, all of us, many respects, and we can see how it could be a better civilization than what we have right now. And I see a number of inventions and opportunities to change that are coming very quickly and I'm just kind of curious how you guys think some of these big breakthroughs might affect us. For example, about 20 years from now, we should have fusion, fusion power. We have confusion right now. Ha! That was good. That was so good. Yeah, Mrs. Future, you're real. I'm a coward. I should be done with. But unlimited. Oh my God, stop at the puns. This is too much. I love puns so much. Like, don't stop. Actually, don't stop. Yeah, it's a pun. This is a powerful conversation. Sorry, where were we? You know, everyone's worried about climate change right now and how all the carbon in the atmosphere is messing things up and on and on and on and on and on. It seems like it's a power game to take, get money for different corporations than we don't have original sin anymore. So we need climate change. Yeah, so you know, give us all your money, stop doing what you're doing for a living, be sure and follow some other program that makes sense to us even if it doesn't make sense to you because you have an obligation to keep you land. But I'm not saying fix it. I'm not saying that climate change is not happening. It obviously is, but if it's true that we will have fusion in 20 years or so, all that goes away. It just goes away anyway because it's so much better to have fusion power. So that's kind of lateral thinking. Is it a waste of our time to try to constantly try to change a little picky any things from solar and wind? No, no, but I'm a proponent for positive incentives rather than penalties. Yeah. So I think that we should be conscious, but that we shouldn't hurt people. We should help people along and not make rules that impact our lives in negative ways. Yeah. Well, I'm a big advocate for as few rules as possible. And then when the rules break down, what you want after the rules is as much freedom as possible so that people can't just assume that they can boss each other around. And then there is the Teddy Roosevelt idea of negotiating with a carrot but carrying a big stick. Right? Right. Right. But I do think of- You're trying to verify. Yeah, trust and verify. Also the idea of, I learned this a long time ago from someone I thought was a very wise person. He said there's only three types of negotiations and everything is a negotiation when it's people wanting something and wanting something. And wanting to convince each other to let them have it. So the three kinds of negotiations are basically the first one is if you want something and it's a difference with the other person, you push your enemy over the cliff. That's one kind of negotiation. They don't have a choice. You have superior power. You decide. The second kind of negotiation is commit suicide. Meaning they want something. You can't oppose it. You go away. You let them have it. You take it out of the way. You don't oppose them. So push someone over the cliff, commit suicide or the last one, bags of gold. And bags of gold is where you look into each other and you figure out how to accommodate yourself while accommodating the other in a way that creates a peaceful arrangement. We call it a win-win situation? Yeah, I would call it a win-win. But sometimes it's a win compromise. Yeah. That's what there was a judge. He was this federal judge and he said that he always knew that he had made a good decision when both parties were unhappy. I see. They're all compromising. Yeah. But the point is that there's a wide range of ways to work out differences as long as people are willing to talk it through. Think about it from the other person's point of view. We're not alone in this world. Okay. Other solutions we've covered. Big article today. Somebody's posting on our little private post about how tremendous psychedelics are affecting the health industry and people's well-being. And that is decriminalized on a large scale. This could change the state of our minds. Yeah. Thank you for that, Jeffrey. Yeah. Now, would that be a good idea to see the psychedelics legalized nationwide for starters? Oh, well, I think we have a long way to an extent. I think that harm reduction along with our freedom of choice is paramount. And that because we've had so much prohibition. That is constrained our ability to do good research that we need to promote alongside of this positivity that we also need to make sure that we're all staying safe. Because we want to promote the positive side of these things and we don't want to set ourselves back in time and evolution by creating an unsafe world. Yeah. Well, the euphemism of safe or unsafe really to me is talking about the issue of a difficult time. I'm talking about the issue of addiction because you have people who are not really able to benefit from the positive uses of mind altering substances. And you have people who will make choices in their life that will always lead to some kind of self-harm or perhaps an addictive vice where maybe you need to steal to support your habit or something. Yeah. You need a good infrastructure support. You need something that really recognizes what can go wrong and be able to deal with that. Some people genetically, physiologically, have schizophrenia. They have real diseases of the mind that they should not take these things. Absolutely. We have to think about things like that. And we don't know sometimes how long term things now, like we're in the infancy of so much of this research. So when people are saying like, go ahead, microdose, microdose, microdose, microdose, they're also not sure now as to whether or not that trips your serotonin, your sigma receptor in your heart that controls your heart valve function. And whether or not, even though you're taking a small dose that you don't even, it's so clinical, you're not even conscious of the dosage, it's still having a physiological effects. So this is what I'm talking about, these little things that we're just not sure about before we go dumb-ho into promoting this amazing consciousness, expanding healing. Well, you know, would I simplify it even a little bit more than that? Because I think that there are stages of maturity of people and some people can manage their diet and exercise and some people can't and need to be part of a program. And some people are not even helpable because they have conditions that are outside of anybody's range. And the way I was asked this question recently at a family gathering, and I have a pretty straight family, most of them have not done any kind of mind altering substances or if they have, it's been with... College days. Yeah, a long time ago, once enough to leave it behind, kind of thing. But the conversation that we had was my point of view that we should be doing something other than just banning it and acting