46 The Future Now - Happy Perihelion New Year Show, with Guests Hallelujah Blessing, Donna Hale, Bob 'Free Energy' Leff, Taressa Bell Blessing Say kids, what time is that? The future is coming on it's coming on it's Happy pera helium everyone. Oh is today today today today in tomorrow. Oh my goodness This pera helium is so much better than last year's pera helium. Well, I'm glad that we can get this And not have a disaster on our hands Why don't you tell everyone what per helium is but first why don't you introduce everybody else that's that the microphones right now? Because we're not at home. Okay. Yes. We're on the road So virtual doctor future is to my right and virtual Bobby Wilder is in the room on a screen And where are your feet Bobby? Where are you physically Bobby? I'm just south of Captain Cook on the Kona side of the big island of white. Oh Your new year. It's our friends. It was great. Yeah, it's so great to have sunshine and You know ocean and yeah, and good food and that tsunami that hit Japan left you guys alone Yeah, yeah, I heard bad news. I have to call my relatives. Okay So this being the theater of the mind Bobby is actually out in the jungles. Yeah, I'm in the jungles I'm hundreds of feet from parents McKenna's old house Wow, but I really like looking at you as a head on a stick in the room that we can just pick up and move to anywhere Futurama Bobby Like he's virtually here and for those of you who might recognize that wonderful voice that has been the mystery man until this moment That is our very favorite holiday host hallelujah blessing. Oh, thank you. Yeah We're visiting right now We always love it when you come to visit and we have the most wonderful Christmas celebrations and New Year celebrations and we don are really Apparel Light show light hearts and We had Tibetan bell ringing. Oh karma Moffat Wow. Yeah, we're so blessed And we are just really pleased to be here on our 40 acre bliss mountain Hallelujah turn this place into a real miracle You are a testimonial to what a focused creative human can do to transform hell to have it We are here. Thanks to you from a serious fixer upper to Palace on the hillside you should give people a little virtual tour of the journey that you've taken here over What has it been five years more than that ten years? Well, we came here burning man weekend I spent the night Friday night and on the day of the burn. I woke up my first day here Wow, and so it's so easy to remember 2012 Wow 2012 that's the year the Mayan calendar ended and so here you were a month after the day at a time So we celebrated that this time your new reality. Yes, we are the new reality in the barn because we got to experience Halle's barn, which is not what you would call a barn not anymore now We call it a guest nest or a bliss nest or a love nest or a bliss mountain temple Yes, it is that's the amazing thing. Oh, it is so full of Inspiration it's the only word for it every place you look everything you see Everything you experience there. You just feel like you've been transported Yeah, when we first came here the backyard was six foot weeds and now there's a beautiful Blessing pool with waterfall and there's a cave a slack-tied cave And there's trails on the 40 acres that you can walk around that we've been developing That have Lake County diamonds. They're called moon tears. Is that the Herkamurs? They're actually there are really hard quartz. That's like an aid on the scale of wind and tin And they actually cut glass. Oh, yeah, and so when people come here We have three different air B&Bs here, which is the nest studio apartment. That's in the barn. That's below us Yeah, and we don't call it the barn anymore. Just because oh the bliss. I'm excuse me It was like bliss bar. I have identity problems with its transformation happening so fast. I just my name is just can't keep What's the bliss bar now? It's the bliss that is like remember we did this at the Digi barn too We had we had yeah computers and suddenly it was a lot more than a barn But somehow anyway, yes the bliss temple and since karma moved here That was just a people kept giving us stuff furniture and everything yeah Karma's amazing when karma came here He helped me get rid of about a third of it and then we just transferred Formed it into what I always imagined it being a bohemian art performance wonderful space that you just drop in in the living room and it's comfy and yummy and there's all kinds of beautiful lighting And we had our New Year's party with some of the guests that we were meeting for the first time And we had a cozy pot belly stove fire in the corner in a concert and this is corner and a light show above This is biggest like our own private nightclub. It really is It's so bohemian too because we were given so much furniture. There's like three living rooms Two kilo-load of people like that you can lay in the bed man Yeah, we were a test party compared to what this price could do and then karma's art gallery is the whole Oh karma's a pervasive in the whole room and then in the corners where he is actually creating his art Yeah, and then the other corners where I get to create my art That's that's karma moffey case interview karma moffey. Yes, who has the most Incredible collection of bowls Tibetan bowls and plays them all the time. Yeah, he's been doing sacred concerts for those of us Who know him in the Bay Area for decades? Yeah, he's wonderful transformation and he has karma moffey.com A man a man on the path with the music and the transformation of his music can do to you. Yeah, he's wonderful He's such a good fit for here because he can fix everything like I do, but he does a lot of things I don't know that's interesting because both of you a real cosmic dudes and at the same time You know how to wire a house or to plug in water systems and stuff like that. It's just remarkable Imagine a new bathroom. That's when you help me with this week. Yeah Yeah, well, I was a builder for most of my life So I just put all my skills together and finally got to build a pool and make waterfall. Yeah The lag-tight cave was really fun. Yeah, it was the new thing this this trip was your stalactite tape Do you have select mites there too? Yes, and I figured out why they're called slag-tites and stalactites I can never remember you have to duck and kind of tight in there. Oh, you bump your head. Oh, okay Slag-tites are you gotta wash out because you might trip on it might You might trip on it Okay We're safe in the cave now And yeah, the three-hour B B&B Here we just love it when people come and visit us and we like for them to just have a whole Experience, it's not just you don't just run a place and come and stay overnight. It's like a little magical land here Yeah, you're like in a let me say a burning man here and you left default reality Well, you're somewhere else I lived right next to Disneyland for much of my younger life really you mess me up for life really Make everything look like a ride Like whatever I just want to make everything look like a ride That explains a lot Yeah, did you go a lot? Did you have like season passes and stuff like that as a kid or oh we had a One of our best friends his dad worked in the restaurant. So we got to go in there and Hang out and look hang out try to find girls that take on the prizes kirbyans and make out stuff You're an insider that was like our mall, you know The local kids So here we have bliss mountain dot com it's bliss mt n But if you're saying google bliss mountain dot com and we'll go right to It was it was interesting because at our party We was basically us and our friends and then the airbnbers that joined in that were here That was that was kind of fun. It really felt like really cultural immersion We took these city people and showed them what us hip boomers were creating with our realities I think they were happy to immerse themselves for the weekend So much fun when people come here and they're just absolutely blown away They're like they find diamonds there's performance space They found mushrooms These guys left They were mushroom hunters Not professionally or anything, but they recognized the oyster mushrooms all around and left a bag of them for us And we had them in our eggs. Yeah. Yeah, so if we start talking really strangely, so no you'll uh, you know The oyster mushrooms But listen just a little warning that there are other mushrooms that look like they want to be chantelles that are not that are poisonous So, you know, don't come up here and mushroom hunt and think that it's risk-free. You got to know what you're doing You got to be one with the mushrooms. Yeah, yeah But yeah, watch out for those fake chantelles. That's right those want to be chantelles They're not They're poisonous. Right and we have the most amazing will here. We have a bottled water quality Throughout the house every faucet is pristine beautiful volcanic filtered water I think it's a perfect spot where we begin to introduce the video aspects of our show Yeah, so which we're recording today. Yeah, right the future proof right because it's so visual here and it's so for instance at sunset We can see the steam rising from half a dozen glaciers, right? We're not like geysers Half a dozen geysers. This is the most geologically active area over the hill where the sun is setting as these stacks of water vapor coming up looking very Iconic and every single one of them is a geyser. Yeah, there's a lot of them are geothermal plants too A crazy hatter than the sky and to make a similar