like these gifts of nature haven't been part of society for a millennium. And something between that and just treating it like there are no downsides. I think it's maybe like a seeker's curriculum so that if people feel drawn to what the mind altering substances can offer, then there is a way of enrolling themselves into that opportunity. And it's done in a responsible way. And so that's a little more on the setting setting. Oh, totally, totally, absolutely. I don't know if you remember Dale Pendell, who is an ethnobotanist who has since passed away, but he wrote a few books, like sicko's Dale Pendell, a P-E-N-E-L-L. So he had this term called the poison path. And basically, he said, along the road of drug use, you're going to take a path that's either going to lead to green pastures, or one that's going to be filled with thorns and terrible things. Quick sand and things that will kill you. And it's a consciousness, but it also required our education and our knowledge. So yeah, like set and setting is everything. And also testing things today. I heard you mentioned addiction earlier, and I thought sometimes people just want to party and they're getting bad drugs these days. And that's so scary. So I think about like educating people to test their stuff no matter, even if it comes from someone you trust, still go ahead and test it anyway. It's just important because we want this to be a positive experience. These things clearly, clearly benefit people. They saved my life. LSD saved my life. Well, the thing is that it's a parent child issue because anybody who needs to be protected from harm, who's in charge of protecting them? That's the parent. But the person being protected from harm, that's the child. And if we really want a liberated society where people are free to make their own mistakes and learn from them and live in a society that tolerates individuals learning to be free, we can't have a mommy class deciding that they're in charge and the rest of the people don't deserve their freedom. Yeah, doctors and pharmacies go away. Other system we have now, maybe that's a great way to make psychedelics available. Have them available in the pharmacies that doctors can prescribe. And then we can know that they're safe and the right people are getting them because somebody will know somebody before I like informed consent where nobody has to prescribe it where you just have access to good information that you're able to seek and that people promote you so that you're educated and you can make your own decision. But right now we don't have that. That's what I'm saying. In other words, as a step in that direction, so we still do harm reduction. Yeah, but I don't like the permission aspect. Well, I don't. We don't. But well, especially because the market society, look at what Big Pharma did with opium. Look at what Big Pharma does when they have a chance to make money on an addictive substance. We cannot trust the market to help people self regulate. We need a more caring mechanism. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It needs to start early. Alex Gray's wife, Alison Gray, she talked about the idea of having a psychedelic society. And she didn't mean that everyone's doing psychedelics all the time. But what she meant was what those communities tend to create and the kind of place where people promote creativity, openness, love, empathy, compassion. And we do it from a place of family community. That's all based in education and that kind of psychedelic society. And if we could promote that from the time our children are small. Well, you're talking about like the Amazon rainforest culture where, say, the ayahuasca experience was part of a cultural tradition. And so it was normal enough that people knew about it from an early age, probably experienced it with their family from an early age. And the fact that it wasn't as early as six. Yeah. And the fact that it wasn't hidden away and criminalized and a cause of deception. That's right. Yes. What about our festival culture festival cultures tends to promote proper use of psychedelics and there are groups that get together that help someone who having a bad trip and gets them back on track. Yeah, you know, we have sanctuary right when we're at Burns, you can go to sanctuary and if you're having a bad time and burn our culture, you have Rangers and the Rangers, they always say not your mom. I'm not your mom, but I'm going to distract you. We're just going to go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go talk about something else. Are you having a bad time? Yeah. You know, let's have a distraction. Shout out right now. And thank you to Wavy Gray. Yes. Yeah. Nobody for president. I was thinking of Wavy Gray me earlier today. I wish he'd run for president. Really? I think he's younger than Biden. I didn't he started his slogan that could be his campaign slogan younger than Biden. I'm cooler and cooler. I think it was said at Woodstock, he started the please force, please force the police were there. Yeah, please force. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, I'm not sure if you're not. There's the idea is that you're making sure that you're happy enough. It's like the fun police, the fun play, making sure everyone is enjoying themselves enough in our society, a special group just to do that. Yeah. Are you having fun? Yeah. Yeah. Right. Oh, you guys look kind of depressed. Great. Never done. Ain't never had too much fun. Yeah. That's it. Now, something about fun being underestimated by our society. Our society is fairly serious. And it got us to this point, but perhaps we don't need so much serious this anymore. Perhaps it's so serious. Yeah. I like seriousness. I'm not too certain point. I get tired of me all the time. I mean, I'm a happy person, but kind of emotional. See, because you're a performer. You love that. You like being able to go through the motions of all of the emotions. It's true. Yeah. Leave nothing out. Wisdom is everywhere. But you have humor too. Fortunately, I think you do. I do. I do. I do. She does. She does. She does. Definitely. One of my virtues is I like to laugh. That's one of my most important coping mechanisms is humor. Yeah. I keep it all. What else do we have? Hope, hope and humor and your music and music. Yes. We do. And we're going to the final 30 seconds here, gang. Thank you so much for being part of our show today. Yeah. We're just about there. Love you guys. Love you too. Thanks for being here. You're awesome. Thank you, Gabby. What you do? Yes. Thank you so much for being there. And Bobby, thank you for being there. And Billy. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Do you want to read it? Yeah, I'll see you soon. Wendy Friedman. Wendy Friedman meeting. Yeah. Bye, you guys. And contact your higher self. Love you all. Thanks for being there. Bye for now. I was supposed to listen. Bye.