way against the sunset. It's beautiful Yeah, yeah, so this is like an alternative energy zone in that sense too, right? I mean there's Even PG&E is exploring geothermal in a big way here Actually, most of the power around here is from that power plant. We're streaming from that geothermal All right. Oh, so we've got geothermal giving us electricity to give us internet to give you this radio show This is all bought you by the those little guys over there So hey, I'm moving way beyond the yin and the yang here Hey, we're carming free Carbon free zone Well, I there's there's a lot of carbon in this zone. I mean we're made of carbon. Yeah, you're right You're having some carbon free energy zone. No, that's it's well. I like I'll take it the other way We are free carbon as much as we can be Free carbon energy units. That's us. That's it. We're not silicone yet. No, not even partially Maybe our hot pads like I do hula. I do silicone hot pads And all silicone is trying to integrate now, you know, and I imagine 10,000 years we might be silicone based well every Whatever what we have to remember is that life Exists in a free will zone. So we will be whatever we freely agree to So freely agree to what you really want and the rest of it say no I totally agree with that So what do you guys think about this? There's a solar flare that was just detected in new years And it's on its way here. It's one of the biggest ones ever Is it getting alive during the show? That would be fun if we suddenly disappeared folks. We've been wiped away by the latest solar flare Let's see. Let me look at it since 2017 Well, big of a one or what? Yes It's not since 2017 and we detected anything on this order. Well, that's right So it's an x class It's an x5 That sounds like a big one. Yeah on its way here. I mean what was carrying Tim? Wasn't that an x2 or something? No, no, I think it was beyond x. It was much bigger. Oh, it was beyond x. Yeah. Oh, it was a y triple x It was a big one It messed up. Well, there was a z It was a z class It was one of z class What they call those disruptors that go across the galaxy that just take out entire planets wherever they hit Things For 10 points. Yeah, this is a space question Some kind of disruptors You know Gamma ray gamma ray burst gamma ray bursters gamma ray bursters would do them right Somebody want to google it is gamma ray bursters But they just discovered a new one that is way beyond any gamma ray bursters What's beyond hitting your planet turning into cinders in a few seconds. What's beyond that? Well, that's what they're worried about. Yeah, that's the worst. That's the worst day. Those think about these. I'll look it up Do those them guys? Well, there's the authorities and those that think about it Them the guys. I mean are these like the natural law police? They're like I'm not sure if you can go past the evolutionary speed limit We might put some warning lights on your bumpers. Exactly is in charge of the evolutionary speed limit Great spirit Original source. Was this there a science fiction scary movie called day? It looks like you have somebody said they It's like whoa Didn't you have to wear special glasses to see the difference between the real humans and the days? Yes Yes Yes, and they were all scary looking but you had to have the glasses on. Yeah, right? Well, that's another big change that's happening this year is that the rise of fake pictures and being able to create Illusionary images that sound and look real. Yeah, thanks chat GPT Now we're getting to the point where fantasy and reality are very almost indistinguishable Although I have to say by little sister, you know, we're working on remodeling this bathroom, right? And so I sent her a new idea that was kind of reframed and she likes to put everything into chat GPT So she asked chat GPT to redesign a bathroom for us It was really funny it came back with this Bathtub that had a faucet in the middle that was only big enough for you to like stand up in And then it had the toilet in the shower and then I don't know how it figured that was what I would do as far as a biological energy These siligons need to know how we you know do our duty I mean, yeah, you do your duty. Yeah, you can shower off. So I think what we didn't realize is that and Everybody's so afraid of the ais. Nobody realizes there are a bunch of comedians, man. They're looking for laughs So it's not fun enough. Forget it. They found us. They found a receptive audience Well, if anything if anything our heritage is fun. We've come from creatures that love fun. So that's right. That's right We're cheerleading for the happy moments So then anyway this ex class fair they said it might exceed nine Which is the largest ever recorded was an ex of this class in 2003 so Nine there was a nine recorded in 2003. Yeah, actually he's even bigger 45 Oh, that's a very different number It's even bigger. I know so don't freak out about this for my conceit. We've survived before This is not survive again. You're right. This is not like a serious disaster. Okay. No, this isn't clickbait It looks to me from just reading between the lines here that it's it's gonna be big probably not a good idea to be outside getting a tan I'm sitting here close to a whole bunch of plugs And I noticed I was getting little extra sparks and that didn't happen before so maybe it's happening Could be maybe we're experiencing it and so there's just a little extra static electricity everywhere So a few tingles here and there so smaller than 2003 bigger than 2017 Okay, that's very reassuring Yeah, when is the main part of the gravitational wave part of it? It's supposed to hit? Yeah, that's what i'm looking up now. Let's see if I can find that Because that hasn't hit yet probably base weather.com probably with this usually takes about a few days, right? Yeah, usually takes a couple days it takes a while for the cme's to hit us So those things cause they can affect our communications our radio. You might not people may not hear us In my effect navigation systems good thing that we leave the breadcrumb trail of archives at the dr future show.com website I probably wouldn't want to jump into any airplane or autonomous car, right? Probably more like the autonomous cars probably be more Just one glitch in the in the nav system there. What was that movie that we saw with julia roberts Beware of the end of the world Right is that what it was called? Oh the ones that were the head here or something Yeah, when it had the long line of autonomous Tesla cars all coming going crazy Feeding down the freeway crashing into each other Yeah Yes, that was a very funny. I loved that one. They're called don't look up. Oh, yeah, that was a good one too Our fearless leaders. Sleep was awesome. Don't tell anybody Don't admit there's anything wrong So I heard the gravitational wave part of it Totally their science behind it that it could cause earthquakes because it's a shock wave And it hits the earth and it's If anything's in the causes of shockwave, it's like getting hit with a hammer Sure Well, do I look at it? I rang the bell and rang the bell the electromagnetic bell of our magnetosphere. Well, that's tesla thinking my friends About foot note here leave the world behind That's the movie leave the world behind Julia Roberts, Ethan hawk Maharsala Ali I'm all over it. I love Apocalyptic thriller from mr. Robot creator sam is mayo Yes, tells the story of two families as they fight for survival admit an inexplicable blackout Yeah, it's inevitable It will happen. We do live on a very unstable planet Right anything could be wiped out anytime. Look what happened to elanis and lamary it man They're gone. They're buried somewhere. Well, that was the other thing too. Yeah more stories on raswell come Oh, yes. Thank you jeffrey anderson for keeping us up to date on one of them who's got mrs Futures attention specifically. Yes Matilda o' donnell's testimony of her telepathic interviews with the raswell alien who was she who was she so she was an Army nurse who was called in at the raswell crash to attend to any injured passengers in the crash site and when they got there they found that there was one Responding alien who was 50 inches tall still alive and moved anyway Yes that they assume was still alive the other ones they assume weren't alive and during the next several months this nurse found out that she was the only person in the entire military crew who had the ability to telepathically Communicate with this raswell alien and she wrote her memoirs She had her own copy of the classified documents that she kept with her and kept quiet for many years Because her last day on the job for the army. She had to sign the non-disclosure Agreement that allowed her. She this was a big secret. She kept her whole life Essentially her deathbed yeah, and she wrote her memoirs on the deathbed and published her memoirs and the top secret classified transcripts of her telepathic connections with the alien communications with the alien and so we're listening to this four-hour podcast on youtube of the Contents of the transcript and her comments on it and there's the history of earth according to arrow the alien and there's the battle between the isbes which are the soul the beings who have immortal souls who are all Living here on planet earth in a deep state of induced amnesia Because they've forgotten their immortal selves because they've been imprisoned here by some Fairly criminal elements of the galactic civilization that we are a part of but we don't know we're a part of but we're on like the very Fringey edge of the milky way and We're far away from the mainstream trillions of year old civilizations But because we keep getting programmed to forget our immortal selves every time we Generate a new body. We can't get back there. So it's a fascinating story. Yeah, it is it's quite a step You know what to me was interesting is it just took a Few months with the alien to get a whole new level of reality for this woman the rest of her life No matter what I would say venture to say that the way she described it When she first entered the room with it and he connected with her that it held her as a as like a cosmic god being It saw her as a high being And opened up the channels of communication which gave her access to some kind of cosmic google Which she continued to use through her life. Well the the alien recognized her because the alien He saw it. He saw her as a sleeping giant in a way Sleeping is be sleeping is be is bees are had been lost cosmic beings Trapped on earth and forget who they are. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, this is easier from that No, sis, but she was like a famous is be that everybody knew and she turned out to be the one that's revealing this all to us Apparently there's they basically have kind of like star track type away teams that are assigned to different planets And so there was this galactic away team that has been assigned to earth And the alien who is here has been assigned to earth to make sure that life flourishes here for the last 400,000 years and that's on top of this planet being cared for by being such as her for billions and trillions of years and so she usually doesn't interact with the humans That's not her assignment, but since her plane crashed She was reassigned to interact with a human and the human who she could talk to happens to be one of her fellow away team members who Was Lost during the Vedic era like wow. Yeah, it's a long movie. It's it's it's Beyond foundation level and that's when they had those things called the flying saucers back then Yeah, the drawings of the flying saucers were actually Technology Vamanas Yeah, they talk about this. Yeah, they talk about this. Yes. So Errol actually the last time She had to speak to humans. She was speaking to that era of human Vamanas. Yeah, so she didn't know English. She learned English from the nurse from until the O'Donnell It's also fascinating how they perceive time differently Like for example, she doesn't buy into the idea that this is a universe that's 14.7 billion years old and was birthed by the big bang You know, which is the more than normal viewed these days But she talks about time spans of what might be considered trillions of years Yeah, the alien basically says everything that we humans think we know about the past is just Lies that have been made up to keep us distracted and confused and to keep us busy Going in circles and not answering the real questions about Why are we here and what is our larger purpose? And so there's big holes in our sciences because that information has been distorted There's big holes in our description of physics. There's big holes in our Discovery of the mysteries of Egypt all of the things that we think are so she even indicates like the way that we talk about the stories of astrology as if they're so Deciding of our fate that all of these are basically Careful strategies that have been introduced to our Material world so that we don't ever spend the time Going within enough to remember who we are as immortals Like that's the story So you just like everything you know is wrong and the only place you can check is inside your own soul So do you think that terms we kind of talked about it a lot like the use of psychedelics somehow That unblocks that temporarily and you can see Through the veil and you can see those energies You can feel those energies and you can get a sense of what's really going on And that's probably sociologically a big thing that shifted in the 60s that shifted consciousness Anyway, if you have those people sort of thinking things like that if you have a psychedelic friendly system Yeah, I mean some people don't relate well, but some would get uh, the doors of perception as alga's huxley said Well, there's been a couple of shows that we've had where people have given us insights about that One of them was the santa cruise history project hipsters. They talked about how their generation they were so Shocked by the atomic bomb And all of the fear that they had to endure because of what humanity was doing with its Inheritance of science and technology that they had to respond with an equal An opposite force and that that's what the psychedelic Opportunity was for them is to just say no to the establishment that's going to take all of our human energy and turn it into war and instead we're going to say yes to nature and Nature is going to show us the miracles of nature so that we can remember who we are and reclaim that Instead of giving it to this heartless machine I was amazed by mushrooms spores. They can live in a vacuum So they're all throughout the whole universe and they're like these they're like this consciousness That comes and helps us and so many times I'm not so many times not even lately But when I'm taking substances like that you get this feeling in the ego Oh, that's who we are I remember oh, oh my god, and we're here and we've been here forever and you remember things like And then when you come down you go what was that again? Well, I think it's now 50 years later and a lot of those things have been integrated into more of a Normal consciousness, you know, it's it yeah, but the mushrooms they seem to be coming back into society and mass right now Sure. Sure. They're decriminalized a lot of places. So so that that level of connectedness is becoming more normalized Yeah, but you know those really are our they are plant allies and they show us a certain aspect of our consciousness That is part of the fabric of our dna and when you listen to matilda talk about our relationship with our dna basically dna is the creator technology for the world of matter and in the universe dna is the same for so many of the things it is used To construct worlds according to what type of environment they are so our dna is in this galactic database of dna that is appropriate for life on a rocky planet with an oxygen atmosphere that is a certain distance from a red dwarf star and Any time that you want life to thrive in that environment then you use this class of dna and that's how matilda is describing the she basically Let's the alien reveal that the multidimensional world that we are a part of but have forgotten There's beyond the world of matter Is a world where? giant galactic corporations seed life on planets everywhere Wow, that's my body and they seed life that's appropriate to that environment So if we were going to live Like a mushroom in space where there's no oxygen We would utilize a different dna body than what we're using here on this planet Which is an oxygen rich environment and the dna is just the building blocks It's the factory to put together the materials that become the body So when you leave this body you can choose to be a little mushroom floating around Different yeah, and when you discover your true self you realize that you don't even leave this body you can have multiple bodies You can be anything that your free identity Chooses to create in the universe. That makes sense. You know what the mushroom told terence Yeah, no, no, he he took a heroic docis rooms He took a heroic docis rooms and in that state the i-th-thow relationship between him and the universe dissolved He became the mushroom and the mushroom spoke through him And it said just to give you one paragraph to give you an idea Since it's not easy for you to recognize other varieties of intelligence around you Your most advanced theories of politics and society have advanced only as far as the notion of collectivism But beyond the cohesion of the members of a species into a single social organism They're lie richer and even more baroque evolutionary possibilities symbiosis is one of these symbiosis is a relationship of mutual dependence and positive benefits For both species involved All right, and then he gets into the details of what symbiotic relationships exist throughout the universe And that that's actually a major factor of how things actually run in this creation I heard there's bodies. There's more of them than there is even of us physically You mean of all the other things that live in our body. Oh, that's true too. Yeah, yeah We are fundamentally a little more. There's more outside things 10 to what 10 to 1 Microbes microbes hidden a ride on our skeleton spaceship They actually have the majority of what's nobody is kind of crazy And the number of genes is in order of 10 times more genes of foreign things other than genes from your Cells that make you up. So there are more 10 times more different types of organisms That cells that are human cells in your body and the most In your gut 10 to 1. Yep. Yeah, but they're small. They could crawl in and out of your cells Yeah, I'm wondering if you guys Would mind time for a break Yeah, so okay, we'll be right back with some more cosmic consciousness from the future now We'll be right Wow Wow, what fun Shen Yun performing arts is back this season take an incredible journey through 5000 years of culture with Shen Yun Discover why people everywhere are giving Shen Yun glowing reviews I have traveled all over the world to 50 countries now And I have never seen a production any better than this anywhere five star I'm blown away. It says blown away my expectations Shen Yun is an experience like you've never had before Starbling and breathtaking we haven't had quite an experience like that in all the years that I've looked at so it was special for us I think that I learned more in this performance than I actually do in a whole week of school Experience the beauty and energy of classical training dance with Shen Yun Was more breathtaking more heart-wrenching Beautiful more amazing than I had expected. You just had to come see it coming to San Francisco San Jose and Berkeley December 29th through January 14th Come slash CA What's your family eating for dinner? Chef Ben here at the back nine grilling bar where he can pick up family dinner that feeds four to six hungry people Family meals include a full rack of ribs a whole smoked chicken pound a pulled pork and plenty of barbecue sauce Served with a full quart of baked beans coleslaw macaroni and cheese dinner rolls pickles a side of onions and four dessert Brownies with a pint of mariands vanilla ice cream call and order your family's dinner about 15 minutes before you want to eat See at the nine do never get a second chance to make a good first impression when you want to make a good first impression Start with dynamic press and jello Dynamic press can take care of every printing need from business cards to stationary apparel Mailings Everything that money when you want to make a good first impression start with dynamic press in chanakruz 479 7920 dynamic press calm You guys music come back is playing. I wish you guys a smell. I have to spread the chanakruz now and I'm you Oh Come back everybody Well, this is going to be fun. We have a whole new set of fun people to play with now Yeah, well, they only have a few minutes because they're they've got some appointments But this is also who we spent our new years with we have dana hale Just arrived and bob left free energy bob free energy bob has been on talked about free energy and you guys welcome and happy new year to you both Thank you You're so wonderful. I think one of the best new years i've ever had do you think so you're a little private nightclub over there in the Wonderful and that grandmother blessing at the very end It was just so special. Yeah with dear friends. Oh what dawn it means by the grandmother blessing Let me just give people that story. It was so sweet So we were in a room where a lot of musicians were playing and the music was all over the map And some of it was kind of rock and roll and some of it was mellow But it was all very loud because a lot of us can't hear that well and especially some of the people that were in charge of the volume And it was getting a little stressful for people whose ears work fine And we were wishing that those people who could would turn the volume down And so since that didn't happen after a few requests We actually suggested that we observe a new ritual entering midnight that we start the new year off in silence And we had this very funny moment where we proposed that we start the year with silence and About eight of us were sitting around and I realized that Nobody had even slowed down for a second and as soon as we proposed silence Everybody was like talking as loud as they could and there was like more noise than ever So I decided to do what I like to do and get some community Consensus on what did we want to do all together? So I took a vote and I said okay Who here wants to vote for silence at midnight and not a single person raise their hand [Laughter] That was really funny So we did not have silence at midnight, but instead Because we were trying to change the vibe from chaos to wonderful Karma started channeling a song that he sings in ceremony Which is the song of the grandmother and dana you were singing that with him and so is tresa bell and it really just created such a welcoming Nurturing loving vibe as we got close to the turn of the hour And then the last five seconds all of our gear decided to go silent and so there is no recording of the actual Moment of the big explosion at midnight of everybody's joy and enthusiasm You know finally popping the cork we did make that noise and then when the baby is born That's how you know it's here. It's voice is made heard and recognized celebration. We did do that What is my hope for the new year? Well, my hope is that people really start trusting themselves and taking back authority from the outside world back into themselves to listen to That whisper inside like uh should I turn left should I turn right should I put my money here What should I do and listen because we have Tremendous guidance and we have been deceived and betrayed for long enough Maybe it's time to really see how much we can trust ourselves And that life becomes a bit gentler. So therefore I Really? We're gonna see energy medicine the field of energy medicine really explode More devices more technology energy medicine. You mean like frequency medicine Medicine All of it. That's right. Yes. That is Feel like I'm going to switch over more from chemistry to Standing the body electric. Yes, the body electric. Yes. So that for you. That's going to be part of the Absolutely wisdom of the new year. Absolutely. What's your hope there? Do you think it could be as powerful as uh as pharmaceuticals Electromaticals. Oh, yes people don't understand subtlety But subtlety is much more powerful than huge aggression And I see that a lot of our pharmaceuticals are heavy aggression on the body And so small changes are really profound or subtle. Yes, they're really profound I think we'll see more of that with homeopathy Occupuncture homeopathic Electromagnetics. Yes. I do that. I do that. I do electra-occupuncture and I do a lot of remote healing work And more of that's going to become accepted and the science behind it. So I think it's going to be more liberating for people All right, and I want to give bob a few minutes to you because we're real close to the top of the hour We're both into electricity. Yes, bob is also professional electricity here. So he has that pragmatic aspect of electricity I want to get more basic than that. I want more basic than pragmatic electricity I want everybody to get tired of fear Fear just get tired of fear Just go through life without fear And people start to realize what would it be like without fear Just to study that Life without fear. What does that look like and that's what I'm hoping All right, well, let me ask you this Bob. Yeah, that's an electrician Do you have a fear of being shocked? No No, that's not good. No, no, I Unfortunately have been shocked so many times that it no longer gives me fear It gives me I get angst actually that myself I see getting a negative reinforcement But I know somebody who actually died trying to do a stereo system I mean, I think people who don't know what they're doing should be a little afraid The laws of the universe and if it's your time to go, you know, you can go anywhere A guy who got shocked while he was installing a stereo system probably wasn't afraid because he just didn't well I'm gonna be used to be like stripping insulation with your teeth or something People are known to do these things. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, but Bob is also working on some really innovative contributions to the building industry With advances in electrical engineering now That is going to be very fun for you to talk to him about later You mean building design? Well, what we're realizing I spent 40 years putting electricity into houses and now I'm probably spending the next 40 years protecting people from the electricity in their house (laughter) Caution to the wind and now we want to be shielded. Don't be afraid. Shield it. Shield it. New York City apparently every electrical has to be incontinent. Yeah, and it makes sense You know, that's what we're doing with anybody that's concerned about electric We put their wires in metal sheets so that we can ground that and that there's not a wave because apparently Electricity is a wave that goes around it goes about six feet out from the wall And the problem is that it's also a carrier wave And it carries all the electronics that everybody has around So manufacturers have got into frequency As a way to save money. So the higher you can make the frequency the smaller you have to make the component So everybody has increasing the frequency on all their little devices that you plug into the wall Each one of these sends out its dirty little signal and some of them combine on your Wires in your walls and create a real chaotic situation inside everybody's houses I have a question Do you think that some of these chaotic energy can be combining and doing things like shorting out your power plug on your iPad and stuff like that? Like I've noticed we have a lot of devices that we can't charge because They just don't work when you plug them in and they used to but you know, well, you know, these are all interesting questions Okay. Well, I think one of the big Intersections between what you're doing with this this and what Donna was doing is that we're looking at electromagnetic and health and electromagnetic And the chaos that our technology is creating around us Now there's got to be a happy meeting ground between what we create technically and what is healthy for us I think it has to do with our understanding of the human body We really have to spend some more time on understanding our natural system Yeah, that's the next level of awareness is like you were saying you want to study that this your bio electricity Yes, how does our body use electricity already? Yes, you know, one of the frequencies I mean, I see I see our body is the most fascinating bioelectric machine And the question I ask people is do you pour coke into your CPU? What what now I don't do that To soil the system because I was comparing Yes, it's a bad idea. Why would you do it? Yeah? Why would you pollute your environment and live in it? You know, it's right And so so shielding is the is the great new invention in the world of electricity shielding is part of it I think so. Yeah, you know, do we all want to live in a cage? You know, that's the problem. I think it's an adaptation Yeah And I think it's by working with the minerals in the body because our human bodies are hugely Based in minerals that the seabecame out of and they offset many toxins And they help us to neutralize many Of it's a long story. We'll have to go into that later. Okay I have a message from master now If you'd like to hear Master now says he gets amped when he gets shocked by electricity What are you saying All right, well my friends, I think we're just about up at the top of the hour here Let's see. I got a down three minutes and 33 seconds That's pretty time. Okay. Yeah I just want to say we're going into an eight year if you add 2024 together that adds adds up to an eight It's a different year than last year. This one's about power money and authority These issues will all come into play But always remember we are trying to recognize and identify our personal power inside That's the most important self empowerment. Yes In mass. Yes, why not? What does that look like? Harmony. How about the power of love and love the power. Let's love the power of love. Yeah, the power of love. It's a galactic It's a galactic piece coming from the core. There's a waveform when everybody's in harmony. It starts with a sea I can't think of congruity coherence coherence. Oh, here it's here. Oh here. It's I was coherent with you on that Oh, that was very good. I wish I saw coherence. It's all be in the waveform. All right. All right We've got to find our place on the wave So you guys have a website that anyone wants to know more about you guys? Yeah, we're working on it. It's not quite finished yet. It's about emfs. It's emf safe electrician And so that's the website I have that just talks a bit about I'm working with people that have what it's called the safe switch And so basically we're taking the electricity off your body Measuring the electricity on your body at your bed And then going around turning off circuit breakers till you go to zero There's no electricity on your body And then we mark those circuit breakers and put them on a switch and give you a remote So you press the button next to your bed and you're in the safe zone You're free of all this chaotic Leisure magnetics and I work with bob too I go and analyze the person who's having all the difficulties and find out what's going on in their body What do they need to help them? So both of us work at the same time Is lack of minerals in people that are affected by electricity rather they use minerals more somehow They don't have minerals. They're not allowing the uptake of minerals Oh they stop minerals from being absorbed Such a boron one minute down. Oh boron people need more boron Okay, and where do you get that you have to health foods like a lot lique of rock Not not anymore unfortunately Not borach Exactly Thank you so much for your energy bob and Donna. Hey You guys, thank you We're in wonder to our show. All right, we're gonna go here we go Then we got another hour of the first show of 2024. Yeah future now Hey, everybody listen to the news. We'll be back So So You Oh We Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh We Oh Oh Oh Welcome back to the show So this hour we were going to review some of the biggest breakthroughs of the last year But I just got this text in Here from bobby actually about a new soil bacteria enzyme that generates electricity From hydrogen in the air An enzyme called each you see that the soil bacteria myobacterium Smegatus uses to produce energy from hydrogen has been analyzed and now we know how it works So bobby, I don't subscribe to new scientists, but I can see that you do Perhaps you could give us a little more detail about this piece. I got it from master now master now I was with culprit for this one. Okay And I couldn't find his article so I just googled this It's the same article, but the essence it is this bacterium exists in volcanoes It exists in the Arctic in cold and it generates energy by taking hydrogen from water and turning the electrons from the hydrogen into electrons to make electricity And that's how it generates energy with not making it from the sun Which is how plants do it. So it just takes it out of the water in the air Which is really it's like free energy in the air. It's everywhere. Yeah. Well. Yeah And how much power can you generate that way though? But is that is that a significant amount or is it like micro voltages? They're saying in the future instead of putting these batteries like for a pacemaker in your heart Your batteries for your ear small batteries. You need a ton of batteries. You wouldn't need batteries at all That would be batteries? Yes It would just take the water in your cysts in your blood or on your skin and convert it into electricity That's crazy. That's cool. So you wouldn't have to replace the battery. That's an advanced tech fiber hooded. I don't know it sounds like a salt battery Right. Yeah. Yeah. Is that for real though sodium batteries? Would that be cool? Yeah, well anything that can move around anything that can move electricity around is can be a battery It's just as big enough for what you're trying to do with it Right. There are salt batteries that are probably going to come out in phones first and maybe cars They're doing it in China where it's it's lithium sodium ion battery. Is that the CATL? Is that the CATL folks? Yes, you're right. The CATL is actually manufacturing them for cars And it's one of their two batteries one is lithium iron phosphate Manganese And the other one is their lithium salt battery the problem with the lithium salt battery is is how long it lasts You know, and so they're just trying to improve that but they're going to put it in cars first So that's really exciting. Does that the same battery as the what they call the thousand kilometer battery? I think it's the lithium iron phosphate Manganese one that's the thousand mile back. Okay, and that's it's slated to be introduced this year too from what I understand It's already in the Teslas in China Ford is trying to buy a factory or allow CATL to produce it in Michigan But the people in Michigan had a little problem with it But anyway, eventually we'll get that battery here in the United States, but it seems to be working in China Yes, it works in China in Teslas right now. Yes So that would solve a lot of range anxiety issues that people are having These electric cars if you can go 600 miles on a charge And they're lighter. They're more energy dense and they don't cost as much There's 30 less than the regular lithium iron battery and they don't explode the chemistry makes it so they will never explode Even if you shoot a cannonball through it, it will not explode. That's good Any cannons to your batteries So how can we get one you want a salt battery or you want to know? I would get an electric car if it could go 600 miles on a charge Well, don't you think something went wrong? Supposedly there are just so many electric cars parked in lots in China that you can see it from a satellite That for some reason those cars were made and they were never shipped out Well, yeah, they saw that but that's the Sir Penza channel like over a hundred thousand like just crazy amount Crazy amount of just wasted energy. Yeah. Yeah, and somehow they'd rather just waste all of this Human productivity that they've done. So how is this supposed to affect my desires for a new car? Which it seems like you should be able to get one because they're available, right? I'm not worried about getting one. I'm gonna get the right one. Oh, you know the right battery I will probably wouldn't take any of that chinese jump for your associates I wouldn't do that anyway 2024 will be Elon's going to announce in the United States a new battery this year So, you know, I think this is the year to buy the buy by the tesla You mean after he announces the new battery you mean after right now before I get the last of the old model Yeah, that's right Vadini and different people have made these circuits that I'm gonna put out more energy than you put into them And I just kind of wonder I know that's the press technology But I wonder on some things that I've bought before that I've had for 15 years and it's still working I go what did they sneak some kind of technology in there? Perpetuates itself for much longer. There is some credibility. You know the Mars were over It lasted like 17 years and it was only there were opportunities still going strong They use nuclear power plants, but they put something in I thought they put something in the batteries that is like that circuit But average people don't know about these kinds of things. That's the press The nasa tech nasa has been using Fuel cells for a leg for example forever since the 60s and we're just starting to get around having hydrogen fuel cells and cars today Whatever they did. It's been lasting. It's still going. It's like, why don't we have those in cars here? That's what I'm saying. Well, yeah I heard of the 100 mile gallon carburetors remember back when that was Although 150 miles per gallon. Yeah, and they were bought by big corporations and put on the shelf and say no Keeps out of those carpenters because oil companies don't want that. Of course not There was the water one you put water with the gasoline it produced browns gas and yes went farther Stanley Myers was doing all over that kind of stuff. Did they ever get any yield results with that? Well, he's dead now. Yes That was the result. So a fine example of suppressed technology before our very eyes He waited and waited and it never got off browns gas He went short of a restaurant with a guy that was supposedly going to help out or whatever and he killed over after the restaurant Funny he was perfectly healthy Anyways, I know browns gas I There reminds me bobby used to work with jerry brown. Do you ever sit next to him at lunch? Yeah Brown's gas My mind In the gutter I have some stories I can't tell you on the air about that. Yeah, I'm sure you do really about browns gas No, but jerry brown jerry brown is Is it maybe some of this gaslighting? Oh We're talking about energy here we're talking about free energy We're talking about being a fighter away from certain areas of your body. Yeah. Yeah Well, this is interesting because you know People have wondered about how the spontaneous human be combustion you've ever seen those? Away from your body. This explains everything People explode Why why and you heard a bad breath? Yes. Yes. Yes They found They find people older people that sitting in a chair And half of their body is burnt up Not their whole body but half of them body are burnt up and it's the combustion temperature of a human We're like meat right 200 degrees worth toast, but it really happens But that's what's weird. It really happens, but not very often That's for sure. It's rare event. But is it it? Do you think it has something to do with the uh collection of gas? Wouldn't you say that's a reasonable? Possibility Yeah, it could be reasonable. I suspect there must be an acid or alkaline that is Changing it could be this bacterium that's taking the water and converting it and splitting it into hydrogen and oxygen And it's just burning at that time. Just just like the browns gas So this might be if we that's my that's my suspicion Yeah Well, I've heard about that in books on the occult and stuff, but I've never seen it in a newspaper I've never seen it on tiktok Some pictures of people that burn up and incinerated in chairs. Yeah, yeah pictures or an ancient. That's right. I've seen that I've seen that photograph too. I don't know about that. I don't know about madam blavatski era Well, it's been going on for a while But I do think the key significant today is this the the story on the on how maybe it was bacteria that caused Spontini human combustion if so, maybe the bacteria is the solution to splitting hydrogen and oxygen for creating hydrogen energy Because it's so hard right now it takes so much electricity to separate hydrogen from oxygen This bacteria might be the solution. Yeah, maybe do it biologically. Yeah. Yeah, biological split it And I ask a question does that would create us During the Krebs cycle in our cells in our mitochondria I mean there isn't there a separation of water into components that generate heat and co2 And that's it's the methyl group. It's the methyl group in the ATP cycle And what it is is three hydrogen and one carbon atom And when they split off those three hydrogen you get hydrogen ions And it's those ions actually react to the cell surface and they actually change the polarity And the amount of electricity on that cell wall is equal to a lightning bolt It's so much potential electrical potential between the outside of the cell and the inside of the cell Just through that methylation cycle of the Krebs cycle So it's amazing. Yeah, wow So when we're talking about like there's only uh, we're only like 90 percent Aliens in our body and 10 percent human we call them microbes Microbes are not cells Maybe they're having this interstellar battle inside of a body Sometimes there's such a battle that just burns up Yes, that's it. Look like the bacteria one That battle Oh, I I see a new mini series coming on stage in next week. Yeah a micro series Yeah Microbes series and fungi tackle valley virus It's true. Right. Good luck with that. Halle you were talking about Fungus is coming from other planets to here But anton prova the astronomer he was talking about these new discoveries of tardigrade Now the tardigrades are those microscopic Animals they look like something like a a caterpillar, but it looks like a teddy bear But the little animal they're just they're a little out more difficult when they're destructible, right They put them in bullets and they shoot them out of bullets and they survive When they crash and they can survive Inner stone space and what they discovered this last year was Inside of their bodies turn into gel and instead of just water the water evaporates and it turns into like jello And it evaporates the water and you can starve these things for Hundreds or thousands of years and all you have to do is put water on them and like a seed They plump up and they come back alive. Oh, and so they're going to use this So that's how these tardigrades could travel from another planet Before there was the earth. It could plant come to this Yeah, they look like they have little arms and I'm looking at one right now. It's really amazing. And these guys are probably aliens. I have a song Yeah, these can survive space Coldest space and still plump up soon as they hit water they come back alive It's crazy and they just discovered this this last year Subprime ship do that in the lake beds, right? They're just dry like bed forever They're just there and then when the water gets in there They just all the eggs hatch and they just come back alive And then when we dries out they go back into the that state and they can be there be thousands of years But then when there's water they come back, but this is beyond that. Yeah, this is the same But this yeah, these guys can travel through space and these tardigrades probably came from another planet and they're here And they were here at the beginning of our time billions of years ago So they're probably living in our bodies too or just another one of those things. Yeah, what are the tardigrades the micro universe The universe that is designed to not need air or food or water or heat Because the space travelers the ones that spend the most time in heat. I mean in space Those times they they spend time Without those things none of those things are necessary if you're a space traveler Not even time you said they spend time they don't even spend time Well, apparently they do spend time but not in the way that we That's what I'm saying. Yeah It does take a while to even for light to get from galaxy to galaxy, but not as long as we think Yeah, that reminds me when we were kidney gardeners and you wanted to be home You did not want to be in school anymore and in that clock on the wall You're watching the second thing tick It seemed like an eternity one minute was forever You want to go home and play with your toys, you know the opposite of a time traveler. You were stuck in time You had time retardation Yeah Whole AI world has got all of our attention this year Every aspect of the culture has got sucked into the AI story and what it all means Did you dabble in? Yeah, are you to play with it yet yourself or yes? I did and I would just tell it to write me a poem about this and about this in the style of Shakespeare And it just wrote the most gorgeous poem that you would just Bring tears to your eyes And it took 10 seconds and like 15 stances or something. Yeah, and you're just like really Okay, how about a song that does this and you're going really wow? So my biggest hit on the AI thing is to me it becomes perfectly obvious that throughout thousands of years Yeah, the next phases are going to be we're creating silicone based life forms period We are we're creating silicone bodies non human intelligence human The next phase is if they can contain consciousness or we can put even a human consciousness in one perhaps on other hybridization But the bottom line is it makes sense that The people that are visiting us from other planets or whatever are silicone based they were made And the process is just we're in the beginning of that process of all they be giving me opportunities to respond Millions of years no problem information that I gleaned from the interview with the Roswell alien Yeah, because the question of our relationship to different kinds of bodies is addressed in the Roswell alien talking about how we're still too primitive to realize that What we understand as our nature isn't really what's alive the Roswell alien? herself, she said she was a creator being who created bodies and thus she was a female and as a being who was an immortal who was free to be anywhere in her consciousness and create any body from the materials of the universe she was embodied in the what they call the doll body that crashed in the Roswell crash but That was not her immortal self. That was her navigator pilot body for that craft So that body didn't need to see didn't need to eat didn't need air Didn't have temperature Needs even though that body was a vehicle for her Surveillance of the earth as part of her assignment from her position in the galactic forces It was not the entity that she identified with as herself and when we start thinking about ourselves as immortal Conscious entities who have put ourselves into a body that we've manifested from a higher source We have put ourselves into something that is contextually appropriate to this Short-lived experience that we needed this body for yes And it puts Everything backwards you go in the opposite direction instead of thinking that it's really weird that we discover a creature who doesn't need air Who can travel between the planets in the vacuum of space? it's more accurate to think of ourselves as creatures who are connected coherently to Conscious energy of creation that is everywhere in the universe that seeds energy in Systems appropriate to that ecosystem and so the silicon bodies or whatever if we Are part of a creation force that is manifesting technology to take bodies off of earth to travel to other places in the solar system Then those creations are going to be appropriate to those new systems such as the emptiness of space and such as the distance from the star of say Mars or Europa and the conditions of those planets Will have bodies that are designed to function in that ecosystem for them everything will be If if life in the universe is as vast as it is here on the earth That means there's really no emptiness in everything everywhere. There's some kind of life Everywhere so I'm gonna say there's no nothing empty No, no, no, no, everything full so that means that the weirdest-ass planets that are upside down and going backwards and spinning in the elliptical strangeness around Red droughts. Yeah would be perfect for the kind of life forms that would evolve under those circumstances Right that would be its ecosystem. You'd have to have spinning planets close to the sun No problem. We'll create a spinning life form It's like life would be everywhere because right now we're mostly looking for planets that are like earth Because we want to find other people like us. That's kind of only natural it would seem Well, but that doesn't mean the universities all like us We're defining ourselves in terms of seeing ourselves as bodies that evolved in water But if we just take back our history of what we think happened and how we evolved on earth and just start with a queen slate Like we don't know and we assume we don't know Rather than we assume we do know and we're looking for planets that are like earth for these bodies Even though it'll be impossible to get there because it's so many light years away Instead we can accept the razuel alien saying well every single thing that's alive in the entire universe was created By a creator force and anything that is alive Is a sentient being with the free will to self-direct and on this planet everything that's alive was seated here and especially humans came from elsewhere in the universe and Arrived here through the intention of the actions of the civilized universe That has a story that we don't know because a bigger story Yeah, but you can sort of remember it every so often If you if you meditate if you go within and seek your true soul self awareness Your bigger story that is the way to overcome all of the devices that have been thrown at you to make you forget It's in there, but it's blocked And the only way to unblock it is to go through The various techniques that have been developed for meditation and self-awareness that allow you to understand That everything you know is wrong. Yeah, it is really interesting. I'm a container that is The singers playing with the memory playing with memory and being able to play with memory as a means of Either both controlling someone else or by or liberating them your memory affects stuff like identity who we are Well memory might be one of the big things that actually prevents us from becoming our higher self Because we're busy identifying with the past instead of the description of the isbe's is that they are Is and they be they're not space. They're not time. They're not personalities. They're not identities. They are creators Isn't that kind of what in the western spiritual conditions more be what a spirit is or a god being So Going to the past that the isbe's that we're self aware we're creating Technologies on this planet and they were considered to be godbeings and the stories that have carried down through oral traditions didn't realize that All sentient humans have those capacities the stories keep getting distorted so that we think that only Jesus was a god being or we think that only Some other famous entity was a god being but it's actually within our nature as conscious creator beings Have those powers decentralized god be well, Jesus It's hot that greater things will you do? I'm just coming to show you show you what you forgot you could do too This is Share the wealth you never meant for people to make this big religion Deifying him he wanted people to go within and find their own personal connection with the isbe Niss of themselves right and so the people that are Able to discern that the place to look is within Are not having the problems of the people who think that they have to control what other people believe Outside of themselves in order to force people to be on the same page and it's all of those tricks of taking Somebody like Jesus and that example of how to be a god being human And then tell all the stories about how he's the only one and we have to worship him And he did everything that could be done and the rest of us have to Suffered with our sins, you know, like the story gets told in a way that denies everyone else's Empowerments yeah, and your empowerment is to remember who you are if you're If an enlightened isbe you would be aware of how you connected with the living universe That is you and you were it and you're seeing yourself everywhere Yeah, and if you can allow yourself to Have original thoughts that did not get fed to you by someone who said you have to believe this But you can just use your own Detectors of truth to figure out does it ring true for you or not? Then it becomes your field of knowledge so you can build upon it and your unique Contribution of genius and intelligence can do something that only you can do right. Yeah own it be the change Yeah, it's sort of things right all those lessons come in in a different context First these days speaking of being the change. How bad if we be the sponsors? All right, very good. 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We have a little special little treat for you in this next segment We have terraza bell joining us who is actually going to elitis in a little blessing for the new year Welcome terraza to the show Just a little blessing for the new year Blessings for the new year Blessings for this new year Spirit of the new year We hear you call Spirit of the new year How you bless us all Bless us all We hear you call Spirit of the new year Bless us all 2020 For We are all blessed Oh Oh Oh Is Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Yeah Bless us Bless us Bless us Oh Thank you that was beautiful. You're such a such an angelic voice Thank you terraza Yeah, we've gone terraza for 25 years goddess temple The creek Frequency band you got a frequency band lost at last dancing sarin deep sarin deep. Oh, yeah great music That's what I first met tresa Was seren deep yeah was seren deep harben It harben hot springs really 2003 was that my end day out of time? That was the day you met the day out of time Yes, it's in there was video we video the whole thing it's a day out of time seren deep It's on youtube just put it in day out of time And I was hula hooping and videoing at the same time and that's when I first laid eyes on terraza And she was singing like that And she was singing in other languages and I was like just Channel other dimensions or something. Do you even know what languages they are? You know there There's no in particular just spirit just come through well just some spirit coming through Yeah after tresa sang And I knew what she was doing because I sometimes singing I speak in other languages I said, I know what you're doing and I spoke a little bit. I shut cut up I got in her ear and she looked at me. We looked at each other and we went I like them They understand So what he didn't say oh Yeah And And I think it's magical language Because a lot of times if you want to what you might call pray or are you you want to ask for something for somebody like Pray for him if they will A lot of times you don't know what to say You don't really like god bless them and their family and then but when you allow yourself to just Receive another language you can pray perfectly Because it's all about the words coming through you so you're allowing it to run through rather than Generating some intense Spirit yeah, and I had this thing happen to me They used to be in one of those churches where they all sing and have that language And one time I was doing it and it sounded like Chinese or Japanese to me I was like wow that really sounded very enthal and then on the way out lady came up to me and goes That was so beautiful where you learn how to speak mandarin chinese like that And she says I was just saying the most amazing things in mandarin chinese really made sense to her It was perfect mandarin she goes where you learn how to speak mandarin like that You've been there and I go wow, that's not that it sounded just not it sounded kind of Chinese But it's credible Is it more than voices like that they have like personalities behind them? Are they like people that you're not really thinking about it like mediums talk to the people on the other side that have passed Is it like that do you think people make up stories about it? But I don't yeah, so you say but you say give yourself permission to do that is You know what you're what I'm hearing from you here It's been a liberating prior series for both of you guys. I guess It just comes through you and yeah It's a way you can communicate with somebody just from your spirit and heart and and no mind or You know just direct connection Like we would sometimes go in a restaurant and just have this this about dala shugobe and people think we're speaking You know the sub on Really fun. They think we're speaking like the language and we'll just go around speaking in this made-up language It's just channeling it's really fun and delightful And you just feel kind of like it trees your mind and you can connect in a deeper level than just words Because there's so many words in the world. So why not it's like a form of meditation But we're connecting and being active and just kind of fun with language kind of like chanting But it's even beyond chanting because chanting kind of know what the chants are yeah So that's just something me and halle do don't bring me people that do that Well, that's what we had in common. I think Different Talking about modern mysticism because I think all of us came from families where they had well established traditions of worship or of belief or of Practice right and yet all of us found our own way into our own practice of how to connect with The spirit of the divine. I know you guys you create incredible Transformational ceremonies you do it regularly. I know at least once a month at the barben And of course we had a beautiful ceremony where you sang and karma moffet played the bells To welcome in the new year and halle plays all kinds of amazing instruments guitar and keyboard and drums and harmonica Hundrum, yeah, and how are you guys seeing that as a sacred practice? Well, you just open yourself up to when people come to you and you're just present with where they're at And you just allow yourself to be present and stand in the gap for them And if somebody asks you to give them a blessing or something That's a really convenient time to do it Because it just costs on my car today. So yeah, why the yet again? And you can see them just like they're going wow And you know what I wouldn't say something about when it's coming through me I actually feel like I know I'm saying something real and important And I somehow I feel like I have an understanding of exactly what it is I can feel the energy of it But I couldn't speak of what it is in human terms So it's more like when you're in a dream and the world makes sense and you're in a world that makes sense to that dream being Exactly, but you couldn't come and explain it to somebody when you come out of a say a journey of some sort Sometimes it's hard to come back and explain that to people because no terms for it Oh, yeah, when my mother was passing We held hands and we were she lifted my eyes and she went to this other language And we just did this transmission back and forth and I was holding her hands as she passed and she spoke Such an empowerment. It just I feel like I was such a transformation, but it was not an English language or it was just Your jobbers whatever Yeah, but it was her final connection message And Celestine when she was in the hospital to leave her body Gave me a head or a call me and we just spoken that language back and forth or I feel like forever And I got this huge transmission from Celestine that was not in English words because Celestine knew that language too and especially when she was close to leaving her body Really so real meaning came through real meaning. I felt completely a transformation Both with my mother when they're passing and Celestine and some other people you wouldn't know maybe but these two was very powerful So yeah a lot of times people when they're gonna go on their transition, they will speak in this other language Just comes from my experience. I don't know how many other people have experienced That's just you know, that's just but maybe yeah different for everybody. No one's the same. You know I didn't have a verbal experience with my mom, but after she passed I had What felt like a hug from her light body. I definitely felt a rainbow energy that just surrounded me with love And said goodbye Yeah So what would you like to see for the new year? just Suffering to cease there's been like so much suffering that end of suffering and a suffering peace and our hearts People able to forgive just more love more light like Richard says more joy More all those positive Everything that we love more and more more and less Sway too much suffering and sorrow and for good reasons Let's live our lives so that we can help each other eliminate that from our lives and help each other Yeah, we're all like healers for one another that's for sure And you coming in spending these magical days with us Yeah, but it's having challenging times and these sun and owl have been so Healing their energy with us has been completely healing for what some things we've been going through some challenges So we thank you and we love you so much. You are always always welcome. There's your gold room There We're a special love. Yeah Was built for people that we love like that was made for you. It's a special. Well, thank you That's your palace. It's great views and it's great bathroom So special for us to be here with you I am just in awe at the Incredible beauty that you live both of you and when I come into this zone with you. I just feel elevated Yeah, we'll be created together 40 acres of mini Disney land after our own part literally Never stops. Yeah, you know just the waterfalls The cave the stalacta cave for the angel mermaid to live in and Like the angel mermaid. I think the angel mermaid. So various food with the quanyin that we got from harben hot springs We have a lot of things that we got from ideas because I love to sit in quany quanyin So my birthday I was given a quanyan garden that he made And he can go in the hot the hot pool. We can have a watsu pool that holly made all by himself Yes, yes, yes, that's it's and so it's like a little mini harben, but more peaceful Yeah, and more elements too. We're like we had a big fire in the rain the night of all your years eve to start the night off right and it was a little bit of everything because How they had this beautiful outdoor camp camping fire all built so all he had to do was hit it with his giant blowtorch Which is really an amazing way to start a fire It's a cheater way of doing it but it works And then we enjoyed the fire for maybe half an hour 40 minutes and the sky was just crystal full of stars and beautiful And then it started to rain just a little bit Just enough to kind of give us a warning and by then some of the people from the airbnb had come and joined us And we were getting to know them a little bit wishing each other happy new year And then I looked up and the perfectly clear sky was totally cloudy And then it started being more serious about raining and then we all Left the fire didn't even need to look back because it was perfect Like we had had the fire and then we had the rain And then we went up for just being together in music And I would say that when we come up here, we don't feel like as much we need to go to like carbon anymore because we have your place That's so cool better than carbon. Yeah, that's what the airbnb people So they didn't want to leave here. I would say It's just different work. Yeah, there's no rules and stuff, but we love Yes, we love arbine, but yeah, that we're like another option Yeah, another option on the menu. We like it for when people come here. It's not just an airbnb It's a whole experience. You came to you came to bliss mountain It wasn't a special ranch because it was on Jerusalem grade road And we just said well, we want the name to reflect what the feelings that this place brings And I just first thing in our heads was blissful blissful blissful And when you look right across the valley, you see the mountain bliss mountain. It totally makes sense Yeah, we just want people to walk away from here just feeling completely blissed out And we whacked and they just had a big adventure One minute everybody Let's say our one blessing yeah one blessing and your website address one more time The website address is bliss m t in dot com But if you just say bliss mountain dot com on Google on the speaker it just comes right to our thing goes right to where is bliss mountain dot com Thank you. He's a little working on it. All right. Hi scores in 2024 Love from the core Everything great and better and more Yeah, let's let's hear that bell now And so it shall be Happy Guys for being on the show. Thank you Bobby be in there. Yeah, it's great. Yeah, it is Bobby's and Join your vacation there you'll be back next week I'll be back Thursday night. All right. Hey, say night. All right. So I'll be back soon. All right. Well, thanks Thanks guys. Night everyone. Yeah, thank you Farewell. Yeah, I'm love you Good to see you brother. Bless you. Happy new year. Come see us soon